Tuesday, December 20, 2016

USA: VW ready to have 20,000 Diesel cars to buy back – NDR.de

status: 20.12.2016 21:53 PM

for Months, it took the Volkswagen group and the authorities in the United States have found a compromise for the car with the exhaust-manipulations affected the 3.0-litre diesel engines. Now, on Tuesday evening, comes the message from the San Francisco, California: VW have agreed to, repurchases 20,000 of the 80,000 vehicles. The competent judge Charles Breyer said at a hearing. After he had agreed to on Friday, none of the parties put forward a proposal and then a hearing Monday on Tuesday postponed the agreement had been, now. And, the car maker from Wolfsburg for the rest of the 60,000 cars with illegal exhaust technology first get the Chance to Rufrufaktion. A technical re-equipment should fail, would need to be purchased the car. The comparison needs to be further negotiated by the court to be confirmed.

VW pays money to canadian diesel driver

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VW and Audi need to pay in Canada, € 1.5 billion to around 105,000 owners of cars with 2-Liter diesel engines. A comparison for the manipulated 3-Liter engines in the United States.

callback VW could save a lot of money

For the compromise of the affected vehicles in the generations are divided into: From VW for older VW Toureg and Audi Q7 model years have to be offered in 2009 to 2012, repurchases, according to the court. Customers are allowed to choose between buyback or recall and conversion, where a conversion is considered to be hopeless. In the case of the 60,000 to younger models, such as the Porsche Cayenne and several Audi sedans, in hopes of the Volkswagen-group, the banned exhaust-Software eliminate. This would save a lot of money. If such an Update is actually enough, the system will check according to the court, the US authorities. In addition to the Repurchases and repairs must pay the group $ 225 million in an environmental Fund. “A further step forward,” said a VW spokesman in Wolfsburg. The parties also worked to resolve the remaining issues.

How expensive it is? Details will be on Thursday

How expensive is it for the group, it is not yet clear. The repurchases could cost, according to experts, a further billion dollars. In the meantime, analysts were of significantly higher cost. The concerned car buyers should be compensated financially. Because even with the lawyers of the affected customers was achieved, according to judge Breyer,

an agreement in essential aspects. He spoke of the “substantial compensation” for the owners of Diesel vehicles. Further details will be given at a further hearing on Thursday.

Bosch agreed with plaintiffs


16.12.2016 18:00 PM

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The employees of the VW plant in Emden, go now into the Christmas holidays. And also for the coming year, the plant’s management announces short-time work. Video (01:01 min.)

Bosch as a supplier in the USA due to involvement in the exhaust gas charged with fraud, has made Breyer, also a comparison with the U.S. plaintiffs. Details of the US judge is not called first. Bosch no reply came yet. According to US media, the in-principle agreement could cost the German company more than 300 million euros.

agreement in Canada: 1.5 billion to customers

While customers and the group on the agreement between VW and the authorities had been waiting, was on Monday a billion-compared with class action plaintiffs in Canada. As the competition authority of the country to another in Ottawa, VW and its subsidiary Audi for the settlement of the dispute up to 1.5 billion euros to pay to a canadian car buyers.

conversion or buy-back?

judge Breyer wants the rigged cars as quickly as possible from the streets in the United States. So VW was instructed to bring the car with the Audi-developed engines by means of technical re-equipment in a compliant state, or by buying back from the market. In the case of the 2.0-Liter machines, the group had agreed to a comparison, which could cost up to 15.8 billion Euro.

for More information

Volkswagen has requested its plant in Emden. About 9,000 employees will be affected. In the US, a court has been busy again on Friday with the exhaust gas scandal. (17.12.2016)

In the Wake of the diesel affair in the case of VW, there are, according to the “Handelsblatt” new accusations from the United States. Accordingly, evidence should be resources, such as mobile phones of managers and E-Mails disappeared. (10.12.2016)

A media report, according to environmental authorities in the USA are VW plans for the conversion of the manipulated 3.0-litre diesel motors to be approved. The last word judge Charles Breyer, however. (15.11.2016)


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