Friday, December 30, 2016

Obituary of The inventor of the Ü-ice cream is dead Sü

The Italian William Salice has developed not only the Surprise, he was also involved in the invention of Nutella. Now he has died at the age of 83 years.

“daddy, come tonight not so late, Yes?” the child on the phone says. “You bring me something?” The father responds: “Maybe a little something.” “Auja”, exclaims the child. “What Is Exciting! And what to Play with! And Chocolate!” “Not really,” replies the father in the office. In the 25-year-old TV Spot of the man seems a bit overwhelmed (if the only knew what parents of Smartphone-the children of today are going through). Then he has the idea: “children’s surprise”. Because with a toy-filled chocolate Egg, “fulfills three wishes at once”.

in fact, it was the Ü-Egg, as it was known in professional circles, at that time a Sensation. In the 1970s, as the had to pre-decide growing between Playmobil and Play-Big and animated movies with the “Dux Elkino” looked at was the combination of brown-white chocolate and one in yellow plastic-encapsulated toy kit is a daily advent calendar. By vigorous Shaking, the buyer tried prior to payment to find out whether the contents corresponded to his ideas. After Opening he loved to meet his brothers and sisters with the ploppenden capsule lid, before he devoted himself to the Assembly of the Smurfs, cars, or gyroscopes.

the Surprise of the Italians, William Salice, an employee of the company Ferrero, which was a gorgeous fat spreads known Invented. However, Salice, a close associate of the founder, Michele Ferrero, and co-developer of Nutella, referred to himself – whether out of modesty or loyalty – never

as the inventor of the “kinder Sorpresa”. He called himself only the “exporter of an idea”. That in fact, he was the one in the conversion of the Paschal season, the article had a whole year world’s best selling critical percentage, the Bonus of 400 000 Euro, the him, his company paid. Salice founded a Foundation for the promotion of young talents.

of Course, there continues to be criticism of the Italian egg dish: children should be smothered parts of Toys; conditions of production of the Happy Hippos atrocious; the content used to be more original. But a success all over the world will stay until the end of 2017. Chocolate, game and excitement, it goes on and on. Sad only: William Salice has now closed in the Lombardy, Pavia at the age of 83 years, for always his eyes.

Taste of Childhood

celebrates Sticky-sweet and chocolaty: The nut-Nougat cream Nutella your 50. Birthday. Ferrero puts on the incorruption of his recipe for Success. However, in Italy it is afraid of the end of the family Empire. By Ulrike Sauer more…


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