Friday, December 30, 2016

Criticism of Gabriel and Schäuble: Ifo chief Fuest warns that 2017 is … – FOCUS Online


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the Ifo chief Clemens Fuest, a difficult year 2017 expected for savers. In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper, Fuest said: “It could be worst year for small savers for a long time.”

the Background is the rising Inflation, the growth in Germany to 1.5 percent, while interest rates remained far below that. Fuest explains: “This means that the assets of the citizens is no longer undermined strong how long.” To blame for this development, especially the low-interest-rate policy of the ECB. Germany will heavily discriminated against.

No money for patronage politics – “how the pension with 63″

Fuest is also reflected to the discussion of tax cuts in Germany. SPD chief Sigmar Gabriel had rejected such a proposal. Reason was, that the money for investments would be needed. Fuest believes that for tax cuts and enough money available. And more: “You just have to stop to throw it for clientele policy out of the window”. As an example, he cited the pension with 63.

criticism of Wolfgang Schäuble

Fuest also criticised Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. In view of the good economic situation, Germany must have “actually higher Surpluses”. Schäuble had made “no major contribution to the restructuring of the budget through reduction of government spending.” Its performance would be, however, is that not more money had been spent.

Also in the Video: Soros warns EU threatens to collapse like the Soviet Union 25 years ago

Soros warns: EU threatens to collapse like the Soviet Union 25 years ago



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