Friday, December 30, 2016

Railway wage dispute: Platzeck and Ramelow to finishing

railway and the train drivers ‘ Union have not done it again in a regular round of collective bargaining. Therefore, the arbitration begins. As a Simple two ran, the had one and a half years, success will.

As of 2015, solve, Bodo Ramelow and Matthias Platzeck as an Arbitrator in the dispute with Deutsche Bahn. Prime Minister of Thuringia, Ramelow (Left) has been named by the German train drivers Union (GDL) for this task. The former Brandenburg head of government Platzeck (SPD) was determined by the railway as a Mediator. With the help of both was in the summer of 2015, a compromise after a year’s engagement in a mediation has been found.

sticking point “leisure time”

In the current wage dispute, it is mainly a leisure of train drivers, Conductors and other employees of the train Crew, for the GDL negotiated. The Union said a week ago the Failure of collective bargaining, and initiated the arbitration. Both sides accused each other of lack of willingness to negotiate.


Until the end of the mediation process peace is a duty, the prohibition of strikes. In the next few days, Platzeck and Ramelow would arrange a first meeting after the Christmas break, shared with the railway. In accordance with the applicable agreement, the conciliation

Commission must meet within five business days after the appointment of the Chairman for the first time.

“is the goal of the GDL, and will remain, the load reductions and to achieve a genuine Five-day week followed by two days of leisure without labor disputes”, held on the GDL Chairman Claus Weselsky. The GDL members had sufficiently proved that they were at any time in the situation, their interests, including strikes, to enforce.

railway wants to bring to the mediation their latest offer to the GDL. Part of it, to test the GDL-model for the working hours “and to transfer in case of success, then, in the application of tariff regulations”. The company questioned the practicality of the GDL requirements. This led to a Four-day-a-week with full wage compensation, the railway.

About this theme tagesschau24 reported on 30. December 2016 at 17:40 and German radio on may 30. December 2016 to 13:00.


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