Sunday, October 30, 2016

Tesla CEO Musk unveils Solar roof tile – THE WORLD

date: 29.10.2016 read | write duration: 2 minutes

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Solar roof tiles before the

source: Reuters

After the electric-car in the Garage, and the giant battery in the house want to mount the head of Tesla’s Elon Musk is now Solar tiles on the roofs of its customers. The first such roofs are to be built in the summer.

source: Reuters

On E-car and giant battery now follows the Solar roof tiles: Tesla comes to the Vision of a electro-house getting closer and closer. The Acquisition of the company SolarCity to help. But the Deal still.

NOh, the E-car in the Garage, and the giant battery in the house, Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants to install as a third step, the Solar tiles on

the roofs of its customers. “This is, in a way, the built-in future,” said Musk in California at the launch of the new roof tiles.

These are supposed to last longer and provide better insulation than the usual roofs in the United States. In addition, conventional Solar Panels would be superfluous. The goal of solar roofs, which look better than a regular roof, produce electricity, last longer, better insulation, and less cost than a regular roof, and the electricity," said Musk.

The first such roofs should be built in the summer, said Musk on the site of the Universal Studios theme Park near Los Angeles.

Illustration of a Garage with a solar roof In the coming summer, Tesla wants to implement the Plan

Illustration of a Garage with a solar roof In the coming summer, Tesla wants to implement the Plan

source: REUTERS/X80002

the solar panels would have to be “just as attractive” as electric cars, said Tesla CEO, whose cars are now being driven by many cash-rich customers, including Hollywood Stars and entrepreneurs from California’s Silicon Valley. In addition, he introduced a new Version of the power wall home battery.

criticism of the takeover plans

Musk owns the majority of the electric car pioneer Tesla as well as solar company SolarCity, Tesla for $ 2.6 billion (2.3 billion euros).

The Acquisition of SolarCity by Tesla, however, is not yet secured. It was agreed the time of purchase. However, several shareholders of Tesla’s claims, however, because Musk is also involved in SolarCity, and in the management of both companies, councils sitting. The shareholders accuse him of, therefore, the interest of fusion.

Musk was on Friday, once again, for the merger of the two companies. Otherwise, it would be to implement the market introduction of new solar roofs are difficult, he said. The vote on the purchase is for the 17. November planned. Tesla had recently announced the first profit in three years.


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