For the current quarter was Apple, with a turnover of between 76 and 78 billion dollars (69,78 up 71,62 billion euros) in view. In the prior-year quarter, Apple came on revenue of EUR 75.9 billion dollars. At the same time, this business will be a quarter of a year of Apple one week longer than the prior-year quarter – which means more sales. Apple was, as usual, no forecast for iPhone sales. The traders were not impressed: shares of Apple lost after hours of 2.79 percent.
In the last quarter of the year with the launch of the iPhone 7, the descent went even further. Revenue fell year-on-year nine per cent to 46,85 billion dollars, as Apple announced after U.S. market close on Tuesday. The profit fell in the end of September completed in the fourth quarter
The just-completed fiscal year is the first since 2001, Apple ended with a decline in sales. The revenues fell 7.7 percent to 215,64 billion dollars. Profit for the year fell by a good 14 per cent to 45.7 billion dollars, a figure that casts a shadow on the year of Apple.

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