Wednesday, October 26, 2016

San Francisco: a judge agrees with the VW comparison, in the exhaust-scandal – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The Volkswagen group has taken a major step in the legal processing of the affair to the exhaust gas manipulations of diesel engines. A court in San Francisco has approved on Tuesday the billions of dollars in comparison, the VW with consumers, and various American authorities. The competent judge Charles Breyer said the agreement was “fair, adequate and reasonable,” and it was “in the best interest” of the plaintiff. His agreement allowed it to VW now, a variety of lawsuits in America settle.

Roland Lindner author: Roland Lindner, an economic correspondent in New York.

Hinrich Woebcken, the American boss of VW, called the judge’s decision “an important milestone on our journey, the right things in the United States.” VW will now ensure that the comparison for the affected customers “as seamless as possible” to implement it. The approval was widely expected.

judge Breyer had already said last week at a hearing, he tended strongly to give the agreement his blessing. He just wanted to examine the objections that opponents of the settlement at the hearing, have delivered. The comparison was originally closed back in June. It has a volume of 15.3 billion dollars. Later, an agreement with car dealers over a payment of $ 1.2 billion. Alone to the owner of the manipulations affected cars up to 10 billion dollars will be spent.

you should be able to decide whether to sell their vehicles to VW, or whether you let the car repair. In addition, you will get a cash compensation of between 5100 and 10,000 dollars. These conditions are met on the side of the consumer, apparently with General approval.

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At the hearing, the plaintiffs said lawyers, more than 330,000 owner of the affected VW models would have registered, in order to accept the settlement. Only 3200 have declared to the offer do not

accept. Opponents of the settlement had called for the hearing last week that VW buys the affected cars for the originally paid price and not the value before the manipulations are agreed, as in the comparison.

with this comparison, the VW was not, however, brings the exhaust gas affair in America still completely behind. A great threat to the criminal investigation, which leads the American Ministry of justice.

From the clean car to dirty scandal Volkswagen chronicle: From the clean car to dirty scandal Interactive

here, Too, must adjust itself to the VW once again in to a billion penalty. In addition, the now-approved comparison extends only to the 480,000 cars with Two-Liter engine, which have been classified in the detection of the scandal little more than a year as manipulated. A solution for a smaller group of 85,000 cars with Three-Liter engine is not found. On 3. November will be held in San Francisco, a further hearing, and judge Breyer has made it clear that he expects a quick agreement on the outstanding issues. VW itself announced on Tuesday to continue working on a solution for the Three-Liter cars.


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