Saturday, October 29, 2016

F. A. S. exclusive: Gabriel warns China – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Before his trip to China, Sigmar Gabriel.

Prior to the start of his trip to China has warned the Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), its host to degrade the conditions for German investors. “The Chinese investment rules make it increasingly difficult to invest there,” said Gabriel of the F. A. S. “If China wants to get the Status of a market economy, then it must be so.” Needed the same treatment and conditions were on both sides.

The Minister is on break this Monday to a five-day trip to Asia. After talks with the Chinese leadership, he will attend the Asia-Pacific conference of German business, the end of the week in Hong Kong

More about

F. A. S. More on this in the Sunday newspaper from the 30.10.2016. On the eve in the F. A. S. App and as an E-Paper.

Sharper test for mergers and Acquisitions?

In the debate about the Adoption of German technology companies by Chinese investors, Gabriel announced a new Initiative at European level for more stringent test procedures. So must be clarified in each individual case about who the Investor is, or whether a state Fund to pay totally inflated prices.

The current withdrawal of an already issued approval for the Acquisition of the electronics company, Aixtron Gabriel referred to, however, as a special case. Here German security interests might be affected. To not want to the exact reasons behind the Minister’s comment, however.

hope for a new beginning with Hillary Clinton

Also, Gabriel looks at the electoral success of state Hillary Clinton still good prospects for German-American trade agreement. “With Mrs. Clinton, there is a Chance to renew the cooperation with Europe,” Gabriel said

of the F. A. S. “This would be useful also in the terms of trade agreement.”

At the same time, the Minister reiterated, however, his assessment that an agreement with the outgoing President, Barack Obama would not have been possible. In the beginning of the year provided him with Obama in a conversation clear that the Americans wanted to give in to any significant point. Already months ago the Minister of economic Affairs, had declared the agreement a failure and so that in industrial circles, as well as Parts of the coalition partner CDU for indignation.

After the unification of the English-canadian trade agreement Ceta showed Gabriel is confident that, following ratification of the national parliaments and methods will agree. This Sunday, canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is coming to Brussels, together with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk to sign the contract. On Friday, the Walloon regional Parliament had approved the agreement, and thus cleared the way. Belgium is the only EU country, in the before the have to agree to signing all of the parliaments of such agreement.

The entire Interview with Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel read in the Sunday newspaper from the 30.10.2016 – on the eve in the F. A. S. App and as an E-Paper.

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the whole of The F. A. Z. is now also in the Web, with additional images, Videos, graphics. Click here for the Test.




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