Monday, October 31, 2016

Daimler-Chef Zetsche contradicts Gabriel – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche: “As it was called, some time ago, the Chinese steal and copy. This is nonsense."

Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche has spoken out against the obstruction of Chinese investment in Europe. Thus, it is at odds with economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), wants to protect Europe against unwanted Chinese Acquisitions. “Who is going to determine the criteria for an unpleasant Investor?”, Zetsche asked in an Interview with the “Handelsblatt”. “The strength of Germany as an industrial location is therefore that the economy and the state are largely separated. This separation we should also," said the Daimler chief.

The discussion on the protection of

German companies is rekindled after the Acquisition of the robot manufacturer Kuka and prevented acquisition of the equipment manufacturer Aixtron by Chinese companies. Zetsche, however, holds nothing of the attempt, with the laws of the Chinese from the German market. “If I pull fences high, then the firm will be tired and sluggish.”

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The Daimler-chief refers in this context to the experience with the patent. “As it was called, some time ago, the Chinese steal and copy. This is nonsense. China educates more engineers than we are," said Zetsche. “The country therefore has a high self-interest to protect patents.” China is in addition to the United States, the largest sales market for Daimler.


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