Sunday, October 23, 2016

States or the EU Commission? Who is to blame for the Ceta debacle? –

Brussels/Berlin. The negotiations on the trade agreement Ceta a halt and there’s not much time left. But who is responsible for the delay?

Seven years of intensive negotiations – and The Belgian province of Wallonia blocked the free trade agreement Ceta with the European Union, with Canada and the canadian trade Minister, Chrystia Freeland to the resigned statement, the EU is not currently able to conclude international treaties.

Without the green light of the Region cannot agree, the Federal government of Belgium Ceta. The EU needs to sign the agreement, the agreement of all 28 member States. On Saturday, a complete Failure could be prevented. The crisis diplomacy is continuing.

But, after the child nearly fell into the fountain, put the parties Involved on the European side each other with accusations. Federal Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) has rejected the criticism of the German EU-Commissioner Günther Oettinger (CDU) at its approach in the Ceta negotiations. “That I otherwise quite estimated EU-Commissioner Günther Oettinger is also one of those who keep the technocratic by timpani of trade agreements is correct, I regret very much,” Gabriel said to this newspaper. “This antiquated understanding of EU-Technokratentum is what Europe destroyed,” Gabriel said.

Oettinger: “blame the States”

Oettinger had previously made Gabriel for the difficulties of the free trade agreement is partly responsible. “Blame the member States who want to drag the topic. Ministers of individual member States to negotiate to Canada is absurd." Oettinger reiterated that he meant Gabriel.

Gabriel, in turn, the EU-Commission is not in front of like. “It is the ignorance of some representatives of the European Commission to the questions and Concerns of the population, have made the conclusion of agreements such as the Ceta is so difficult and continue to make it difficult,” SPD Chairman.

Germany have ensured its talks with Canada and many other EU member States such as Austria and the Netherlands in the first place, that the Ceta agreement will be able, he explained. “At least for the EU-Commission itself. While the new social-liberal government in Canada found, for example, the German proposals, all of which had to the EU-Commission will always be borne back to the ‘Hunt’”, criticized the Minister of economy.

European Parliament President

But there is still hope. “I’m very optimistic that we will find a solution,” said EU Parliament President Martin Schulz (SPD) on Saturday after a short scheduled

Meeting with the Walloon government, chief Paul Magnette, Brussels. And Magnette says after the conversation with Schulz, it is not more negotiations with the Canadians, but on the European side.

“We still have some little problems among us Europeans, and that is why you have to work now and talk about it.” A solution will still need some time, says the Walloon government chief. “But our discussions were very useful and have already led to a significant improvement of the text.”

Previously had spoken to Schulz with the canadian trade Minister, Chrystia Freeland. According to the Federal Ministry for economic Affairs Gabriel has been able to move, not to leave, and the interview with Schulz. It is an internal matter for the EU to clarify the remaining questions, says Schulz after the Meeting in Brussels. “We hope we can make next Thursday the signature.” Then, a EU-Canada summit is being planned.

critics fear negative consequences for consumers

Canada, Too, is according to the words of the free lands to the signing of Ceta ready. “We have done our Job, now it is up to the EU to make,” she says after the Meeting with Schulz. “I hope that I can return in a few days with my Prime Minister, the agreement, as planned, on 27. October to sign."

The Green MEP Ska Keller calls for a Change in the whole of the EU trade policy. Not only in Wallonia, but in many Parts of Europe, there is resistance against Ceta, says the cellar in the Germany radio. “The Chaos that we have now, finally, a Change in trade policy as a whole.”

agreements, promises economic growth for both sides

With the Ceta are to be removed, rooms, tariffs and other trade barriers between the two large economy in order to create economic growth and Jobs. Critics in Europe fear but, among other negative consequences for consumers. The EU had supplemented Ceta finally, with additional explanations. For example, German concerns have been allayed so far, that the Federal government could under-write. During the summit on Thursday and Friday, the EU had introduced the Commission and the several States as an intermediary, so that Belgium is able to support the agreement.

Christian guy, and Knut Pries


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