AT&T and Time Warner want to buy, the companies agree. Now the U.S. Senate announces, to consider the proposed Acquisition. Also the presidential candidates to sign a doubt.
Leading US politicians have expressed reservations about the Takeover of the media group Time Warner by AT&T. Hillary Clinton, presidential candidate of the U.S. Democrats, demanded, according to its spokesman, Brian Fallon, an “accurate Review” of the deal by US competition authorities. There are a number of “issues and concerns”, said Fallon.
Clinton’s rival, Donald Trump announced, prior to the agreement that his government would not approve the deal. “Such Deals are destroying the democracy,” Trump said in a speech in the US state of Pennsylvania.
A spokesman for the Chairman of the competition Committee in the U.S. Senate, Mike Lee, announced for later this year, a hearing in the Senate to convene. The democratic U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders called on the government of Barack Obama, the Deal – he meant “higher costs and less choice for the American people”.
AT&T announced the purchase of Time Warner for 85.4 billion dollars. The boards of both companies have approved the business, acting unanimously, announced AT&T. Including the debt that the buyer assumes, is the sum of 108.7 billion dollars.
The projects have yet to agree to the competition authorities. AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson expressed confidence in the potential concerns of the regulatory authorities to address it. “It’s not a competitor out of the market, there are no restrictions of competition caused by the merger of these two companies,” he said.
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