Monday, October 24, 2016

Brand index: customers don’t care who stores, buys the Tengelmann- – economic week

Who buys Kaiser’s-Tengelmann-stores? The customers will find Edeka, as well as Rewe as well and have no clear preference. Nevertheless, both brands from their point of view is currently not good.

Although the supermarket chain Kaiser’s-Tengelmann is pretty beat, particularly Edeka and Rewe interest in some branches, or even to take all of them. The permission of the Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, would allow Edeka to buy everything. Rewe, especially in the Person of the Chairman of the management Board Alain Caparros, argues against Edeka would then be too large. Rewe also wants to be allowed to branches.

Behind the tactics of negotiations, personal and aversion, court decisions, Ministerial approval and, hopefully, not least the future of the employees. What the customers want, plays probably no role – after all, every group Manager should be convinced that it is precisely his own offer, the customers appreciate the most.

That’s true, of course, not quite, also shows our YouGov brand monitor brand index. With him, we can query the preferences of the customers and the show: you are so pretty no matter whether the branches of Kaiser’s and Tengelmann will soon be provided with a Rewe or Edeka sign.

The struggle for the future of Kaiser’s Tengelmann. After the Discount chain Norma also Significantly wants to withdraw his complaint against the Minister’s permission. Yet more than a glimmer of hope.

Edeka and Rewe equal to many customers

For the fire index, we asked consumers who, in the last half-year, indicate at the Emperor's shopping, what foods trader you generally considered. Rewe is located here, with three percentage points in the distance in front of Edeka. If you look at, however, for what brand the customer of the Emperor’s would to decide in concrete terms, what would be your first choice, Edeka clearly in front of the Rewe.

in contrast, the result of the survey of current Tengelmann customers. Here, Rewe, as well as Edeka are currently neck and neck when it comes to the question of which grocery retailers is the first choice for the next purchase. In short: most customers would be quite satisfied if some of the branches to Edeka, would Rewe to, but Edeka can play an advantage, just under the Emperor's customers.

The impasse at Kaiser’s Tengelmann

  • 7. October 2014

    The retail group Tengelmann shares his supermarkets to Edeka sell. Of the remaining approximately 450 Kaiser’s-Tengelmann-stores, the write for years in the red, should go up mid-2015 to the German market leader.

  • 1. April 2015

    The Federal cartel office under the Edeka says the Takeover. The authority feared price increases and less competition.

  • 29. April 2015

    Tengelmann and Edeka does not want to accept the Veto of the cartel office. You can apply for a so-called Ministerial approval for the merger.

  • 17. March 2016

    economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) gives the green light for the Acquisition under harsh conditions. So Edeka must guarantee the preservation of more than 15 000 Jobs at Kaiser’s Tengelmann for at least seven years.

  • 21. March 2016

    Edeka-competitor Rewe invests in state superior court in Düsseldorf against the Ministerial approval, as well as Distinctive and Norma.

  • 12. July 2016

    The high court stops the Ministerial approval, on a provisional basis. The exemption of Gabriel is illegal. He was self-conscious in the process and not neutral behavior.

  • 13. July 2016

Gabriel accuses the court of serious dereliction of duty. The judgment contained false statements.

  • 4. August 2016

    Edeka legally against the stop of the merger by the court of appeal. The company submits an appeal to the Federal court of justice (BGH). The Supreme court wants it at 15. November decide.

  • 8. August 2016

    Gabriel law creates a remedy against the decision of the court. It is also to be in the middle of November decided. Kaiser’s Tengelmann is out of time.

  • 22. September 2016

    The heads of Tengelmann, Edeka and Rewe, as well as representatives of Verdi want to meet a rescue call.

  • 23. September 2016

    The Supervisory Board of Kaiser’s Tengelmann to advise in the face of high losses on the closure of branches and the removal of thousands of jobs. In order for the Deal with Edeka would burst and the chain is probably broken.

  • 6. October 2016

    For a second summit, the supermarket bosses agree on, surprisingly, the Edeka competitors withdraw their action and, thus, open the way for the Takeover. Give yourself time to 17. October.

  • 13. October 2016

    The negotiations between the heads of Tengelmann, Edeka, Rewe and Verdi have failed. The supermarket chain is now broken. On the evening of Tengelmann, the owner of Karl-Erivan Haub prepares the employees to the loss of many jobs.

  • striking a development, is among the customers of Kaiser’s is particularly clear: In the case of the indication for which brand you specifically, would decide that there was in the summer, a reversal of the trend. At the beginning of the year Rewe was still quite clearly in front of Edeka. Starting in the spring, however, a clear tendency to favor Edekas, so that since June, more and more people claim to want, specifically, in the case of Edeka shopping, as this is the case Rewe the case.

    Acquisition by Edeka will be as positive news

    Similar to the Buzz that represents how negative or positive messages are perceived as a brand. Edeka has lost considerably after the beginning of July, has been stopped by a court, the Takeover of the Emperor’s Tengelmanns by Edeka. That Edeka wanted to take over the ailing supermarket chain, had regarded the consumer as a positive message, presumably because it is a job guarantee for the employees of Kaiser’s Tengelmann.

    The supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann controls on the smashing. What happens to the stores and the employees? The most important answers, how to do it in the traditional dealer now.

    Now the subject of news about a Back-and-Forth dispute between the Tengelmann boss Karl-Erivan Haub and Rewe management Board Alain Caparros, Edekas the request of the Takeover, Rewes Blockade, the courts, the decision in this case, and thousands of jobs may be at risk dominate.

    All of the rows that are Involved: The Buzz of Tengelmann and Kaiser provide not a very positive impact's crashed with -33 points. And Edeka and Rewe each 9 Buzz points is currently so bad a Talking point since the middle of August. Thus, in the fierce competition nowadays so important – the image of the retailer values will not be damaged in the longer term, should get all the parties Involved in the issue as soon as possible from the table.


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