The catalogue of failure is only three pages long: 102 branches of the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann between Mülheim an der Ruhr and Frechen near Cologne, will be listed therein. Interested parties should mark those stores, “please”, you want to copy, and the paper by Wednesday at the Tengelmann Headquarters. The will then provide you with a “short term answer”, – stated in the documents, the fate of thousands of people
you can seal your last hope: A conciliation procedure with the former Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, to avert the destruction of the malignant supermarket chain. On the proposal of the Federal Minister for economic Affairs Sigmar Gabriel and the Verdi Chairman Frank Bsirske had agreed Edeka, Tengelmann and Rewe today on such a procedure, informed the Ministry of economic Affairs on Monday evening. The rival Edeka, Rewe and Tengelmann are back at the negotiating table. However, whether the Schröder-Coup to succeed is anything but certain.
the heads of The retail chains have played poker in the past months, according to executives raked and high, the atmosphere is poisoned. In addition, it is not only the purchase of the Kaiser-Tengelmann branches, other interests are likely to play in the upcoming Mediation sessions, and Schröder could require diplomatic skill, in order to achieve a compromise. Thus, the findings in the course of the negotiations will have an impact.
last Chance
How hardened the fronts, was a discussion of the economic week with the Rewe boss Alain Caparros, a week ago. Caparros sat at the large conference table in his office on the fourth floor of the Cologne-based Rewe Headquarters, and spoke in a Rage. “A Disaster” was what came out of the negotiations to date to Kaiser’s Tengelmann. Tengelmann, the owner of the Haub he certifies the behavior of a “sun king”, Edeka CEO Markus Mosa plain “stubbornness”. Caparros, respectively. Again.
The open issues to arbitration in the case of Kaiser’s Tengelmann
What is Schroeder’s attempt for the workers?
at Least a bit of hope. The negotiations between Tengelmann, Edeka and Rewe rails last completely stuck. And to move the main brawlers, Tengelmann’s owner, Karl-Erivan Haub and Rewe chief Alain Caparros a turn, you probably need someone with negotiating experience and the personal charisma of the former German Chancellor. Now there is a real Chance for an agreement, says Verdi boss Frank Bsirske. A shortcoming, however, is that Schröder is with the theme of retail. But he gets backing from the longtime Chairman of the Council of experts, Bert Rürup.
What is the biggest Problem that Schröder has to solve?
After Norma and Striking want to withdraw their complaints against the Ministerial approval for the Takeover of Kaiser’s Tengelmann back, it is all a question of a compromise with Rewe. Because as long as Rewe holds in his lawsuit against the Ministerial approval for the merger of Edeka and Kaiser’s Tengelmann, changes to the legal
Why Rewe doesn’t withdraw his suit?
The trade group to secure its position in the market. The rival Edeka is by far Germany’s largest food retailers, and Rewe do not want to lose further ground. Exactly this would happen in the case of a Takeover of Kaiser’s Tengelmann, by the market leader. It’s not just about the Image, but also purchase conditions and competitiveness. Because the larger a dealer is, the more favourable shopping he can impose prices on the producers.
How could a compromise look like?
the First ideas for this were already at the summit meeting of the heads of Tengelmann, Edeka and Rewe, under the mediation of the trade Union Verdi, a few weeks ago. At the time, the idea was in the room, Rewe, Emperor, could s’-Tengelmann stores in the Metropolitan area of Berlin and in North Rhine-Westphalia, accept, Edeka, however, business in Munich and upper Bavaria, as Rewe chief Alain Caparros told recently.
And why was it nothing?
there are a number of reasons. The legal hurdles, to implement such a division are substantial. So the Minister’s permission provides for a transfer of the branches actually only in individual cases. On the other, would have a major say in the Acquisition of numerous stores by Rewe, the German Federal cartel office again. These risks make it difficult to reach an agreement.
there Is no other possibility of Compromise?
But. Theoretically, you could Rewe with a million payment to accept. But Caparros has rejected such an agreement yet. “We don’t need money. We fight to keep a critical size," he said recently.
What is the biggest obstacle to an agreement?
a lack of confidence. With Haub and Caparros, two strong personalities meet, their relationship is tainted by mistrust. Haub accuses the Rewe-chief of “destruction” and makes no secret of the fact that he considers the current offers of the Manager to the rescue of Kaiser’s Tengelmann for simply “frivolous”. Caparros accuses Haub, in turn, “as the” sun king, “perform” and to torpedo the search of a solution for its own business for years.
announced For Haub in October 2014, the sale of its supermarkets to Edeka, has that been going on. With Verve argued, grumbled, and Rewe-chief complained against the Deal. And brought him eventually to The complete takeover by Edeka is achieved from the table, the most important objective from the point of view of Rewe. Nevertheless, Caparros was contrite. “It is bitter,” he said. Thousands of jobs could be cut at Kaiser’s Tengelmann, although the Parties would have negotiated in the rescue talks in recent weeks about “significantly better” solutions.

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