Sunday, October 23, 2016

Edeka Also Significantly withdraws lawsuit against Tengelmann Takeover – TIME ONLINE

The 16,000 employees of the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann have come to the preservation of their jobs. After the Discount chain Norma is also the competitor to Significantly have now prepared the way to a sale of the deficit over the company Edeka-free, said Tengelmann, the owner of Karl-Erivan Haub on Sunday evening. About the Details of your agreement, Tengelmann and Striking have agreed not to disclose.

But only if Rewe as the third competitor gives his consent, it is allowed to Edeka take on the supermarket chain as a Whole. This is not possible, want to Haub smash the company; he held offers from interested parties in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The hurdles to an agreement are high: Rewe CEO Alain Caparros is fighting against Haubs Plan to sell all of the Tengelmann branches of Edeka. In an Interview, he announced that his decision to withdraw, if his company, “get a large part of the branch network of” Kaiser’s Tengelmann”. With money payments, this Problem was not solved.

article__item"> Haub called the total takeover is the only Chance to get all 16,000 jobs. A condition of Gabriel’s Ministerial approval, is that all the employees of Kaiser’s Tengelmann to get after the Acquisition, a five-year job guarantee.

Kaiser’s Tengelmann operates in the Metropolitan area of Berlin, in Munich and upper Bavaria and in North Rhine-Westphalia, with its 400 stores. The chain makes up for years of losses. Haub had therefore you want to Edeka sell, but the Federal cartel office stopped reasons these plans from competition. Whilst it’s Tengelmann and Edeka, after months of struggle to overturn the Veto by a Ministerial permit, however, after complaints from Rewe, Norma and Distinctive, the higher regional court of Düsseldorf put you provisionally in force.


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