European Parliament President Schulz are CETA is not yet lost. After a conversation with the Walloon Minister-President and the canadian trade Minister, he radiates optimism: The Wallonia just need a little time.
In Brussels, there is again hope for a successful conclusion of the European-canadian trade agreement CETA. “I’m very optimistic that we will find a solution,” said EU Parliament President Martin Schulz after a short scheduled Meeting with the Walloon government, chief Paul Magnette, Brussels.
Previously had spoken to Schulz with the canadian trade Minister, Chrystia Freeland. It is an internal matter for the EU to clarify the remaining questions, said Schulz after the Meeting. “We hope we can make next Thursday the signature.” Since then, an EU-Canada summit scheduled.
The already between the EU and Canada negotiated the CETA threatens to fail on the last meters, as the Belgian Region of Wallonia locks. Without the green light of the Region, the Federal government of Belgium, the CETA cannot agree. The EU needs to sign the agreement, however the agreement of all 28 member States.
Magnette: “We need time”
“We still have a few small difficulties,” said Magnette. The Walloon regional government is afraid of, among other things, the erosion of Social and environmental standards. She wanted to “guarantees”, said the socialist head of government. It will still takes some time.
in Canada, according to the words of his trade Minister, Freeland, as before, to the signing of CETA ready. “We have done our Job, now it is up to
Gabriel warns of Failure
Federal Minister of Economics, Sigmar Gabriel, warned insistently of a Failure of the CETA. “It is an intra-European and intra-Belgian Problem and not a Problem in Canada. CETA is an excellent agreement, and it must not fail because of the inability of Europe to find a regional balance of interests.” The SPD-politician proposed to postpone the EU-Canada summit, due to CETA dispute if necessary. So more time could be gained for negotiations.
The EU had negotiated the trade Pact, over the years, under the leadership of the EU Commission of Canada and, most recently, with additional explanations added. So, not the least of German concerns have been allayed so far, that the Federal government could under-write. Last were introduced during the EU summit on Thursday and Friday, the EU Commission and several member States as a mediator, so that Belgium is able to support the agreement.

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