Monday, October 24, 2016

Adoption dispute – the former Chancellor Schröder is seeking a solution for Kaiser’s Tengelmann Sü


  • former Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) is intended to act as Arbitrator in the dispute over the sale of the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann.
  • Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) and the Verdi Chairman Frank Bsirske had proposed, it said.
  • The Ministry and the trade Union stated that in addition, Bert Rürup as consultants.

The former Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) is intended to act as Arbitrator in the dispute over the sale of the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann. The arbitration proceedings shall serve the purpose of smashing the supermarket chain to avert. Karl-Erivan Haub, the owner of Kaiser’s Tengelmann, had started at the beginning of last week, the sale of individual supermarkets. Haub was alone referred to in North Rhine-Westphalia up to 60 of the more than 100 markets as unsaleable. Several thousand jobs will be in danger.

The smashing of Tengelmann is a Chance

Even if it is for the employees bitter: The break-up of the company follows the rules of the market economy and could end up being beneficial. comment by Jan Willmroth more …

Gabriel and Verdi-Chairman Bsirske had Schröder proposed

Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) and the Chairman of the trade Union Verdi, Frank Bsirske, had Schröder proposed, it said. The CEO of Edeka, Tengelmann and Rewe should have agreed to the proposal. They also agreed that for the duration of the procedure, Tengelmann-stores will be sold to third parties.

As a consultant, will be consulted Bert Rürup as the longtime Chairman of the expert Council, informed the Ministry of economy and Verdi. The aim of the mediation is “to enable, on the basis of the Ministerial approval, in a timely manner a balancing of interests between the Parties”.

Gabriel had approved in March by the Ministerial approval, the Takeover of Kaiser’s Tengelmann by Edeka, the largest food retailer in Germany, under the condition that 16 000 jobs at Kaiser’s Tengelmann are protected for the duration of five years. Rewe had lodged before the higher

regional court in Düsseldorf, and thus the completion of the Acquisition for the time being, stopped.

Two other plaintiffs, the Discounter Norma, and the trading cooperation Markant, announced, in the meantime, your complaints before the court to withdraw. Norma, this is already done. Both companies should receive “financial compensation”. At the last Meeting of the group leaders on 6. October was says Norma, in return for a waiver of the complaint, a compensation in the amount of sales to receive a volume of 150 million euros.

Thus, the permission enters into force, it must also take Rewe his action

The Ministerial approval, but can only enter into force and thus the preservation of the jobs will be guaranteed, if also Rewe pulls out his complaint back. So far, Rewe signaled no willingness to do so. On Monday, the group announced to be on solutions “both within and outside the Minister’s permission”. Rewe boss Alain Caparros stressed, to want a “fair distribution” of the remaining 400 stores of Kaiser’s Tengelmann in Germany. Specifically, Rewe is interested in the supermarkets of the chain in Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia.

the heads of The supermarket chains had already meet two of Verdi-mediated tip, unsuccessfully, to find a solution to the situation. Rewe should get access to markets in North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin, the Kaiser’s-Tengelmann-stores in Bavaria should be covered to Edeka. This proposal for a compromise had failed.

Tengelmann: thousands of hope to the head of the competitor

there Is last-Minute but still a Chance? To the chief of Rewe, the preservation of the jobs of Kaiser’s Tengelmann. By Markus Balser, Michael Kläsgen and Kristiana Ludwig more…


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