Monday, October 31, 2016

Euro wings and the Union are unable to agree on arbitration – THE WORLD

date: 07:11 PM | Reading time: 2 minutes

FFrankfurt/Main – Lufthansa subsidiary eurowings, another attempt failed in a mediation. The cabin Union Ufo have not adopted on Sunday evening after talks in Frankfurt a corresponding offer, the company said.

This was more than ever obvious that the trade-Union wool, neither to reach a negotiated solution is still a solution through a mediation of open collective bargaining issues, said Jörg Beißel, Director of human resources of the Euro wings. “Apparently, the UFO followed all the others, trade-Union, politically motivated goals.”

Ufo-collective expert Nicoley Baublies was surprised. He confirmed that the talks on Sunday evening led

to a result. However, he had announced a proposal for the next day to the group’s parent company Lufthansa. Ufo will discuss how to proceed now, accordingly. To expressed the possibility of new strikes Baublies.

On Thursday were down due to the double-strike of flight attendants at eurowings subsidiaries eurowings GmbH and Germanwings 393 of 551 scheduled flights. On Friday the flight was operating again in the normal range. Ufo has also threatened for the upcoming week with two re-strike days.

Also on the bestreikte sister airline Germanwings, a solution, first of all, without Mediator. Here, the company requested that the Ufo urgently, for the new week of the scheduled trial date.

notes on the Euro wings Homepage


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