Saturday, October 22, 2016

European Union: Is the rescue of the Ceta yet? TIME ONLINE

two hastily scheduled Meeting EU Parliament President Martin Schulz, to save the negotiations on the free trade agreement Ceta. “I’m very optimistic that we will find a solution,” he said after a meeting with the Walloon government, chief Paul Magnette, Brussels.

The Region is blocked with their Veto, the Belgian Federal government. The already negotiated agreement, the EU needs the consent of all 28 member States. “We still have a few small difficulties,” said Magnette. The Walloon regional government is afraid of, among other things, the erosion of Social and environmental standards. She wanted to “guarantees”, said the socialist head of government. It will still takes some time. Actually, the EU-Canada agreement on Thursday.

Previously had met Schulz with the canadian trade Minister, Chrystia Freeland. Even after that Schulz had shown itself to be optimistic and said that the coming Thursday will stay as the date for the signing of the Ceta agreement on the Agenda. “The problems lie on the table of the Europeans, and we must try to regulate them,” said Schulz. The talks were “very constructive” and was “perhaps decisive”.

“We have done our Job”

Freeland said that it is not your country, but the EU ausbremse the trade agreement. “I really hope that it is the Europeans manage to come to the conclusion that I can come in a few days with my Prime Minister, to the signing of the agreement,” said the trade Minister. “We have done our Job, it is time for the European Union, to make their end.” Canada is ready to sign, now the Ball is spent “in the field of Europe”.

participants of the EU summit in Brussels had followed on Friday, with a certain bewilderment, as the small Region blocks, with its 3.6 million inhabitants, it is the agreement between Canada and the EU. Wallonia requires a more far-reaching guarantees for the protection of their farmers, and to the influence of international corporations.

Gabriel criticized the EU Commission

Actually, the EU Parliament and its President are not involved in the negotiation of trade agreements such as Ceta, this is the task of the EU Commission lies with them. The representatives of the people must agree to such contracts, however, and thereby also influences the negotiations.

According to the Federal Ministry of economic Affairs Minister Sigmar Gabriel

Freeland had moved, not to leave and to speak with Schulz. The aim of the call was to “stop the clock” and to explain the negotiations from a canadian point of view, a failure. “Ceta is an excellent agreement, and it must not fail because of the inability of Europe to find a regional balance of interests,” said Gabriel. He and his party friend Schulz to speak according to the Ministry, with the Walloon Minister President Paul Magnette, to move the socialists to the commitment.

Belgium – Wallonia blocked free trade agreement Ceta The Belgian Region of Wallonia refuses to continue the trade agreement Ceta between the EU and Canada agree. Also a new compromise proposal of the EU Commission, the Walloon Minister-President Paul Magnette rejected. © photograph: Nicolas Lambert/Getty Images

At the same time, Gabriel criticized the EU Commission’s focus. “It is the ignorance of some representatives of the European Commission to the questions and Concerns of the population, have made the conclusion of agreements such as the Ceta is so difficult and is still difficult to make,” said Gabriel. Germany have ensured its talks with Canada and many other EU member States in the first place, that the Ceta agreement will capable of. “At least for the EU-Commission itself.”

The German EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger accused, however, Gabriel fault. Canada doubt of the capacity of the European Union, blame the member States, which wanted to pull the theme itself. “That Ministers of individual member States to negotiate to Canada is absurd. The German economy Minister Gabriel has done. Exactly, I mean.” Oettinger said he could not understand, “that the German social Democrats hold a party Convention and co-decision in the case of Ceta claim”. He added: “we Want to ask the Church Council of Biberach?”


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