Thursday, October 27, 2016

Eurowings: strike at Eurowings and the next one is planned – THE WORLD

KPEP/Düsseldorf – A strike at the low-cost airline Eurowings has placed on Thursday a large part of the flight operations of the Lufthansa subsidiary Lahm and 40 000 passengers made.

According to the Airline’s all domestic German Connections were almost. Also in Europe,-transport, there should be a significant disability.

a Total of 393 of 551 planned Eurowings-cancelled flights, especially in Düsseldorf, Cologne/Bonn, Stuttgart, Hamburg and Berlin. The cabin Union Ufo wants to force higher compensation for the employees of the eurowings of Germany.

Almost all of the affected customers in a timely manner has been informed, said a Eurowings spokesman. Only about 1000 had come in the morning to the airports, to other lines or the train to rebook.

On Friday should go to the flight operation of eurowings, according to the regular. According to the Plan, the strike ends on Thursday at 24: 00. In the coming week to set customers of Euro wings, but again to massive restrictions and flight cancellations.

The cabin Union Ufo wants to expand the work to combat again and to call two days of further strikes at Lufthansa subsidiary, said the Ufo Board of Directors Nicoley Baublies, the German press Agency. On which days and at what times of the recusal more to go, was not known to the Union.

For this Friday (28. October) is also scheduled for a round of Negotiations with the Verdi Union, the employees also represents a part of the Cabin with eurowings Germany. “We are calling for a seven percent per cent per year without an increase in Remuneration,” said Verdi Board member Christine Behle.

At the flight line, there have been seven years of no increase. Verdi threatened in case of failure with strikes. “The Verdi-colleagues are highly motivated, already from the next week’s Strikes,” said Behle.

On Wednesday evening, had extended Ufo strike-scenario, first of all, on the larger sister company, Germanwings, by the open collective bargaining to the part-time for a failure. In a Letter on its own website, Ufo asked the affected passengers for understanding. You would have liked to have dispensed with the labor battle, because you act in the pass, and also the employers

feel closely connected to.

The Lufthansa-daughter wanted to check because of the 24-hour strike, going to the labour court. “We will now investigate the legal, who is responsible for this strike, the responsibility, and reserve the right to take appropriate legal steps,” said a Eurowings spokesman for the German press Agency.

The strike was disproportionate. Ufo have an apparent conflict to part-time models, in order to make in addition to the smaller Euro wings GmbH (23 Jets), the greater part of society, Germanwings (58 machines) of the joint Lufthansa-cheap platform “overnight and without warning strike”. In practice, however, almost all part-time requests by employees would be met anyway.

Baublies reacted calmly to the announcement. The labour courts had constantly to do with such injunctions, he said the southwest radio: “The employers today, unfortunately, by default, instead of the content.” Ufo was well prepared. “We have nothing to reproach ourselves with.”

Because of the strike, the line offered the affected customers free transfers and cancellations, and also wanted to rent planes from other companies, in order to let passengers out of the holiday areas. Not the long-haul of the brand eurowings.

For recusal, the Crews were called in all major German airports with the exception of the Lufthansa hubs of Frankfurt and Munich, where a largely normal operation should take place. A Ufo-rally in front of the Eurowings-building in Cologne, around 150 people took part, according to trade Union information. Eurowings says the participants are not allowed to use the company site, a spokesman said.

the starting point of the strikes is the failure of the collective conversations in Dusseldorf Euro wings GmbH. In the negotiations until Wednesday morning, the Ufo and the company had not been able to agree on a mediation procedure.

notes on the Euro wings Homepage


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