Tesla chief Elon Musk wants to produce electric cars and the house batteries are now Solar tiles. “This is, in a way, the built-in future,” said Musk pans at the launch of the new roof. “People think we’re an electric-car company, but we want to accelerate the advancement of sustainable energy,” said Musk.
Conventional Solar Panel would brick with the
Musk, the majority of the electric car pioneer has wants to take on Tesla, as well as the solar company, SolarCity, Tesla for $ 2.6 billion. The Deal is controversial, because some experts of the promised synergies are not convinced.
Musk went again on Friday for the merger of the two companies. Otherwise, it would be to implement the market introduction of new solar roofs are difficult, he said. The vote on the purchase is for the 17. November planned. Tesla had recently announced the first profit in three years.

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