Friday, October 21, 2016

Summit without any decisions – trierischer volksfreund

(Brussels) The dispute over Ceta, plunging the European Union deeper into the crisis. Even after the summit on Friday, remained open, as the EU is to the resistance of the Belgian Region of Wallonia, against the free trade agreement with Canada rapidly overcome.

Brussels. It is the last question, a journalist well after 1 o’clock in the night to the Chancellor: “the EU Is actually negotiating?” Angela Merkel does what she must do: she rejected the suggestion. “I think so.” You’ve already been able to bring from the first summit day, many of the results. She admits, however: “With us it can sometimes take a while, but the decision is all the more stronger.”

Many Brussels sites

So far-fetched, the question is not. Brussels has many construction sites, there are suspension parts and movements to the side. The obvious predicament in trade policy. For this field, the heads of government had reserved the second summit day. The debate of the dramatic intra-Belgian operations: the head of The government of Wallonia, with its four million inhabitants, Paul Magnette, is overshadowed threatens to leave the date for the signing of the free trade agreement between the EU and Canada (Ceta), is scheduled for Thursday, burst. Tireless Attempts to get the approval from the regional Parliament of Namur to run. Currently, you can’t predict whether a deal will succeed. It is clear that A Failure would be a big embarrassment for the EU. As a result, the Faith in the negotiating ability of the Europeans would take on the part of the United States, and all other candidates for such contracts, massive damage. Merkel to hold back with emotions. S he speaks of the “circumstances in Belgium,” and says only: “We are working on it, the conversations are difficult.” Significantly, the word TTIP does not appear in the Declaration of 28: This is an indication that the heads of government in the agreement with the USA, there is little hope.
Strictly speaking, Ceta and TTIP are not even at the top of the agenda of the meeting. The discussion is more about which trade protection instruments, Europe is targeting for the future. It comes to questions such as: To defend the EU against imports at dumping prices from China? By the end of the year, the decision as to whether the EU is China the Status of market economy. Then protective tariffs that protect the European steel industry is currently against state-subsidised cheap imports from the far East would be eliminated. No decisions have been taken. This is not have been otherwise planned. The decisions will fall at the next summit in Decemb er.
Tempo makes Berlin the digital single market. The Expansion is part of the roadmap of the Commission, up to 60. Anniversary of the treaties of Rome, in the spring, a series of citizen-oriented projects. Merkel said: “The digital single market should be next year a



In the case of refugee policy is highly appreciated in Brussels, a certain amount of rest and regarded as a success. In comparison to the previous year, now 98 percent fewer illegal migrants are counted on the Route of the Eastern Mediterranean. President of the Council Donald Tusk looks at the external borders be better protected: “Up to June, the border Agency Frontex twice as many immigrants sent back as in the whole previous year.” Now the EU is in the middle of the Mediterranean route to Italy, where the Numbers stagnate at the level of 2015 and 2014.

partnerships with Africa

The heads of government have agreed to close migration partnerships with five African States, illegal immigration to stem: Mali, Niger, Senegal, Ethiopia and Nigeria. Here, too, Berlin is the impeller, is involved in Niger, in Mali and in Senegal. Merkel was reported for themselves in the Sahel region (of the TV).
In relation to Russia is closed for the EU. And yet a Gang was the subject of sanctions in return. Merkel had made for a formulation is strong, the Russia threatens to use directly for the participation in the war crimes in Syria sanctions. Thus she could not prevail. The Passage in the statement was attenuated. Now it says: “The Union makes use of all possibilities, should the violence continue.”
If the sanctions against Russia because of the Ukraine conflict to be renewed, was not on the agenda. It will only be decided at the December summit.

Unjust criticism

Brussels is paralyzed, scold a few. The is covered. At the summit, were adopted a few concrete decisions. However, there are reasons for this that has nothing to do with inability to act. There are areas, because Brussels is on the train. Example Brexit: As the British Prime Minister, Theresa May must send the official letter with the withdrawal request. Or: The Example Of Defence Policy. There should stand at the summit in December, in which points of the 27 close. And there are specific projects that are underway, but still consistently need to be implemented. About the better protection of the EU’s external borders against illegal immigration. It is important to take as many decisions. Much more important is to deliver. Example refugee crisis: As a redistribution of the Syrian refugees in all 28 EU was not adopted by the States, what then, but some were. It would already be much helped, if the lesson would be drawn, and the Motto from now on would be: quality before quantity.


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