Not more than three and a half pages of the paper, with the dispute over Ceta in Belgium from the world managed. The regions and language communities have managed in Brussels to solve the Blockade of the free trade agreement for the first. The last act in the Belgian Drama of European agreement with Canada is not over yet final, but in the EU, however, the relief is palpable: The community appears to be in spite of everything, reasonably capable of action. All’s well that ends well?
Not quite. Also if Belgium and the entire EU should agree before the final signing of the Ceta agreement on a common Position, so the tug of war in the neighboring country has raised yet a lot of questions. For example, it is strange that a Region like Wallonia, whose trade with Canada hardly plays a role, could take on the role of the EU-wide Bremsers. Apparently, it went to the Walloon government, chief Paul Magnette at least as much about the own political profile as the cause.
Ceta is the wrong object for frustration reduction
critics argue, at this point, the Walloon champion Magnette but only the criticism of Ceta to the point, as elsewhere expressed in the EU also. In fact, the resistance against Ceta is fed from many sources. A General feeling of helplessness of the Individual in the face of a company – their marketing methods or practices in the customer care. But Ceta is removal of the wrong object for this kind of Frustration. In the agreement with Canada have
power games in Belgium
The resistance against Ceta and TTIP, which led last month to the demonstrations of hundreds of thousands in German cities, in turn raises the question of whether such agreements in the EU still prevail. For decades no one had a Problem with Brussels – the EU Commission and the European Parliament in trade policy in a leading role. With Ceta and TTIP, this has changed. Ceta as “mixed agreements” are now at the mercy of the parliaments in the EU member States. That the European Public has been fighting for many days to witness intra-Belgian power is not least the fault of the Minister of the economy Sigmar Gabriel. He grumbled, his time in Berlin, especially against the projects of the Commission in Brussels, to leave the responsibility for Ceta alone at the EU level.
the Last word among lawyers has not yet spoken
is also spoken among the lawyers in terms of international trade agreements the last word. Soon the European court will have to assess whether the agreement with Singapore, the need for free trade with the consent of national parliaments or not. If not, you could have members of the European Parliament in trade issues, in the future, again the crucial word. Also, they are chosen as the representatives of the Walloon regional Parliament – democratic.

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