Ethat was previously a nightmare scenario, now it is a reality. After the Belgian government was not able to communicate with your regions on the approval of the trade agreement with Canada, now threatens the cancellation of the EU-Canada summit on Thursday. “The summit this week is virtually burst”, it is called in EU circles. The Belgian Prime Minister had declared after only one and a half hours of discussions in Brussels, that he had not managed to obtain the consent of the Walloon Region. “We are not able to Ceta to write,” said Charles Michel, after the deliberations. The Prime Minister needs the consent of the regions, in order to bring the trade contract.
Difficult, but doable – that was the assessment of the Federal government to the signing of the agreement. Until Monday At Noon. The Walloons, whose regional Parliament with a large majority against a signing voted had, we would have “in the critical points not so far apart with the ideas of the EU Commission,” it said in Berlin. “The content of the Problem is solvable. You must talk to the Walloons, the correct wording for the disputed points, like we had to do this in Germany too", – was stated in the Federal Ministry of economic Affairs. Ceta was not dead. The Walloons wanted more time, you shall have it.
Then came the announcement of Michels, that Belgium does not agree to could and a little later on top of that, the news that the third regional Parliament of Belgium, the capital Brussels, against Ceta pronounced. Now, Michel would have to convince the Walloons and the capital city of the free trade agreement. It is up to the planned summit, as good as impossible.
This looks to EU Council President Donald Tusk late on Monday evening. After a conversation with the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, he was confident. We believe the Ceta-rescue to Thursday, it will still be possible, so Tusk.
“Simply acknowledge the Belgians more time”
it Should not work, it would be for the European Union a major setback. In the past few days had been repeatedly warned of a huge loss of credibility, should not be signed the agreement as planned on the EU-Canada summit on Thursday. A cancellation of the summit but does not have to mean, according to the EU, the end of the trade agreement. As it is, is talking on the phone today in addition to Tusk, among others, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker with Trudeau.
economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel is also active and with Belgian politicians in the conversation. “We will work, of course, that we bring Ceta to a successful conclusion,” said a spokeswoman for the economy Ministry. The Berlin Plan currently looks like this: The top you can move. Not until the end of the year. In this time, the Belgians can finish your rift. “Just the Belgians more time to give, then Ceta must not fail,” the Federal economy Ministry. And in the meantime, will continue to be negotiated.
source: dpa infographic, info graphics, The world,
it will also be important to find an alternative date for the summit. Over the weekend was matured in the Commission of the opinion that it would probably need more time until the Belgians have solved their problems. The European Commission had submitted over the weekend, although new proposals, with which the concerns of the Walloons should be challenged, through Ceta is a risk for the environment, jobs, democracy, and the social security threatened.
Other EU countries could also>tipping
can result in a shift of the summit and further negotiations with the Walloons and the regional Parliament in Brussels, the breakthrough, is questionable – and the longer the tug-of-war to Ceta, the greater the risk for the agreement, because the resistance grows. Of the objections of the Brussels Region, the speech was never. Other parliaments in the EU member States could also come up with the idea to block the agreement. In Germany, this is excluded in spite of the representation of the provinces by a vote of the Bundestag. But only “more”. And other EU-countries could also tilt.
Ceta, for example, is grown in long an election issue. The two candidates for the office of the Federal President announced already, that they might the agreement in its current Form. But also in other countries, the public debate could increase due to the pressure of populists. In the coming year will be elected in Germany, France and the Netherlands. And opponents of the trade agreement will use the time to get into the mood.
Germany is not a Ceta-wobble-candidate
economy Minister and SPD leader Gabriel is leaning against the loud group of critics. He’s also not can different. Gabriel had set the Ceta in the SPD that followed him only reluctantly, with great effort. He was recently driven personally to the judgment of the Federal constitutional court in terms of the Ceta, to show the flag for the agreement. The Constitution would have stopped the judge Ceta, it would have been a huge embarrassment. And last would be a further setback for the Minister of economic Affairs, for his well-intentioned, but not well-received Intervention in the takeover battle of Kaiser’s Tengelmann and Edeka massively in the criticism.
The Union and of the greater part of the SPD are to Ceta, Germany is not a loose candidate, but for a conclusion of the free trade agreement must, according to EU data agree with just 42 national and regional parliaments.
Historical disgrace for the European Union
In Brussels, will be the subject of further negotiations, the Ceta debacle turn into success. The Walloons reject the agreement. After all, the canadian trade was able to be moved to Minister to postpone your return flight.
source: The world
The impasse over the future of the agreement is expected to go further. In the run-up to the European Commission had made clear, therefore, that there is no time limit, up to the Belgium, the discussion on Ceta completed. The President of the Walloon regional Parliament, André Antoine, had previously stressed that there are still “several weeks” of discussions necessary to create Unity in the question. But the question is, whether the Canadians want. So, like the Walloons of Canada Minister Chrystia Freeland had on Friday rebuffed, especially the way that it is not possible to assume that the endless would have a signing of the agreement, it is called in EU circles. “Finally, it Would also be a piece.”

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