Saturday, October 29, 2016

Gabriel’s a difficult Mission to China – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

It was more pleasant to fly than the German economy Minister to China. If Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) is increasing on Monday into the plane in the direction of Beijing, around 60 business representatives in tow, he does so against the Backdrop of his recent interventions: First, his Ministry has the clearance certificate for the Acquisition of the chip equipment manufacturer Aixtron by a Chinese Investor, a short time later, a rigorous test for the sale of the lamp division of Osram to China to announce.

Henrike Roßbach author: Henrike Roßbach, Economics correspondent in Berlin. Hendrik Ankenbrand author: Hendrik Ankenbrand, business correspondent for China, based in Shanghai. Christine Scharrenbroch author: Christine Scharrenbroch, a Freelance writer in the business section.

The Wind is rough between Germany and its second most important trading partner outside the EU. A partnership at eye level, especially when market access has long been a Central concern of the German economy and politics. Since the Chinese go to Europe on a shopping tour, is the Problem.

The economy will be restless in the face of turbulence. “From an entrepreneurial point of view taken investment decisions should not be made by the policy in question,” said DIHK President Eric Schweitzer, who flies with Gabriel to China, this newspaper, “as long as you move in the legal framework.” He refers to the opportunities, based with the restructuring of China to a consumer – and technology, and the environment are connected-conscious Economy. “We want to perceive the German economy.” Foreign trade,

President Anton Börner sees the intervention is also critical: “Germany, in particular, is of free market access. Only when we live this openness, we can call them our partners."

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The chief Executive of the Federal Association of German industry (BDI), Markus Kerber, pointed to the benefits of Chinese engagement in Germany: “It is a competitive advantage for German companies in the development of global markets often arise,” he told this newspaper, for example, for the sales, when a Chinese group, its German subsidiary, in the case of marketing in China support. “We do not want Europe to a worldwide problem, we want China to open up.”

Harsh criticism for the stop of the Aixtron sales came on Friday from 8 percent participating Fund Argonaut Capital Partners. Gabriel want to take the risk, to make himself the sidekick of American economic interests, and wrote a Fund Manager Barry Norris, obviously with a view to Veeco, based in the United States the biggest competitor of Aixtron. Gabriel’s non-answer was action. The Takeover was necessary to save jobs and investments.

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Joachim Pfeiffer (CDU), economic policy spokesman of the Union group, and also a member of Gabriel’s Delegation, pointed out that, in addition to well-known cases, such as Aixtron’s many Acquisitions by Chinese investors, “below the threshold of perception” were to be held. In China, he hopes to open discussions. Particularly important is the reciprocity – i.e., equal rights for all. “You have to address the problems. Peace, joy and pancakes is not." Germany had to secure its value-creation chains, that allowed to break a trade war from the fence.


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