is a struggle For the future of the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann with its 15,000 employees. As the “Bild am Sonntag” (BamS) reported, Edeka agreed CEO Markus Mosa and Rewe chief Alain Caparros largely on a breakdown of the branches in Berlin and Bavaria. Therefore, Rewe get the majority of the shops in the capital, Edeka, in turn, almost all the stores in Bavaria, writes the newspaper, citing negotiating circles.
According to information from the German press Agency have to be overcome before an agreement is reached, however, is still high hurdles to. There is so far no Agreement has been reached to the stores in Berlin and Bavaria, said an Insider on Sunday of the dpa. The branches in North Rhine-Westphalia is still no solution to this information, in sight. As reported by AFP, the talks under the leadership of former Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, so far, only a proposal for a solution, as the branches in North Rhine-Westphalia could be divided between Edeka and Rewe. It is, however, unclear whether the companies accept this.
North Rhine-Westphalia is the “Bams” that is the sticking point in the negotiations. The nearly 100 branches of the largest loss-maker in the case of Kaiser’s Tengelmann, according to BamS. Would add the meat factory in Viersen and the administration in Mühlheim/Ruhr.
Neither Edeka still, Rewe would be interested in the ailing of the NRW business, because you would have to take the employees for a period of at least five years, stated in the sheet. The two supermarket groups would get the stores in Berlin and Bavaria, but only if they could agree on a division of the
mediation will continue to apply Monday
The talks under schröder’s Moderation difficult. They had been postponed on Thursday on Monday. For the duration of the conciliation proceedings, no Emperor’s will be sold-Tengelmann branch to third parties. Thus, the ongoing destruction of the supermarket chain is stopped for the time being.
Tengelmann boss Karl-Erivan Haub intends to sell all of Kaiser’s Tengelmann as a Whole to the industry leader Edeka. More than two years ago, he had sealed the transaction, a competitor, Rewe had the Look. The Federal cartel office vetoed the plans, but Economics Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, overruled the competition authorities with a special permit.
The higher regional court of Düsseldorf put, in turn, the Ministerial approval after complaints from Norma, Distinctive and Rewe on ice. The Discounter Norma, and the trading cooperation Markant have withdrawn their complaints in the meantime. Gabriel’s special permission, but can only enter into force if Rewe wheel is turned. Otherwise, want to sell away the branches individually. For the markets in North Rhine-Westphalia, he has obtained already offers. (rtr, dpa, AFP)

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