In the dispute over the future of Kaiser’s Tengelmann is it, after months of dispute to an agreement. The announced Economics Minister Gabriel.
According to Gabriel, the approximately 16 000 jobs in the Tengelmann are backed up-staff for the next seven years.
Details of the deal but are still open. They are to be resolved by the end of next week.
for Months, shaking the staff, for months, the heads of the competing supermarket were fighting chains. Now there is a solution for Kaiser’s Tengelmann. Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) and the Verdi boss Frank Bsirske announced the breakthrough at a joint press conference. According to Gabriel, the approximately 16 000 jobs in the ailing supermarket chain are now for a period of at least seven years. On demand, the Minister stressed that the negotiations despite the many twists and turns had now been resolved. “I’m going to assume that there can be any stumbling block for the enforcement of the arbitration agreement,” Gabriel said.
Edeka has been fighting for months to be able to stores of Tengelmann, to purchase. The competitor Rewe blocked the Acquisition but prior to the court. Now there is Gabriel, a solution with which all three group leaders could live with. She was, however, a secret. In Share is not clear yet final. Next weekend is intended to clarify Gabriel, according to an auditor how much money Rewe Edeka. According to the Minister, this “balancing of interests” but only a “technical process”.
Dacian nothing more to Rewe, according to the words of the Minister until 11. November drag the lawsuit against the so-called Ministerial permission. With her Gabriel had allowed to Edeka to buy Tengelmann stores. It includes pads, namely, job guarantees, which has proclaimed Gabriel. Only if Rewe pulls back to actually the action that can grab the Deal.
What does this mean for the employees specifically, Gabriel. Berlin branches of Kaiser’s Tengelmann to go to Rewe, shops in Bavaria, reports, in part, to Edeka, several news agencies and rely on with the negotiations, a group of familiar people. How the distribution looks like, exactly, remains unclear. Open, therefore, is what is Westphalia from the branches in North Rhine-Westphalia. They are considered to be very attractive.
Previously, had Edeka CEO Markus Mosa and Rewe chief Alain Caparros in three rounds of Mediation under the leadership of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD), a division of the individual branches in a fight places. Tengelmann, the owner of Karl-Erivan Haub wanted to sell his company from the beginning strictly at Edeka. The Federal cartel office prohibited the Deal. Economy Minister Gabriel has intervened with the Minister’s permission. However, the higher regional court of Dusseldorf stopped the Minister’s permission, after a complaint, the Edeka competitors, Rewe, Norma and Striking. Haub has recently lost patience and began, individual stores offer for sale.
Gabriel is not self-conscious, he wants to. jobs
save The Minister of the economy, is blamed, because he turns in a merger This is absurd. Gabriel wouldn’t try to get Jobs, he would be an irresponsible slacker. comment by Heribert Prantl more …
The pension contribution is likely to be stable for longer than expected. The “image”newspaper reported. Accordingly, the contribution rate in 2022 is to be increased from the current 18.7 percent to 18.8 percent. According to the report, the Federal government most recently expected to increase in 2021 to more than 19 percent. Due to the increase in employment.
In the case of the pension positions in the coming weeks, crucial soft. For this Monday, social Affairs Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) has to give to the conclusion of the deliberations of your pension dialogue with associations, trade unions, Labour and skilled politicians loaded. To top representatives of the organizations come together in social Ministry. For the beginning of November with a top lap of the coalition in addition to the pension planned. In mid-November Nahles intends to present a total concept. The Central line is for you in the future pension level.
Nahles contradicts Barley
labour Minister Andrea Nahles has also made it clear that they are abolishing the pension contribution ceiling for high-income earners declines. You against a proposal of the SPD-Secretary-General, Katarina Barley. “The proposal exacerbates the Problem,” said Nahles on Sunday in the ARD. Who abolishes the contribution ceiling, increasing the revenue of the pension Fund. Thus, the claims of the contributors but increased later at the time of retirement. “Who pays more, must get out more.” They wanted to contribute to higher incomes, that it should rather increase the tax subsidy for the pension Fund. The level of pensions should not be on the slide, on the other, the contributions are not likely to shoot up, said the SPD politician.
The coalition government is currently consulting on retirement reforms, which could still be in this legislature to be implemented. At the same time, want to equip the parties, but also with new concepts for the election campaign. The core of the problem remains the aging of the society, so that fewer young people must Finance more and more Elderly pension.
BDA: “not Responsible and not short-sighted” actions
The CDU remains in the German trade Union Federation (DGB) in the conversation, even if there is no quick approach emerges. In the case of the Tuesday’s scheduled high-level meeting, the employee representatives do not expect an agreement, such as a DGB spokesperson said. “We expect a constructive conversation.” The appointment was to meet a longer agreed-upon work.
act of The Confederation of German employers ‘ associations (BDA) warned, “be responsible and not short-sighted”. “Panic-mongering and ever-new demands for additional load of the contributors are irresponsible. Who saddles only to the contributors on it, forcing the entire pension in the knee,” said BDA chief Executive, Steffen Kampeter, the Newspapers of the Funke media group.
in-progress within the Union?
The CDU Federal Executive Board and the DGB-top meetings regularly for exchange. At the beginning of October, the party Bureau and DGB were to come under the leadership of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the DGB chief Reiner Hoffmann. This Tuesday, Merkel will not be there. According to the CDU, among other things, group chief Volker Kauder.
it was Unclear at the weekend whether there are within the Union’s progress in the struggle for the pension. The results of a high-level meeting of the CDU and the CSU, nothing was known. The CDU and the SPD are pushing the Chancellor to the CSU call for an Expansion of the mothers ‘ pension funds from the pension Fund to fend off. The CSU insists on equal treatment of the older with the younger mothers get per child three earnings points for the pension, the older people get currently two.
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Nahles, a minimum limit to the level of pensions for 2045 wants to contributions. The Ostrenten should be raised to the Western level, the appreciation of the average lower Ostlöhne the pension is to be eliminated. By law, occupational pension schemes will get a new boost. Small pensions should probably be upgraded.
on The topic of Ostrenten said SPD Deputy Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, the “business week”, the Union attempts behind the provision in the coalition agreement to fall back. “I can’t. I expect Loyalty to the coalition agreement.” CDU Presidium member Jens Spahn, warned against a “outdoing the competition” with the SPD. The billions that would now put into the shop window, sustainable Finance, he said the Newspapers of the editorial network in Germany. In addition, his party must stop “fanning the flames of pension panic,” said Spahn. It is more than five times as many children in Germany are affected by poverty as pensioners.
Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche: “As it was called, some time ago, the Chinese steal and copy. This is nonsense."
Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche has spoken out against the obstruction of Chinese investment in Europe. Thus, it is at odds with economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), wants to protect Europe against unwanted Chinese Acquisitions. “Who is going to determine the criteria for an unpleasant Investor?”, Zetsche asked in an Interview with the “Handelsblatt”. “The strength of Germany as an industrial location is therefore that the economy and the state are largely separated. This separation we should also," said the Daimler chief.
The discussion on the protection of German companies is rekindled after the Acquisition of the robot manufacturer Kuka and prevented acquisition of the equipment manufacturer Aixtron by Chinese companies. Zetsche, however, holds nothing of the attempt, with the laws of the Chinese from the German market. “If I pull fences high, then the firm will be tired and sluggish.”
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The Daimler-chief refers in this context to the experience with the patent. “As it was called, some time ago, the Chinese steal and copy. This is nonsense. China educates more engineers than we are," said Zetsche. “The country therefore has a high self-interest to protect patents.” China is in addition to the United States, the largest sales market for Daimler.
FFrankfurt/Main – Lufthansa subsidiary eurowings, another attempt failed in a mediation. The cabin Union Ufo have not adopted on Sunday evening after talks in Frankfurt a corresponding offer, the company said.
This was more than ever obvious that the trade-Union wool, neither to reach a negotiated solution is still a solution through a mediation of open collective bargaining issues, said Jörg Beißel, Director of human resources of the Euro wings. “Apparently, the UFO followed all the others, trade-Union, politically motivated goals.”
Ufo-collective expert Nicoley Baublies was surprised. He confirmed that the talks on Sunday evening led to a result. However, he had announced a proposal for the next day to the group’s parent company Lufthansa. Ufo will discuss how to proceed now, accordingly. To expressed the possibility of new strikes Baublies.
On Thursday were down due to the double-strike of flight attendants at eurowings subsidiaries eurowings GmbH and Germanwings 393 of 551 scheduled flights. On Friday the flight was operating again in the normal range. Ufo has also threatened for the upcoming week with two re-strike days.
Also on the bestreikte sister airline Germanwings, a solution, first of all, without Mediator. Here, the company requested that the Ufo urgently, for the new week of the scheduled trial date.
Frankfurt/Main (dpa) – the Lufthansa subsidiary, Eurowings, another attempt failed to come to a conciliation. The cabin Union Ufo have not adopted on Sunday evening after talks in Frankfurt a corresponding offer, the company said.
This is more than ever obvious that the trade-Union wool, neither to reach a negotiated solution is still a solution through a mediation of open collective bargaining issues, said Jörg Beißel, Director of human resources of the Euro wings. “Apparently, the UFO followed all the others, trade-Union, politically motivated goals.”
Ufo-collective expert Nicoley Baublies was surprised. He confirmed that the talks on Sunday evening led to a result. However, he had announced a proposal for the next day to the group’s parent company Lufthansa. Ufo will discuss how to proceed now, accordingly. To expressed the possibility of new strikes Baublies.
On Thursday, strike by the flight attendants at Eurowings subsidiaries Eurowings GmbH and Germanwings 393 of 551 scheduled flights were due to the double-down. On Friday the flight was operating again in the normal range. Ufo has also threatened for the upcoming week with two re-strike days.
Also on the bestreikte sister airline Germanwings, a solution is to be found, first of all, without Mediator. Here, the company requested that the Ufo urgently, for the new week of the scheduled trial date.
The zero-interest rate policy of the European Central Bank in Germany has severe consequences for savers: The citizens lose billions each year. The Interest credited on savings deposits, from 2009 to 2015 are shrunk to a third of their previous height of 13.8 to 4.4 billion euros. This is evident from the monthly reports of the Bundesbank.
The big winners, however, are the Federation and the Länder: The expenditure for debt interest rates are strongly shrunk – alone, the Federal government paid in 2015, almost 15 billion Euro less than in 2009, as reflected in the budget figures of the Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU).
restitution action requested
The German savings banks and Giro Association (DSGV) calls for a reparation action: It would be “more than justified, especially if the Federal government would be through a stronger support of saving a portion of these benefits to the disadvantaged savers back”, said President Georg fahrenschon this week.
The CSU requires compensation in another Form: “This money must be returned to the people,” said Bavaria’s Finance Minister Markus Söder on request. “The time is relief ripe for control. We want to relieve the recipients of small-and medium-income to a minimum of 10 billion euros.” DZ Bank chief economist Stefan Bielmeier had suggested on Friday, a state pension Fund, to be financed from the interest savings in the public sector.
The Federal benefits from the zero interest-rate policy
The occasion of these claims: in 2009, paid the Federal government nor 38.1 billion Euro lending rates to the banks. In the past year, according to the financial report 2016 of the Ministry, only 23.2 billion – even though the mountain of debt the Federal government is grown by about a trillion euros since 2009.
benefits of the Covenant of the zero interest rate policy, makes a different statement much more clearly, the comparison with the original concerns in the home Schäuble. The Federal householder prophesied in the year 2011 to 2015, an interest charge of 49 billion Euro, which can be read, among other things, in the former annual report of the Federal court of auditors. In fact, because of the interest rate decline of less than half of this amount was due and payable.
High losses also in the case of home loan and savings contracts and life insurance policies
For the citizens, in turn, the actual zero interest rate losses is far higher than the lost Interest credited to the savings book. Not in the monthly Figures published by the Bundesbank to the savings deposits, the losses in the case of home loan and savings contracts are included in insurance and other investments.
“The sustained period of low interest rates, increasingly, the personal life plans of millions of German citizens in danger”, writes savings Bank President. “A lot of people see it is realistic and therefore assume that you can no longer go due to a lack of interest income to the date provided for in retirement.” Driving calls for the Federal government to the Amendment of the capital formation act, with the help of the Federal government to increase its promotion of savings.
At several German airports, the flight attendants of Lufthansa’s subsidiaries eurowings and Germanwings strike since Thursday frustrated. As Eurowings announced are likely to be of the 530 scheduled flights, good 380, only long-haul are excluding flights.
27.10.2016, 15:00 | business
Goethe-cityA Litera tour through Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt am Main is mainly as a banking capital known. But also in terms of culture Frankfurt has to offer a lot. Visitors can explore the city on literary and historical paths.
decided, As a UK exit from the EU, there was quite an Outcry. Meanwhile, many players are more relaxed. But labour market experts warn that the Brexit-will follow underestimated.
Richard Jackman about believes that the high rate of employment in the UK over the negative long-term consequences of Brexit vote deceives. The Professor at the London School of Economics, the British economy is currently benefiting from the advantages of the Brexit vote sharp drop in the sterling rate. For example, because British Goods and services have become for foreign buyers cheaper.
The disadvantages of a Brexit vote would unfold their effect only with a lag, Jackman said the German press Agency.
Fears are unfounded?
The employment rate in the UK since the vote of the British EU exit on 23. June to a record level increased. Last, they amounted to 74.5 percent. Brexit advocates, therefore, believe that Fears of the economic damage of the proposed EU phase-out to be unfounded.
Jackman, however, cautions that the labour market is reacting only very slowly to changes. Still, there is no pressure on the companies, because the UK did leave the EU. This could change but after the completion of the Brexit.
number of unemployed significantly
rose Also believes the Anglo-American labour market expert David Blanchflower that the Brexit is cost-the bottom line is Jobs. He even speaks of the “calm before the Brexit-Tsunami”. Because overall, more people would have taken a work, to hide the record of employment that the number of unemployed had increased since the Brexit Referendum scary.
The big concern, wrote Blanchflower in the Guardian, was that prices would rise from next year, faster than wages. By then, the Brexit would arrive-follow the people.
British economy surprised currently
Yet, the British economy has shown despite the Brexit vote is quite robust. On Thursday, the UK statistics authority published a first estimate for the gross domestic product of the country in the third quarter. With a growth of 0.5-cut for the British economy doing better than expected.
After the close decision of a British exit from the EU on 23. June had suggested some indicators of an economic shock. The British Central Bank had expected in August, with a far more drastic reduction to a Mini-growth of 0.1 percent. However, these fears have not been confirmed.
factors could slump
Responsible for the relatively good performance especially the service sector, which grew last 0.8 per cent. A particularly strong growth, according to the authority, in the three months to September, in the sector of Transport and communication. Other areas, such as construction, Agricultural, and industrial fared worse.
Also contributed to the persistently high demand, according to experts, the relatively good result. “It seems certain that the growth in the third quarter, is also based in large part on the willingness of consumers to continue to spend money,” said Howard Archer, of the think-tank IHS Global Insight, the BBC.
Responsible for this were the continued strong purchasing power and a high level of employment. Both of these factors, which could break labour market experts such as Jackman and Blanchflower, soon.
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The car manufacturer Daimler is holding, in spite of the discussion around a possible ban of up to 2030, in internal combustion engines.
drives, You use aware of not a single form of propulsion, but on a co-existence of petrol engines, diesel engines, Plug – in hybrids, battery and hydrogen, said development chief Thomas Weber. “All of the above forms of propulsion have their permission, and opportunities for the future.”
how Much money Daimler in its new electric-brand EQ, and leaves the group so far. It is clear, however: He invested billions in the development of new Diesel and petrol engines. Three billion euros, the group has invested in the development of new engines, said the head of the Department of drive technology, Bernhard Heil, told journalists in Sindelfingen, Germany.
Of the three billion Euro will be invested 1.1 billion euros in the development of Diesel and 1.9 billion euros in the 2017 planned remake of the petrol engines, so healing. In addition, there is a need for about 1.5 billion euros for the conversion of production to the already existing diesel engines. A amount of “a similar magnitude” would be needed for the Change of the production on gasoline engines, so healing. With additional 600 million euros in new test rigs and development facilities to be built at the Sindelfingen plant.
The new engine range of Four – and six-cylinder will initially come in the S-class. Daimler puts you to a time in the according to the above prohibitions of the combustion engine is discussed. The Green-Federal Board penetrates in an application for the party Congress at the end of November on a approval ban of petrol and Diesel by 2030. In the opinion of the Federal Council of the EU is to check the Commission asked how, with the help of taxes beginning in 2030, emission-free mobility.
“internal combustion engines will continue to play an important role,” said Heil. The Stuttgart-based car group relies primarily on hybrid engines that combine different drive trains. In 2017, ten models will be a Hybrid available. So far, Daimler only offers the Smart and the B-class as a pure electric variants. Until 2019, the first pure electric vehicle to come under the new brand EQ on the market. By 2025, the Stuttgart want to offer more than ten pure electric vehicles.
the new internal combustion engines are designed to be supplemented with electric technology. “That’s enough, everything Foreseeable to meet,” said healing with a view to possible tightening of the CO2 limits in the EU in the coming years. By 2021, the Stuttgart need to trim its Fleet to 100 grams of CO2 per kilometre. In 2015, the value was 124 grams. “We come to about 2021 and beyond.”
The manufacturer must reckon with tougher limits, when from 2017, new emission tests (WLTP) will be introduced. The limits of the previously valid Tests are currently being converted to the EU level. What are the CO2 values reach the new engines, not published by Daimler.
For Diesel will be introduced, also road tests for the exhaust gas measurement (Real Driving Emissions). The new Diesel six-cylinder to meet, as we are already sold four-cylinder variant – according to the manufacturer, the 2017 emission requirements (Real Driving Emissions) for diesel engines. The critical German environmental aid and the technical inspection Agency, Dekra was confirmed by Daimler that, at least for the already on the market Diesel. Daimler had also announced such as Volkswagen already by 2017, step all the gasoline way, to be equipped with particle filters.
Please select the corresponding words in the Text. With only two clicks, you can report the error to the editors.
The car manufacturer Daimler is holding, in spite of the discussion around a possible ban of up to 2030, in internal combustion engines.
drives, You use aware of not a single form of propulsion, but on a co-existence of petrol engines, diesel engines, Plug – in hybrids, battery and hydrogen, said development chief Thomas Weber. “All of the above forms of propulsion have their permission, and opportunities for the future.”
how Much money Daimler in its new electric-brand EQ, and leaves the group so far. It is clear, however: He invested billions in the development of new Diesel and petrol engines. Three billion euros, the group has invested in the development of new engines, said the head of the Department of drive technology, Bernhard Heil, told journalists in Sindelfingen, Germany.
Of the three billion Euro will be invested 1.1 billion euros in the development of Diesel and 1.9 billion euros in the 2017 planned remake of the petrol engines, so healing. In addition, there is a need for about 1.5 billion euros for the conversion of production to the already existing diesel engines. A amount of “a similar magnitude” would be needed for the Change of the production on gasoline engines, so healing. With additional 600 million euros in new test rigs and development facilities to be built at the Sindelfingen plant.
The new engine range of Four – and six-cylinder will initially come in the S-class. Daimler puts you to a time in the according to the above prohibitions of the combustion engine is discussed. The Green-Federal Board penetrates in an application for the party Congress at the end of November on a approval ban of petrol and Diesel by 2030. In the opinion of the Federal Council of the EU is to check the Commission asked how, with the help of taxes beginning in 2030, emission-free mobility.
“internal combustion engines will continue to play an important role,” said Heil. The Stuttgart-based car group relies primarily on hybrid engines that combine different drive trains. In 2017, ten models will be a Hybrid available. So far, Daimler only offers the Smart and the B-class as a pure electric variants. Until 2019, the first pure electric vehicle to come under the new brand EQ on the market. By 2025, the Stuttgart want to offer more than ten pure electric vehicles.
the new internal combustion engines are designed to be supplemented with electric technology. “That’s enough, everything Foreseeable to meet,” said healing with a view to possible tightening of the CO2 limits in the EU in the coming years. By 2021, the Stuttgart need to trim its Fleet to 100 grams of CO2 per kilometre. In 2015, the value was 124 grams. “We come to about 2021 and beyond.”
The manufacturer must reckon with tougher limits, when from 2017, new emission tests (WLTP) will be introduced. The limits of the previously valid Tests are currently being converted to the EU level. What are the CO2 values reach the new engines, not published by Daimler.
For Diesel will be introduced, also road tests for the exhaust gas measurement (Real Driving Emissions). The new Diesel six-cylinder to meet, as we are already sold four-cylinder variant – according to the manufacturer, the 2017 emission requirements (Real Driving Emissions) for diesel engines. The critical German environmental aid and the technical inspection Agency, Dekra was confirmed by Daimler that, at least for the already on the market Diesel. Daimler had also announced such as Volkswagen already by 2017, step all the gasoline way, to be equipped with particle filters.
EQ – electric-Mercedes-Benz study. Diesel cars but more.
The car manufacturer Daimler is holding, in spite of the discussion around a possible ban of up to 2030, in internal combustion engines. You use aware of not a single form of propulsion, but on a co-existence of petrol engines, diesel engines, Plug-in hybrids, battery and hydrogen drives, said development chief Thomas Weber, speaking to journalists in Sindelfingen. “All of the above forms of propulsion have their permission, and opportunities for the future.”
how Much money Daimler in its new electric-brand EQ, and leaves the group so far. According to the manager magazine group boss Dieter Zetsche calculated on the basis of up to 1.5 billion euros a year.
Officially, however, is: The group is investing billions in the development of new Diesel and petrol engines. Three billion euros, the group has invested in the development of new engines, said the head of the Department of drive technology, Bernhard salvation.
Of the three billion Euro to 1.1 billion Euro in the development of Diesel and 1.9 billion euros in the 2017 planned remake of the petrol engines, so healing. In addition, there is a need for about 1.5 billion euros for the conversion of production to the already existing diesel engines. A amount of “a similar magnitude” would be needed for the Change of the production on gasoline engines, so healing. With additional 600 million euros in new test rigs and development facilities to be built at the Sindelfingen plant.
The new engine range of Four – and six-cylinder will initially come in the S-class. Daimler puts you to a time in the according to the above prohibitions of the combustion engine is discussed. The Green-Federal Board penetrates in an application for the party Congress at the end of November on a approval ban of petrol and Diesel by 2030. In the opinion of the Federal Council, the EU Commission asked how, with the help of taxes beginning in 2030, emission-free mobility.
“internal combustion engines will continue to play an important role,” said Heil. The Stuttgart-based car group relies primarily on hybrid engines that combine different drive trains. In 2017, ten models will be a Hybrid available. So far, Daimler only offers the Smart and the B-class as a pure electric variants. Until 2019, the first pure electric vehicle to come under the new brand EQ on the market. By 2025, the Stuttgart want to offer more than ten pure electric vehicles.
the new internal combustion engines are designed to be supplemented with electric technology. “That’s enough, everything Foreseeable to meet,” said healing with a view to possible tightening of the CO2 limits in the EU in the coming years. By 2021, the Stuttgart need to trim its Fleet to 100 grams of CO2 per kilometre. In 2015, the value was 124 grams. “We come to about 2021 and beyond.”
The manufacturer must reckon with tougher limits, when from 2017, new emission tests (WLTP) will be introduced. The limits of the previously valid Tests are currently being converted to the EU level. What are the CO2 values reach the new engines, not published Daimler.
For Diesel will be introduced, also road tests for the exhaust gas measurement (Real Driving Emissions). The new Diesel six-cylinder to meet, as we are already sold four-cylinder variant – according to the manufacturer, the 2017 emission requirements (Real Driving Emissions) for diesel engines. The critical German environmental aid and the technical inspection Agency, Dekra was confirmed by Daimler that, at least for the already on the market Diesel. Daimler had also announced such as Volkswagen already by 2017, step all the gasoline way, to be equipped with particle filters.
is a struggle For the future of the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann with its 15,000 employees. As the “Bild am Sonntag” (BamS) reported, Edeka agreed CEO Markus Mosa and Rewe chief Alain Caparros largely on a breakdown of the branches in Berlin and Bavaria. Therefore, Rewe get the majority of the shops in the capital, Edeka, in turn, almost all the stores in Bavaria, writes the newspaper, citing negotiating circles.
According to information from the German press Agency have to be overcome before an agreement is reached, however, is still high hurdles to. There is so far no Agreement has been reached to the stores in Berlin and Bavaria, said an Insider on Sunday of the dpa. The branches in North Rhine-Westphalia is still no solution to this information, in sight. As reported by AFP, the talks under the leadership of former Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, so far, only a proposal for a solution, as the branches in North Rhine-Westphalia could be divided between Edeka and Rewe. It is, however, unclear whether the companies accept this.
North Rhine-Westphalia is the “Bams” that is the sticking point in the negotiations. The nearly 100 branches of the largest loss-maker in the case of Kaiser’s Tengelmann, according to BamS. Would add the meat factory in Viersen and the administration in Mühlheim/Ruhr.
Neither Edeka still, Rewe would be interested in the ailing of the NRW business, because you would have to take the employees for a period of at least five years, stated in the sheet. The two supermarket groups would get the stores in Berlin and Bavaria, but only if they could agree on a division of the NRW-shops.
mediation will continue to apply Monday
The talks under schröder’s Moderation difficult. They had been postponed on Thursday on Monday. For the duration of the conciliation proceedings, no Emperor’s will be sold-Tengelmann branch to third parties. Thus, the ongoing destruction of the supermarket chain is stopped for the time being.
Tengelmann boss Karl-Erivan Haub intends to sell all of Kaiser’s Tengelmann as a Whole to the industry leader Edeka. More than two years ago, he had sealed the transaction, a competitor, Rewe had the Look. The Federal cartel office vetoed the plans, but Economics Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, overruled the competition authorities with a special permit.
The higher regional court of Düsseldorf put, in turn, the Ministerial approval after complaints from Norma, Distinctive and Rewe on ice. The Discounter Norma, and the trading cooperation Markant have withdrawn their complaints in the meantime. Gabriel’s special permission, but can only enter into force if Rewe wheel is turned. Otherwise, want to sell away the branches individually. For the markets in North Rhine-Westphalia, he has obtained already offers. (rtr, dpa, AFP)
Berlin (dpa) – Germany’s savers will be lost through the zero interest rate policy of the European Central Bank every year, billions of euros.
The annual Interest credited on savings deposits have shrunk from 2009 to 2015, one – third of their previous height of 13.8 to 4.4 billion euros in the month, the Bundesbank reports published Numbers.
The big winners are the Federal government and the Länder: The expenditure for debt interest rates are strongly shrunk – alone, the Federal government paid in 2015, almost 15 billion Euro less than in 2009, as reflected in the budget figures of the Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU).
The German savings banks and Giro Association (DSGV) calls for a reparation action: It would be “more than justified, especially if the Federal government would be through a stronger support of saving a portion of these benefits to the disadvantaged savers back”, said President Georg fahrenschon this week.
The CSU requires compensation in another Form: “This money must be returned to the people,” said Bavaria’s Finance Minister Markus Söder on request. “The time is relief ripe for control. We want to relieve the recipients of small-and medium-income to a minimum of 10 billion euros.” DZ Bank chief economist Stefan Bielmeier had suggested on Friday, a state pension Fund, to be financed from the interest savings in the public sector.
The occasion of these claims: in 2009, paid the Federal government nor 38.1 billion Euro lending rates to the banks. In the past year, according to the financial report 2016 of the Ministry, only 23.2 billion – even though the mountain of debt the Federal government is grown by about a trillion euros since 2009.
benefits of the Covenant of the zero interest rate policy, makes a different statement much more clearly, the comparison with the original concerns in the home Schäuble. The Federal householder prophesied in the year 2011 to 2015, an interest charge of 49 billion Euro, which can be read, among other things, in the former annual report of the Federal court of auditors. In fact, because of the interest rate decline of less than half of this amount was due and payable.
For the citizens, in turn, the actual zero-interest-rate-losses are far higher than the lost Interest credited to the savings book. Not in the monthly Figures published by the Bundesbank to the savings deposits, the losses in the case of home loan and savings contracts are included in insurance and other investments.
“The sustained period of low interest rates, increasingly, the personal life plans of millions of German citizens in danger”, writes savings Bank President. “A lot of people see it is realistic and therefore assume that you can no longer go due to a lack of interest income to the date provided for in retirement.” Driving calls for the Federal government to the Amendment of the capital formation act, with the help of the Federal government to increase its promotion of savings.
The zero-interest rate policy of the European Central Bank in Germany has severe consequences for savers: The citizens lose billions each year. The Interest credited on savings deposits, from 2009 to 2015 are shrunk to a third of their previous height of 13.8 to 4.4 billion euros. This is evident from the monthly reports of the Bundesbank.
The big winners, however, are the Federation and the Länder: The expenditure for debt interest rates are strongly shrunk – alone, the Federal government paid in 2015, almost 15 billion Euro less than in 2009, as reflected in the budget figures of the Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU).
restitution action requested
The German savings banks and Giro Association (DSGV) calls for a reparation action: It would be “more than justified, especially if the Federal government would be through a stronger support of saving a portion of these benefits to the disadvantaged savers back”, said President Georg fahrenschon this week.
The CSU requires compensation in another Form: “This money must be returned to the people,” said Bavaria’s Finance Minister Markus Söder on request. “The time is relief ripe for control. We want to relieve the recipients of small-and medium-income to a minimum of 10 billion euros.” DZ Bank chief economist Stefan Bielmeier had suggested on Friday, a state pension Fund, to be financed from the interest savings in the public sector.
The Federal benefits from the zero interest-rate policy
The occasion of these claims: in 2009, paid the Federal government nor 38.1 billion Euro lending rates to the banks. In the past year, according to the financial report 2016 of the Ministry, only 23.2 billion – even though the mountain of debt the Federal government is grown by about a trillion euros since 2009.
benefits of the Covenant of the zero interest rate policy, makes a different statement much more clearly, the comparison with the original concerns in the home Schäuble. The Federal householder prophesied in the year 2011 to 2015, an interest charge of 49 billion Euro, which can be read, among other things, in the former annual report of the Federal court of auditors. In fact, because of the interest rate decline of less than half of this amount was due and payable.
High losses also in the case of home loan and savings contracts and life insurance policies
For the citizens, in turn, the actual zero interest rate losses is far higher than the lost Interest credited to the savings book. Not in the monthly Figures published by the Bundesbank to the savings deposits, the losses in the case of home loan and savings contracts are included in insurance and other investments.
“The sustained period of low interest rates, increasingly, the personal life plans of millions of German citizens in danger”, writes savings Bank President. “A lot of people see it is realistic and therefore assume that you can no longer go due to a lack of interest income to the date provided for in retirement.” Driving calls for the Federal government to the Amendment of the capital formation act, with the help of the Federal government to increase its promotion of savings.
After the electric-car in the Garage, and the giant battery in the house want to mount the head of Tesla’s Elon Musk is now Solar tiles on the roofs of its customers. The first such roofs are to be built in the summer.
source: Reuters
On E-car and giant battery now follows the Solar roof tiles: Tesla comes to the Vision of a electro-house getting closer and closer. The Acquisition of the company SolarCity to help. But the Deal still.
NOh, the E-car in the Garage, and the giant battery in the house, Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants to install as a third step, the Solar tiles on the roofs of its customers. “This is, in a way, the built-in future,” said Musk in California at the launch of the new roof tiles.
These are supposed to last longer and provide better insulation than the usual roofs in the United States. In addition, conventional Solar Panels would be superfluous. The goal of solar roofs, which look better than a regular roof, produce electricity, last longer, better insulation, and less cost than a regular roof, and the electricity," said Musk.
The first such roofs should be built in the summer, said Musk on the site of the Universal Studios theme Park near Los Angeles.
Illustration of a Garage with a solar roof In the coming summer, Tesla wants to implement the Plan
Illustration of a Garage with a solar roof In the coming summer, Tesla wants to implement the Plan
source: REUTERS/X80002
the solar panels would have to be “just as attractive” as electric cars, said Tesla CEO, whose cars are now being driven by many cash-rich customers, including Hollywood Stars and entrepreneurs from California’s Silicon Valley. In addition, he introduced a new Version of the power wall home battery.
criticism of the takeover plans
Musk owns the majority of the electric car pioneer Tesla as well as solar company SolarCity, Tesla for $ 2.6 billion (2.3 billion euros).
The Acquisition of SolarCity by Tesla, however, is not yet secured. It was agreed the time of purchase. However, several shareholders of Tesla’s claims, however, because Musk is also involved in SolarCity, and in the management of both companies, councils sitting. The shareholders accuse him of, therefore, the interest of fusion.
Musk was on Friday, once again, for the merger of the two companies. Otherwise, it would be to implement the market introduction of new solar roofs are difficult, he said. The vote on the purchase is for the 17. November planned. Tesla had recently announced the first profit in three years.
It was more pleasant to fly than the German economy Minister to China. If Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) is increasing on Monday into the plane in the direction of Beijing, around 60 business representatives in tow, he does so against the Backdrop of his recent interventions: First, his Ministry has the clearance certificate for the Acquisition of the chip equipment manufacturer Aixtron by a Chinese Investor, a short time later, a rigorous test for the sale of the lamp division of Osram to China to announce.
author: Henrike Roßbach, Economics correspondent in Berlin. consequences: author: Hendrik Ankenbrand, business correspondent for China, based in Shanghai. consequences: author: Christine Scharrenbroch, a Freelance writer in the business section. consequences:
The Wind is rough between Germany and its second most important trading partner outside the EU. A partnership at eye level, especially when market access has long been a Central concern of the German economy and politics. Since the Chinese go to Europe on a shopping tour, is the Problem.
economy Minister Gabriel flies to Beijing. The dispute over Chinese investors is on Board
The economy will be restless in the face of turbulence. “From an entrepreneurial point of view taken investment decisions should not be made by the policy in question,” said DIHK President Eric Schweitzer, who flies with Gabriel to China, this newspaper, “as long as you move in the legal framework.” He refers to the opportunities, based with the restructuring of China to a consumer – and technology, and the environment are connected-conscious Economy. “We want to perceive the German economy.” Foreign trade, President Anton Börner sees the intervention is also critical: “Germany, in particular, is of free market access. Only when we live this openness, we can call them our partners."
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The chief Executive of the Federal Association of German industry (BDI), Markus Kerber, pointed to the benefits of Chinese engagement in Germany: “It is a competitive advantage for German companies in the development of global markets often arise,” he told this newspaper, for example, for the sales, when a Chinese group, its German subsidiary, in the case of marketing in China support. “We do not want Europe to a worldwide problem, we want China to open up.”
Harsh criticism for the stop of the Aixtron sales came on Friday from 8 percent participating Fund Argonaut Capital Partners. Gabriel want to take the risk, to make himself the sidekick of American economic interests, and wrote a Fund Manager Barry Norris, obviously with a view to Veeco, based in the United States the biggest competitor of Aixtron. Gabriel’s non-answer was action. The Takeover was necessary to save jobs and investments.
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detail view
Joachim Pfeiffer (CDU), economic policy spokesman of the Union group, and also a member of Gabriel’s Delegation, pointed out that, in addition to well-known cases, such as Aixtron’s many Acquisitions by Chinese investors, “below the threshold of perception” were to be held. In China, he hopes to open discussions. Particularly important is the reciprocity – i.e., equal rights for all. “You have to address the problems. Peace, joy and pancakes is not." Germany had to secure its value-creation chains, that allowed to break a trade war from the fence.
In the dispute over the future of the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann have come to the parties seem closer. The retail chains Edeka and Rewe have agreed on a division of Tengelmann stores in Berlin and Bavaria, reports the Bild am Sonntag, citing negotiating circles. Edeka CEO Markus Mosa and Rewe CEO Alain Caparros had agreed that almost all of the branches in Bavaria at Edeka. In turn, Rewe get the majority of the Tengelmann stores in the capital.
The two trade stores in Berlin and Bavaria would get chains, but only if they could agree on a division of the NRW-shops, the newspaper writes.
Neither Edeka still, Rewe, according to the report, so far, interest in the ailing of the NRW business, because you would have to take over the local employees for at least five years. The 100 branches of Kaiser’s Tengelmann in NRW are considered to be the biggest loss-maker. In the dispute at present, former German Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, is committed to a mediation, which is scheduled to go on Monday.
Tengelmann boss Karl-Erivan Haub Emperor wants to divest’s Tengelmann actually, as a Whole, to the industry leader Edeka. More than two years ago, he had sealed the sale, a competitor Rewe had the Look. The Federal cartel office vetoed the plans, but Economics Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, overruled the competition authorities with a special permit.
The higher regional court of Düsseldorf put, in turn, the Ministerial approval after complaints from Norma, Distinctive and Rewe on ice. Norma and Striking have withdrawn their complaints in the meantime. Gabriel’s special permission, but can only enter into force if Rewe wheel is turned. Otherwise, want to sell away the branches individually.
Tesla chief Elon Musk wants to produce electric cars and the house batteries are now Solar tiles. “This is, in a way, the built-in future,” said Musk pans at the launch of the new roof. “People think we’re an electric-car company, but we want to accelerate the advancement of sustainable energy,” said Musk.
Conventional Solar Panel would brick with the Solar superfluous, said Musk on the site of the Universal Studios Theme Park near Los Angeles. The brick should also allow for better insulation than conventional roofs in the United States. The first such Solar-roofs should be built in the summer.
Musk, the majority of the electric car pioneer has wants to take on Tesla, as well as the solar company, SolarCity, Tesla for $ 2.6 billion. The Deal is controversial, because some experts of the promised synergies are not convinced.
Musk went again on Friday for the merger of the two companies. Otherwise, it would be to implement the market introduction of new solar roofs are difficult, he said. The vote on the purchase is for the 17. November planned. Tesla had recently announced the first profit in three years.
Due to the rebuild, to break down Volkswagen in the future, thousands of jobs. Projected could be in the next few years, up to 25,000 Jobs for grabs. VW has more than of 610,000 Employees.
Volkswagen Board member for human resources Karlheinz Blessing has confirmed that the renovation of the car manufacturer will cost thousands of Jobs. “It is not a matter of a few hundred jobs,” said the Manager of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. VW has set itself under the pressure of the exhaust gas scandal – ambitious targets for the Expansion of electric mobility. “Over the years, it will go worldwide to a five-digit number.” VW has more than 610.000 Employees.
the VW works Council chief Bernd Osterloh had already said in mid-October, the “Handelsblatt”, he anticipated with the elimination of many jobs. “This can be a 1500 in a year, or 2500, depending on how many people the retirement and the ten years”, said the VW Board at that time. Extrapolated, so up to 25,000 Jobs could be negotiable. However, it would be created in other sectors and Jobs. Redundancies had excluded Osterloh.
Blessing said the “FAZ”, that is, vehicles with electric motors fewer components exist as vehicles with an internal combustion engine. “So, we need for the production in the long term, less employees,” said Blessing. That was without a Diesel scandal come. “Now the pressure is greater.” He reiterated the commitment of VW’s management Board that there would be no compulsory redundancies.
Prior to the start of his trip to China has warned the Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), its host to degrade the conditions for German investors. “The Chinese investment rules make it increasingly difficult to invest there,” said Gabriel of the F. A. S. “If China wants to get the Status of a market economy, then it must be so.” Needed the same treatment and conditions were on both sides.
The Minister is on break this Monday to a five-day trip to Asia. After talks with the Chinese leadership, he will attend the Asia-Pacific conference of German business, the end of the week in Hong Kong
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More on this in the Sunday newspaper from the 30.10.2016. On the eve in the F. A. S. App and as an E-Paper.
Sharper test for mergers and Acquisitions?
In the debate about the Adoption of German technology companies by Chinese investors, Gabriel announced a new Initiative at European level for more stringent test procedures. So must be clarified in each individual case about who the Investor is, or whether a state Fund to pay totally inflated prices.
The current withdrawal of an already issued approval for the Acquisition of the electronics company, Aixtron Gabriel referred to, however, as a special case. Here German security interests might be affected. To not want to the exact reasons behind the Minister’s comment, however.
hope for a new beginning with Hillary Clinton
Also, Gabriel looks at the electoral success of state Hillary Clinton still good prospects for German-American trade agreement. “With Mrs. Clinton, there is a Chance to renew the cooperation with Europe,” Gabriel said of the F. A. S. “This would be useful also in the terms of trade agreement.”
At the same time, the Minister reiterated, however, his assessment that an agreement with the outgoing President, Barack Obama would not have been possible. In the beginning of the year provided him with Obama in a conversation clear that the Americans wanted to give in to any significant point. Already months ago the Minister of economic Affairs, had declared the agreement a failure and so that in industrial circles, as well as Parts of the coalition partner CDU for indignation.
After the unification of the English-canadian trade agreement Ceta showed Gabriel is confident that, following ratification of the national parliaments and methods will agree. This Sunday, canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is coming to Brussels, together with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk to sign the contract. On Friday, the Walloon regional Parliament had approved the agreement, and thus cleared the way. Belgium is the only EU country, in the before the have to agree to signing all of the parliaments of such agreement.
The entire Interview with Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel read in the Sunday newspaper from the 30.10.2016 – on the eve in the F. A. S. App and as an E-Paper.
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the whole of The F. A. Z. is now also in the Web, with additional images, Videos, graphics. Click here for the Test.
Belgium’s foreign Minister Didier Reynders, under the Ceta writes.
(photo: Reuters)
Brussels Belgium has signed, after a day long internal negotiations, the European-canadian trade Pact Ceta. Minister of foreign Affairs Didier Reynders on Saturday in Brussels, its signature under the agreement. “Nothing is easy in Belgium, but few things are impossible,” tweeted Reynders thereafter.
Tanghe With were EU trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, the EU’s chief negotiator Mauro Petriccione, Canada’s Ambassador to Belgium, Olivier Nicoloff, and the President of the Belgian-French chamber of Commerce, Jean-Pierre.
What is Ceta?
Ceta is the acronym for the proposed free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada. Ceta stands for “Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement” (Comprehensive economic and trade agreement).
The technical negotiations started in 2009 and were completed in 2014. In October 2016, the Ceta will be signed.
the aim of the agreement is due to the elimination of customs duties, as well as “not tariffären” trade barriers such as different Standards, and standards boost economic growth.
According to the Federal Ministry of Economics, the EU is Canada to the United States, the second most important trading partner.
Ceta is regarded as a blueprint for the proposed free trade agreement between the EU and the USA (TTIP), with around 800 million consumers, the world’s largest economic area
critics see the agreement, among other things, basic democratic principles undermined.
Ceta will be signed after seven years of negotiations, on Sunday at an EU-Canada summit in Brussels. The agreement is intended to eliminate, according to EU figures, 99 per cent of duties in trade between the EU and Canada, and thus reviving the economy.
Actually, the summit should take place as early as Thursday. The Meeting burst, however, because the French Belgians are called for up until the last representations of their government. Only after these have been agreed on Thursday, was able to Belgium to agree.
It could have been a relaxing trip for Sigmar Gabriel (SPD). On Monday, the Minister of the economy, breaking up with a Manager-Delegation to China – handshakes, transactions, threading, a little bit of politics. The is usually. But this Time it has to make Gabriel uncomfortable questions in focus. After all, within a week, his Ministry has snubbed two Times by Chinese companies.
First, the Federal government had stopped the Takeover of the German company Aixtron by Chinese investors, then they slowed the sale of the lamp division of Osram in Chinese prospects. It seems, as do in Germany, just a new fear of Takeovers by Chinese investors in width.
In the case of Aixtron people are clueless about the background of the decision from Berlin, as well as the potential buyer of Fujian Grand Chip (FGC). “This has surprised everyone,” it means from the environment of the investment Fund.
Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel (SPD)
Indeed, had taken care of the takeover plans at an early stage for distrust, because you should, indirectly, by Chinese state-funded. But so far, the Chinese seem to have overcome all the hurdles. This also includes extensive information to the us securities and exchange Commission SEC included, in addition to inspections by the German authorities, because part of the Aixtron-traded shares in the United States.
Finally, the previously little known FGC-chief Liu Zhendong campaigned in an Interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE in person for the Acquisition. However, he denied, to act on behalf of the Chinese state. Even with the dubious cancellation of a contract of the Chinese company San’an Optoelectronics to Aixtron you have nothing to do. After the cancellation the end of 2015, Aixtron slump of course. And because between San’an and the FGC business Connections, was the come of the suspicion, the Chinese would deliberately pressed to the purchase price of Aixtron.
quite surprisingly, the Failure came in the last Minute but apparently. “We have noticed in the last three months, that someone is actively working against the Acquisition,” the Deal familiar circles. “He had information that could only have come from U.S. authorities.”
German or American authorities have expressed Why, but these concerns have not in the past? One theory is that the German intelligence services lacked information about the explosive nature of Aixtron’s technology and you were only warned at the last Minute by U.S. colleagues. The concern: products of Aixtron may be used in the Chinese nuclear program.
Fujian Grand Chip Investment Fund LP
the Chinese Investor Liu Zhendong
in fact, the US had notified the authorities in the past, in the case of exports of machinery for semiconductor production concerns. In 1998 they said the delivery of the US manufacturer, Emcore. When the Chinese bought instead, in the case of Aixtron, led to an official Protest to the Americans.
in addition, Aixtron is examining the Federal Ministry of Economics and currently also the sale of the Osram lamp division to the Chinese LED specialist, MLS, wants to take over the ailing business with energy-saving lamps and neon tubes for more than 400 million euros. At the end of March, the contract was signed, the sale should be completed in the coming year. Now he is because of the Intervention from Berlin for the first time on the ice.
The Deal is for Osram immensely important: Although the company separates from a very large area of business that it generated, for decades, billions of dollars, but traditional light bulbs are a discontinued model. Most recently Osram has made this division losses.
Osram Logo in Munich
Why is Berlin become suddenly suspicious? In General, in the case of every company, a so-called clearance certificate transfer will be requested from the Ministry of economy. If the Ministry in Berlin has not commented one month after the submission of the application, the certificate shall be issued automatically. The Osram Deal the Ministry is now to a closer examination.
After the receipt of all documents Gabriel’s officials have two months time, the Acquisition exactly. An investment may be prohibited according to the law on foreign trade but only if it “might endanger the public order or security of the Federal Republic of Germany.”
fear before the Chinese influence
Not everyone wants to believe, however, that in the case of two Deals, in fact, security concerns are crucial. In the case of Aixtron, about the largest competitors to U.S. companies such as Veeco and Cree. Want to prevent the Americans so the entry in order to protect a company before a German-Chinese competitors? Barry Norris, Manager of Aixtron shareholder, Argonaut Capital, suggests the. With his Veto, Minister of economic Affairs Gabriel threatened, “to play the stooge for American commercial interests,” he criticizes.
in Addition, an interesting cross-connection between the two Deals. Because, of all things, San’an Optoelectronics, so that Chinese companies, the already played at of the company’s Acquisition of a dubious role, he also apparently plans for the purchase of Osram. The was recently announced.
in order for Aixtron, a manufacturer of machines for the production of LEDs, and light bulb manufacturer Osram in the Chinese Hand. The company would have access to the entire value chain of this High-Tech industry. All the patents were in Chinese possession. Perhaps Berlin looks now, therefore, in the case of two Deals exactly.
New to such Concerns in the case of foreign Acquisitions are not in any case. In 2007, the discomfited the increased entry of foreign state funds in the case of German companies, the policy. Angela Merkel warned at the time, in the Bundestag, foreign investors not only the yield but may also influence. As a result of the debate economic law in terms of outside the right of veto of the economy Minister in the case of Acquisitions of more than 25 percent by foreign investors – this Option Gabriel moved to the Aixtron Deal.