Saturday, September 3, 2016

Volkswagen: Ex-Bentley chief urges hundreds of millions – SPIEGEL ONLINE

by Dietmar Hawranek

There is a huge demand: former Bentley boss Wolfgang Schreiber sued the VW group to several hundred million euros. The most surprising thing is that the action is by no means hopeless

Wolfgang Schreiber, former head of the VW Group brands Bentley and Bugatti, has to SPIEGEL information before the Landgericht München a patent lawsuit against the Wolfsburg carmaker filed. The requirement of several hundred million euros related to the writer of earlier activities together within the company. Read the full story in new SPIEGEL

The doctorate in mechanical engineering 1996 had taken over the management of the Transmission Development of the Volkswagen brand and ensured that a new technology was made ready for use. The dual clutch transmission (DSG). The carmaker has registered several patents for this transmission. Wolfgang Schreiber is called in some patents as the “inventor”.

After the laws on employee inventions, the inventor is sufficiently remunerated solely by the content, which it relates. He is entitled to a “reasonable” remuneration. There are often conflicts between employees and companies, what is “reasonable”. The amount of the claim resulting in the case VW apparently from the particular success of the dual clutch transmission, which has now been installed in more than four million vehicles.

Wolfgang Schreiber was unavailable for the SPIEGEL. The Volkswagen Group will be the case not comment because it is an ongoing process.


Read more about this on Saturday morning at the new SPIEGEL .

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 50 posts

One slowly gets the impression” Only where VW draufsteht is Beschiss inside “!

One slowly gets the impression “Only where VW draufsteht is Beschiss inside”!

Surely ago Schreiber absorbed in time as an employee at VW. signed a lease basis and contracts related to his inventions. The normally with the active support of it, [...]

Surely ago Schreiber in time as an employee at VW absorbed. signed a lease basis and contracts related to his inventions. They are typically created with the active support of specialized lawyers and / or legal scholars for the employer and reward with rather ridiculous sums, which afterwards really brings money. It will be really exciting to see now whether these concoctions not absorbed against. Good manners offend. Only then he might have a chance to see significantly more than he has already received.

If we’re at it to do with VW in the world of money, why not without nitrogen oxide. More strikes me this is not one.

If we’re at it, make money with VW in the world, why not without nitrogen oxide. More strikes me not to attend.

executive compensation, bonuses etc etc … not enough …

executive compensation, bonuses etc etc … not enough …

Germany it is already paid, currently a to demand good time all or demand.

Germany it is already paid, currently demanding a good time all or demand.

More in Spiegel

13.538461538462 Issue 36/2016 As we computers and robots take work away – and what professions tomorrow are MIRROR Apps sure:

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