![financial district in Istanbul financial district in Istanbul](http://cdn2.spiegel.de/images/image-1024459-breitwandaufmacher-cmvo-1024459.jpg)
financial district in Istanbul
the feud between Turkey and Standard & amp; Poor’s getting worse. The government in Ankara covering the credit rating agency with threats Finanzprofis counter with a dismal review.
The rating agency Standard & amp; Poor’s has classified Turkey as a “high-risk” country. Previously, investors had already warned against a “very high risk”. The review follows threats by the Turkish government, which had complained loudly about “incorrect decisions” by the international rating agencies
Standard & amp. Poor’s had downgraded the creditworthiness of Turkish government bonds in the past month and the outlook to “negative” set, which indicates further deterioration in creditworthiness. The agency justified the poorer assessment of the consequences of attempted military coup and the polarization in the country
The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threw Standard & amp. Poor’s then “Turkish antagonism” before. The downgrade was “totally politically” motivated. “? We’re not your member, what is that to you, who are you,” Erdogan said in a speech overlooking Standard & amp; Poor’s.
Last week, the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek announced action against rating agencies. There is no reason, poor assess the creditworthiness of Turkey. The failed coup has clouded the economic outlook of Turkey. On the other hand, the banking system of the country is considered largely stable.
assessments of rating agencies may affect the terms on which borrowing countries in the international financial money. The worse the creditworthiness, the higher is usually the interest that must be paid.
In the risk assessment of a country’s risks are taken into account, which may affect the business in the country. These dangers can economic, institutional or legal character or resulting from the financial markets.
asa / Reuters / dpa
70 posts
this is standard and poor as the name suggests? Another self-staging of the USA, as well as the other rating agencies and the Fed. this suppository was so sent us given that we did not even [...]
This is standard and poor as the name suggests? Another self-staging of the USA, as well as the other rating agencies and the Fed. this suppository was so sent us given that we do not even notice if we change .. Here again Monopoly is played according to the rules, has written this country and your mood. The fact that we play, hoping all the time to win is already at least as funny as a dog biting its tail and turns in circles.
It is almost funny how Mr Erdogan kicking and screaming against his” enemies “defends that obviously are everywhere and” Turks Hostile “is. Would be really funny, it would not [...]
It is almost funny how Mr Erdogan kicking and screaming against his “enemies” defends that obviously are everywhere and “Turks Hostile” is. Would be really funny, it would not be at the same time so sad and dangerous …
The economic pressure is probably the only way the show the limits of their bubble Sultan and his entourage. Always it. Thumbs up
The economic pressure is probably the only way the Sultan and his entourage to show the limits of their bubble. Always it. Thumbs up
If the annual GDP in Turkey $ 10 000 is however still in debt with 70% then the an absolute novelty for Turkey. That would Erdogan could continue to mean its current policy no longer. It is [...]
If the annual GDP in Turkey is $ 10,000 but still in debt with 70% then that is an absolute novelty for Turkey. That would Erdogan could continue to mean its current policy no longer. There come hard times on Turkey to because Erdogan and the AKP etched only by the investors that. If no investor is there for Turkey finally hear the fascist policies of the current government on ….
Turkey is of the opinion that you just insult the world and threaten need to get what you want.
Ib the works seen. Bottom line is, and Turkey, however, remains a country before you [...]
Turkey is of the opinion that you just insult the world and threaten need to get what you want.
Ib the works seen. Bottom line is, and Turkey, however, remains a country before you have to have no fear.
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