Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sigmar Gabriel fails with application before OLG Dusseldorf – SPIEGEL ONLINE

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Logos Tengelmann and Edeka

Sigmar Gabriel goes with all legal means against the rejection of his special permit for acquisition of Kaiser’s Tengelmann by Edeka. A first application was rejected now in all respects.

Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) must be in the process for ministerial approval, with whom he had the proposed acquisition of Kaiser’s Tengelmann permitted by Edeka, again a Insert another defeat. The Higher Regional Court Dusseldorf rejected a so-called request to rectify the passages Emergency Ruling on the preliminary stop the permission of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs. The application is both inadmissible and unfounded, says the decision of the court.

The SPD chairman had allowed a ministerial permit the acquisition of Kaiser’s Tengelmann by the industry leader Edeka, although the Bundeskartellamt had these prohibited. The Higher Regional Court Dusseldorf had Gabriel accused in an urgent decision partiality and the merger have been stopped.

Along with its request Gabriel wanted to bring the judges to correct “facts and findings of fact” in its initial decision. So Gabriel have not met on December 1 with Edeka CEO Markus Mosa and Tengelmann CEO Karl-Erivan Haub together for an interview, but separately with the two. In addition, there had been not a four or six eyes talks, but there are procedures accompanying officials have been present.

The court gave Gabriel in any of the arguments put forward by him points right. It undertook neither corrections nor additions to the facts which it had set the original decision was based. Gabriel Justification application should fail, because the issue raised by the Minister justification “unfounded” was, the decision reads.

The facts corrections is not the only legal instrument that strives Gabriel: In summer interview the ARD program “Report from Berlin” he announced to march against the stop the merger before the Bundesgerichtshof



 a total of 6 posts

As Schröder, a decision
 cases which will bring him a nice job.

As Schröder, a decision
 cases which is Him bestow a great job.

Although Gabriel is still so stubborn, he also has to adhere to laws , Since help No Lies

Although Gabriel is still so stubborn, he also has to adhere to laws. Since help No Lies

It’s sad when courts must keep the economy minister of an uneconomic decision.

It’s sad when courts must keep the economy minister of an uneconomic decision.

Why uneconomical. Tengelmann will go bankrupt. The workers are unemployed and can apply Hartz4 after one year. The price level is determined by ALDI and Lidl as Tengelmann irrelevant

Why uneconomical. Tengelmann will go bankrupt. The workers are unemployed and can apply Hartz4 after one year. The price level is determined by ALDI and Lidl as Tengelmann irrelevant

Why pulls Gabriel before courts? In my opinion this should still do the business if they want to. Can someone enlighten me?

Why pulls Gabriel before courts? In my opinion this should still do the business if they want to. Can someone enlighten me?

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