Friday, August 12, 2016

Disappointing balance forces GfK leadership to resign – W & V – Advertise & Sell

GfK CEO  Matthias Hartmann has his post r & # XE4;.  TREES
GfK CEO Matthias Hartmann must leave his post. © Photo: GfK

turbulence at the top of the Nuremberg market research company GfK : After again disappointing financial results and the resignation of corporate governance is the world’s number five in the industry against a fresh start. GfK Management Board CEO Matthias Hartmann wants to leave at the end the company. The Chairman of the GfK Supervisory Arno Mahlert deposits already with effect from 12 September from the supervisory board of.

The guide on the board take over as early as 1 September, the current board member Gerhard Hausruckinger , the company said. He will officially take over the function of a “Spokesman” until a successor for Hartmann was found.

The reason for the resignations, the company called “different views” for long-term business policy. Details would not give a company spokesman on Friday. Who would in future lead the market research company, is still unclear.

In investor sources said on Friday, with the shareholders was last disappointment over the continued lack of success of initiated prior years restructuring been great. “Mr. Hartmann is since 2011 on the GfK-tip. The fruits of the restructuring are but not yet seen after five years,” it said. Given the last bad GfK figures, each shareholder will eventually restless. “If that be the case with BMW, which also Quandt would make so,” it said.

The company had its loss journey can not stop after setbacks in previous quarters in the second quarter 2016th With 361.2 million euros, sales were 6.1 percent below the level of the comparable prior-year quarter. In relation to the first half of contracted sales of 721.2 million euros by 3.4 percent.

The second-quarter profit was burdened especially the decreased value of the company in view of its difficult economic situation. The division in the Consumer Experience (analysis of consumer behavior and attitudes) made necessary goodwill amortization of 139 million euros bestowed to the Group’s bottom line loss of 148.2 million euros. In the second quarter 2015, GfK had generated Group profit of 19.7 million. The Consumer Choices range (measurement of consumption) could grow it. (Dpa / fs)

Disappointing balance forces GfK leadership to resign

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