thanks to the good situation on the labour market the Federal employment Agency in a good position financially because
The Federal employment Agency (BA) can fill up with an unexpectedly high billion Surplus in 2016, for a time of crisis, created a financial cushion. The Surplus for the financial year was 4.9 billion euros, said BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise, the German press Agency. The Nuremberg-based Federal Agency had originally expected to only 1.8 billion euros.
The reserves, which in the past, among other things, short-time work programs have been funded in order to provide a buffer downturns of the company, thus increased to 10,96 billion euros. The Federal Agency that is financed with contributions of employers and employees, so that – unlike in previous decades – to continue without state subsidies. “The Figures show that we have a well-managed,” said way.
The high profit for the year is due, according to his information mainly to lower expenditure for unemployment benefits. This would have been in the past year to 1.4 billion euros under the Plan. The expenditure for short-time working allowances and other mandatory services as well as the cost for training of the unemployed, which can be down to 700 million euros lower. “The work of Agency employees took advantage of the good labor market, to bring a lot of people in work, without wage cost to the employer or measures for the vocational promotion of the unemployed have been necessary,” said the BA-in-chief.
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Additional financial leeway of the Federal Agency-Wise details of around 155 million euros increase in premium income. The one-time refund of a supply plant flushed 500 million euros in the Fund. With the amount of the BA wants to increase its pension Fund for future pensions of civil servants, self-shoulders, instead of the next Generation to burden.
Against this Background, looks way, therefore, the Federal Agency for possible difficult times well prepared. You can do a lot to prevent Jobkrisen. “But the difficult situation, the Federal employment Agency, the unemployment insurance would be willing to cope with such crises,” said BA Manager, go to the end of March. The Agency was “for the economy, for the state safe Bank. For us, it doesn’t need a parachute."
Eat as the group’s headquarters will be affected by the austerity measure.
(photo: Reuters)
Berlin/Düsseldorfof The energy group Eon wants to reduce a large number of jobs in the administration. “Eon is decentralized. This means that, especially in the Central administrative Offices be abolished,” said Eon CEO Johannes Teyssen said of the “Rheinische Post” (Saturday edition), according to the preliminary report.
“Naturally is also eat as the group’s headquarters, where we currently have around 600 employees in Central functions.” Overall, Eon has in Essen 2000 employees. “We also check, where subsidiaries and Shared Service centers can be more efficient.”
The IPOs of the daughters of Eon and RWE
The energy revolution-wracked energy giant Eon and RWE, are driving their company tags. Eon has brought to the power plant daughter Uniper in September, the stock market, RWE brought the green energy business Innogy in October on the stock market.
The Eon subsidiary, Uniper has its headquarters in Düsseldorf, employs nearly 14,000 employees and achieved consolidated financial information in 2015 on a Pro Forma Basis, Ebit of EUR 0.8 billion and a net loss of around four billion euros. The Chef is the former Eon chief financial officer Klaus Schäfer.
The RWE subsidiary Innogy, which has its headquarters in Essen, employs almost 40,000 people and generated mathematically according to the RWE data 2015 an operating profit (Ebitda) of 4.5 billion euros and a net profit of 1.6 billion euros. The company is led by RWE chief Peter Terium, has made after the IPO, the chief items of the parent group.
Uniper operates coal – and gas-fired power plants in Europe and Russia, with about 40 Gigawattt. Add water and nuclear power plants in Sweden, as well as energy trading.
RWE Innogy bundles the business with green electricity, the electricity and gas networks as well as distribution of electricity and Gas.
Eon has brought in the course of a Spin-off 53 percent of the Uniper-shares listed on the stock exchange and their own shareholders to the Depot. Revenue of the group is not achieved initially. Eon wants to silver in the medium term, the rest of the shares, not before 2018.
RWE and the new subsidiary, Innogy, initially produced 23 per cent of the shares in the stock market. Later, more shares could be sold, RWE wants to keep the majority.
Uniper and Innogy could already pay for 2016 a dividend. Uniper is from the beginning, under pressure. The group intends to sell up to 2018, investments in the value of at least two billion euros and the reduction of staff costs.
Innogy expects stable business, since the largest part of the revenue, for example, for the operation of the electricity and Gas networks is regulated by the state. The company is targeting a dividend of 70 to 80 percent of adjusted net profit, which should be in 2016, in the order of € 1.1 billion.
The removal is carried out in the framework of the austerity program “Phoenix”, with the Eon 400 million euros to save. “After previous experiences, usually 50 percent of the savings be omitted if the efficiency programmes of this kind on staff, and 50 percent on equipment costs. So could it be in ‘Phoenix,’" said Teyssen. The extent of the job cuts will be straight determined.
On the question of whether he could be redundancies exclusive, said Teyssen: “As always in such cases, Eon tries to find socially acceptable solutions. We have agreed with the works Council. I am confident to find 2017 fair solutions, especially since our transfer company will continue to run."
Nuremberg, Germany (dpa) – The German Federal employment Agency (BA) can fill up with an unexpectedly high billion Surplus in 2016, for a time of crisis, created a financial cushion. The Surplus for the financial year was 4.9 billion euros, said BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise of the dpa.
The Nuremberg-based Federal Agency had originally expected to only 1.8 billion euros.
The reserves, which in the past, among other things, short-time work programs have been funded in order to provide a buffer downturns of the company, thus increased to 10,96 billion euros. The Federal Agency that is financed with contributions of employers and employees, so that – unlike in previous decades – to continue without state subsidies. “The Figures show that we have a well-managed,” said way.
The high profit for the year is due, according to his information mainly to lower expenditure for unemployment benefits. This would have been in the past year to 1.4 billion euros under the Plan. The expenditure for short-time working allowances and other mandatory services as well as the cost for training of the unemployed, which can be down to 700 million euros lower. “The work of Agency employees took advantage of the good labor market, to bring a lot of people in work, without wage cost to the employer or measures for the vocational promotion of the unemployed have been necessary,” said the BA-in-chief.
Additional financial leeway of the Federal employment Agency to give to the Wise information of around 155 million euros increase in premium income. The one-time refund of a supply plant flushed 500 million euros in the Fund. With the amount of the BA wants to increase its pension Fund for future pensions of civil servants, self-shoulders, instead of the next Generation to burden.
Against this Background, looks way, therefore, the Federal Agency for possible difficult times well prepared. You can do a lot to prevent Jobkrisen. “But the difficult situation, the Federal employment Agency, the unemployment insurance would be willing to cope with such crises,” said BA Manager, go to the end of March. The Agency was “for the economy, for the state safe Bank. For us, it doesn’t need a parachute.”
railway and the train drivers ‘ Union have not done it again in a regular round of collective bargaining. Therefore, the arbitration begins. As a Simple two ran, the had one and a half years, success will.
As of 2015, solve, Bodo Ramelow and Matthias Platzeck as an Arbitrator in the dispute with Deutsche Bahn. Prime Minister of Thuringia, Ramelow (Left) has been named by the German train drivers Union (GDL) for this task. The former Brandenburg head of government Platzeck (SPD) was determined by the railway as a Mediator. With the help of both was in the summer of 2015, a compromise after a year’s engagement in a mediation has been found.
sticking point “leisure time”
In the current wage dispute, it is mainly a leisure of train drivers, Conductors and other employees of the train Crew, for the GDL negotiated. The Union said a week ago the Failure of collective bargaining, and initiated the arbitration. Both sides accused each other of lack of willingness to negotiate.
Until the end of the mediation process peace is a duty, the prohibition of strikes. In the next few days, Platzeck and Ramelow would arrange a first meeting after the Christmas break, shared with the railway. In accordance with the applicable agreement, the conciliation Commission must meet within five business days after the appointment of the Chairman for the first time.
“is the goal of the GDL, and will remain, the load reductions and to achieve a genuine Five-day week followed by two days of leisure without labor disputes”, held on the GDL Chairman Claus Weselsky. The GDL members had sufficiently proved that they were at any time in the situation, their interests, including strikes, to enforce.
railway wants to bring to the mediation their latest offer to the GDL. Part of it, to test the GDL-model for the working hours “and to transfer in case of success, then, in the application of tariff regulations”. The company questioned the practicality of the GDL requirements. This led to a Four-day-a-week with full wage compensation, the railway.
About this theme tagesschau24 reported on 30. December 2016 at 17:40 and German radio on may 30. December 2016 to 13:00.
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the Ifo chief Clemens Fuest, a difficult year 2017 expected for savers. In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper, Fuest said: “It could be worst year for small savers for a long time.”
the Background is the rising Inflation, the growth in Germany to 1.5 percent, while interest rates remained far below that. Fuest explains: “This means that the assets of the citizens is no longer undermined strong how long.” To blame for this development, especially the low-interest-rate policy of the ECB. Germany will heavily discriminated against.
No money for patronage politics – “how the pension with 63″
Fuest is also reflected to the discussion of tax cuts in Germany. SPD chief Sigmar Gabriel had rejected such a proposal. Reason was, that the money for investments would be needed. Fuest believes that for tax cuts and enough money available. And more: “You just have to stop to throw it for clientele policy out of the window”. As an example, he cited the pension with 63.
criticism of Wolfgang Schäuble
Fuest also criticised Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. In view of the good economic situation, Germany must have “actually higher Surpluses”. Schäuble had made “no major contribution to the restructuring of the budget through reduction of government spending.” Its performance would be, however, is that not more money had been spent.
Also in the Video: Soros warns EU threatens to collapse like the Soviet Union 25 years ago
Soros warns: EU threatens to collapse like the Soviet Union 25 years ago
The Italian William Salice has developed not only the Surprise, he was also involved in the invention of Nutella. Now he has died at the age of 83 years.
“daddy, come tonight not so late, Yes?” the child on the phone says. “You bring me something?” The father responds: “Maybe a little something.” “Auja”, exclaims the child. “What Is Exciting! And what to Play with! And Chocolate!” “Not really,” replies the father in the office. In the 25-year-old TV Spot of the man seems a bit overwhelmed (if the only knew what parents of Smartphone-the children of today are going through). Then he has the idea: “children’s surprise”. Because with a toy-filled chocolate Egg, “fulfills three wishes at once”.
in fact, it was the Ü-Egg, as it was known in professional circles, at that time a Sensation. In the 1970s, as the had to pre-decide growing between Playmobil and Play-Big and animated movies with the “Dux Elkino” looked at was the combination of brown-white chocolate and one in yellow plastic-encapsulated toy kit is a daily advent calendar. By vigorous Shaking, the buyer tried prior to payment to find out whether the contents corresponded to his ideas. After Opening he loved to meet his brothers and sisters with the ploppenden capsule lid, before he devoted himself to the Assembly of the Smurfs, cars, or gyroscopes.
the Surprise of the Italians, William Salice, an employee of the company Ferrero, which was a gorgeous fat spreads known Invented. However, Salice, a close associate of the founder, Michele Ferrero, and co-developer of Nutella, referred to himself – whether out of modesty or loyalty – never as the inventor of the “kinder Sorpresa”. He called himself only the “exporter of an idea”. That in fact, he was the one in the conversion of the Paschal season, the article had a whole year world’s best selling critical percentage, the Bonus of 400 000 Euro, the him, his company paid. Salice founded a Foundation for the promotion of young talents.
of Course, there continues to be criticism of the Italian egg dish: children should be smothered parts of Toys; conditions of production of the Happy Hippos atrocious; the content used to be more original. But a success all over the world will stay until the end of 2017. Chocolate, game and excitement, it goes on and on. Sad only: William Salice has now closed in the Lombardy, Pavia at the age of 83 years, for always his eyes.
Taste of Childhood
celebrates Sticky-sweet and chocolaty: The nut-Nougat cream Nutella your 50. Birthday. Ferrero puts on the incorruption of his recipe for Success. However, in Italy it is afraid of the end of the family Empire. By Ulrike Sauermore…
Only in two to three months will determine whether the Italian state and the crisis Bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) must support a “precautionary increase in capital”. Until then, the EU Commission must decide, in cooperation with the European Central Bank (ECB) as a Bank supervisor, whether the requirements are met in accordance with the EU state aid law – or, more precisely:
author: Werner Mussler, the economic correspondent in Brussels. consequences:
If MPS really as a “solvent Bank”, and with a precautionary state capital injection thereof is allowed to be, without having to be processed. Ahead of talks between Rome, Frankfurt and Brussels. The Italian government has not submitted an application for the approval of such state aid with the EU Commission. Therefore, until further notice, open, how much the (state) capital, the institution really needs.
not taxpayers, but shareholders and creditors should, in Principle, should be handled ailing banks, according to the rules of the new EU Bank recovery and resolution Directive BRRD, and you are responsible for. This General Bail-in rule does not apply in a special exception case, Italy is calling now. Therefore a “precautionary increase in capital” of the state for a solvent, in a negative scenario, but vulnerable Bank is possible.
the restructuring plan is before
The idea behind the special scheme is that in this case, “only” a matter of a healthy Bank as a hedge in the unlikely event of a risk scenario. Of course, it is doubtful that MPS is really at the core of healthy and solvent.
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Even if the exception rule should be complied with the General EU state aid rules. You see a abgemildertes Bail-in. It is the shareholders and the holders of subordinated bonds must be asked to pay. Monte dei Paschi had asked the latter to exchange their subordinated bonds into new shares. This 2.3 billion euros, came in.
retail investors, which had sold the Bank bonds, but the state compensated. He wants to buy the shares and senior bonds. Is this on the basis that the Bank had advised the small investors wrong. The restructuring plan for MPS, which is for the approval of the state aid necessary, is not yet available.
8.8 billion euros is needed?
The ECB calculated in this week a total capital requirement of 8.8 billion euros. The Italian government must expend, according to calculations by the Italian Central Bank from Friday about 6.6 billion euros for the recapitalization of the Bank, the Rest would come from private investors. In Brussels, it is, of course, it was far too early to call exact Numbers.
The short-term liquidity of the Bank seems for the time being to be secured. According to Italian newspaper reports from the Friday the MPS want to take in the next year about 15 billion euros of foreign capital. According to “La Repubblica” to bonds and money market papers to be issued, a third short runners, the Rest of the three-year papers. The Italian government will give guarantees.
is this possible, has extended the EU Commission on Thursday evening, which began in August existing approval for a General Bank guarantee under the Italian state, to the position of the payment ability of Italian institutions to six months. Such state guarantees have been granted since the financial crisis in a number of EU States; they are present also in Poland, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus.
Two to three months, could go to the country
money flows are not connected. At the same time, the EU competition authority has approved of the precaution, for the case of need – such as the rules on state aid provided short-term government Liquidity support for MPS. These have to do with the possible precautionary capital increase from state funds.
it is checked To the latter by the EU-Commission and, where appropriate, approved, are likely to go to the entrance of the Italian application two to three months. That it will reject the authorities in Brussels are, flatly, should be excluded. The competition authorities had, in the past week that Italy have developed ten days ago adopted precautionary Bank rescue Fund, in close consultation with Brussels.
This suggests that Italy has already received outlines of a Bank rescue can be implemented without the Commission acts as a spoilsport. This also indicates that a precautionary increase in capital by the state appears at least possible in principle.
An x-ray test brings it on the day. A number of food and cosmetics packs contain, in addition to the goods, especially a lot of, a lot of air. Consumer advocates are calling for stricter rules for the packaging design.
The consumer of Hamburg has made this month again, what would you do as a consumer when shopping sometimes. It has a well-sealed food and cosmetics packs with an x-ray device. The result was sobering: The packages of the sample – whether it’s cereal, rice or day-care-cream – contained, according to the consumer advocates, on average, 40 percent of the air.
“Many people feel that as a deception, maybe even fraud,” said the chief of the consumer Bundesverband (vzbv), Klaus Müller, on such inflated packs. “You pay for something you get later in the Form.” This broth is a permanent nuisance, for example when buying coffee, powdered drinks, desserts, Breakfast cereals, or Instant. The consumer calls for stricter rules against too much air in food packages.
wrapping mesh is for two reasons annoying
The consumer of Hamburg has been working for years with the issue. Last through it shone in the beginning of December, 15 products, about which consumers had complained – Breakfast cereals with a measured Air content of 49 percent in the packaging, eye-care cream with an Air content of 68 percent. And it lists on their Online site Tricks, with which the industry works – of sight Windows in the packaging, just below the filling limit of up to twice the floors and jars with remarkably thick walls in the case of cosmetics products.
For the consumer advocates, the issue is for two reasons annoying. The consumer would be duped and the environment suffer. “By air packaging resources will be wasted”, they complain. Also for the transportation of the products more space and thus more fuel would be needed.
Banca Monte dei Paschi is not in the least bit relevant to the system. Nevertheless, the EU-Commission approves rescue. She throws all resolutions overboard and brings Europe permanently in danger.
Siena, the Tuscan town, is a place of longing, culturally and historically. Here also the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena is the oldest Bank in the world. It would have grieved the one or the other, if this would have been completed more than half a Millennium old money house. This will not happen, the EU Commission has approved, on Thursday evening, state aid for the Italian banks. Instead, one should practice but now concerned that European law will be bent and all of the intentions of a future, better fiscal policy in the Euro-Zone, thrown overboard, save only to such a Bank.
Unfortunately, this is happening exactly, and with full intention. Amazingly, there was hardly any political resistance against this Bank bailout – although they are checkered-year long reform efforts counter-attack and Europe was finally in danger.
In Italy, returns to the financial crisis
The rescue of the crisis Bank Monte dei Paschi failed. Now the Italian government steps in – with the largest nationalization since the thirty years. By Stephan Radomsky and Ulrike Sauermore …
is The principle of the Directive clearly – but that is all no matter
Actually, everything was arranged quite differently. As the first shock of the 2007 outbreak of the financial crisis was processed and the States to the rescue rushed, as the damage for the economies, for the state budgets and the credibility of the political systems was seen, as the European leaders had promised to create a System in which banks own mistakes would have to pay. In the last consequence this means that the task of the company – as in other industries.
For a year the created EU resolution Directive is in force. She is wearing not so typical chic EU-speech-acronym, but listen to the ugly abbreviation BRRD. One could almost
The new law is intended to prevent troubled banks have to be bailed out by the taxpayer, as this was done after 2007, in many cases, and also in Germany. The principle is clear, and his permission is not denied in times of Bank lobbyists really: the cost of The remediation or closure of a Bank must first carry the owners and creditors, shareholders, bondholders and depositors with larger balances.
From now on would have to be every little savings Bank saved
as far as the super-rich or large-scale investors are affected, the also a lot of applause. However, since in the case of the Bank of Siena has many small savers hold bonds (an Italian feature), and now, therefore, be losing money, penetrates the Roman government with a view to the next election on an exception to the European rule and the EU-bodies will grant you this willingly. To bad the European model of a derogation clause of the resolution Directive is used to pump 20 billion euros into a rescue Fund. Details are not yet known, the rescue operation is so complicated that in the end, only experts.
the principle that the glass should be clear: anyone Who gambled, whose strategy is succeeding, who is not a business model that works more that goes into the insolvency. These conditions do not apply all of them on the Bank of Siena, which is also about “system relevant”, whose bankruptcy would not trigger a new global financial crisis. As harsh as this sounds: The Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena is dispensable.
must be saved, If not more, this small Italian Bank must go bust, then in the future, every savings Bank anywhere. But why should, if the state would assume responsibility guarantees, nor anyone to think about risk management and responsibility?
Brussels is treading from a political fear of a dangerous path. And the Federal government makes this a bad game in the eyes.
Wags to Italy, then shakes soon to Europe
The Bank Monte dei Paschi can only be saved by the Italian state. This reflects the crisis in the country and the monetary Union. comment by Thomas Steinfeldmore…
The consumer service of the Federal network Agency “takes care of each individual case and urges the company to the rectification of defects”.
(photo: Reuters)
Bonn, more and more consumers complain about deficiencies in the transport and delivery of letters and parcels. In the case of the Federal network Agency, 3858 complaints about postal services were received this year – 16 percent more than last year, as the authority announced on Thursday. The consumer service of the network Agency “takes care of each individual case and urges the company to the rectification of defects”, explained authorities chief Jochen Homann.
most of the complaints in 2016 related to packet services, with Almost 2500 receiver certification Agency to the Federal network, for example, because the package was damaged in delivery. For the first time in 2016 were more complaints in the package – as in the letter area, such as the network Agency announced.
The authority has the task to provide the basic postal services. For this, it evaluates the complaints. “2016 could be clarified in numerous cases, and the quality of postal services within the meaning of the consumer”, explained Homann. In the case of the arbitration of the network Agency, around 220 applications were received, also an increase compared to the previous year, as there were only 66 applications.
The consumer centers insist on stricter rules against too much air in food packages, the illusion of a bigger content. “Many people feel that as a deception, maybe even fraud” – said the head of the consumer center Federal Association (vzbv), Klaus Müller, the German press Agency. “You pay for something you get later in the Form.” This broth is a permanent nuisance, for example when buying coffee, powdered drinks, desserts, Breakfast cereals, or Instant. “It would be desirable to have clear rules on what is legal for certain products,” claimed Müller.
cheating is there everywhere
A sample of the consumer centre of Hamburg revealed recently that twelve contained studied packs in an average of 40 percent air. So a bag of Risotto and a cereal box were 49 per cent empty, a bag of Baby rusks to 29 percent. Also in the case of cosmetics, the cheating were found to be””, for example, a cream with an Air content of 68 percent.
Miller said that there are a few products such as pressure-sensitive chocolates, in which the eye is to eat the flesh. Since it is in the nature of things, that you buy due to a contactor, the bigger pack might be up to 30 percent air. All other products are likely to contain at most as much air, as it is the filling of technically mandatory. Any air beyond is not only expensive for the consumers and due to additional Packungsmülls also bad for the environment. (dpa)
you could:
environmentalinterest Penny separates from plastic bags for the customers
cigarette packaging: shock pictures serve their purpose
Soon only plastic?: Our exemplary system of reusable containers for beverages, is under threat
goals.: quantity of waste from disposable packaging is strong
waste Recycling: environmentalists hold new packaging law for a step backwards
Major objectives of the tourism group HNA: World market leader in in-flight catering thanks to the acquisition of the gate group
The Chinese tourism group, HNA tour in Europe, Big has to his shopping: “We want to make our new gate group is the undisputed world market leader for in-flight catering”, the chief Executive officer of Adam Tan in April as a solution. Said and done. A few months later, Tan has achieved his goal.
author: Ulrich Friese, editor of the economy.
Shortly after the purchase of the Swiss Catering provider gate group HNA now advances with the control of the French competitors, economy Europe to the top spot in the industry. In earlier years, this Position of the Lufthansa group held at the end of the service provider LSG Sky Chefs. However, after his recent Coup of the Chinese parent group in the high-growth field of business, a total of 4.4 billion Swiss francs (4.1 billion euros). The rival from Germany saved more than three billion euros in the year.
More about
the gate group came from the estate of the above years of bankrupt Swissair and was acquired a few weeks ago for 1.4 billion Swiss francs of HNA. With Air France, the previous owner of economy Europe, agreed with the Chinese now on the purchase of a 50-percent package minus one share, at a price, the amount of which will be assessed on a three-digit million amount. To Finance this transaction, Gategoup plans in the first half of 2017 with a capital market transaction before, the group is then taken fully by the exchange.
After the rapid completion of the entry into the global catering business of HNA is air travel and tourism is getting wider. In just the past twelve months, a total of more than 20 billion dollars were invested in various equity investments, the Expansion outside the home.
the privately owned group currently operates 13 airports and 14 airlines in the middle Kingdom. Abroad, the Chinese lead the companies Aigle Azur in France, the Brazilian Azul and Africa World Airways from Ghana Director. Recently, HNA mixes as the owner of the Swiss ground handler Swissport, or as the operator of the European hotel, NH Hotels, Carlson with chains. The enterprising Investor from the far East is also as the operator of Hahn airport in the Hunsrück in the conversation.
In the case of the Federal network Agency, 3858 complaints about postal services this year, received 16 percent more than last year. For serious defects, this does not speak of the authority but according to his.
package delivery company Deutsche Post
The Federal network Agency has received this year, significantly more complaints about poor postal services in the year 2015. A total of 3858 complain about the problems in connection with the package and letter delivery service of the Supervisory authority, received an increase of more than 16 percent compared to the previous year, said network Agency President Jochen Homann on Thursday.
“The increase in complaint numbers show a greater vigilance on the part of consumers in the market of postal services,” said Homann. A sign of serious deficiencies in the package and letter delivery, the increase in complaints, according to the authority. In terms of the number of postal items, the number of complaints remains low.
a total of 24 posts
complaints any More, because _? the Post better or worse ist_? Many postmen deliver proper work, the line babbles Ah, this attentive customer! Headache[inclusion of a Chapter on...
More complaints, because _? the Post better or worse ist_? Many postmen deliver proper work, the line babbles Ah, this attentive customer! Headache[inclusion of a Chapter on...
the cake split on the insatiable rivals.
the cake split on the insatiable rivals.
Non-serious deficiencies prior to the case. A couple of years, then must be re-nationalized.
Non-serious deficiencies prior to the case. A couple of years, then must be re-nationalized.
if a metro sexual high earners middle class worker can't be upset about the DHL-Minimum wage earners, because its amazon-arrives-order just-in-time on-site. Merry Christmas!
if a metro sexual high earners middle class worker can't be upset about the DHL-Minimum wage earners, because its amazon-arrives-order just-in-time on-site. Merry Christmas!
"...serious deficiencies in the authority, but." The "authority" - this says it all... this year, 3 of 6 DHL package did not arrive with me - the are 50%. [...]
“…serious deficiencies in the authority, but.” The “authority” – this says it all… this year, 3 of 6 DHL package did not arrive with me – the are 50%. Extra cards are not thrown in, or with any first name – customer may search for matching people in the neighborhood itself, etc., etc. In my circle of family and friends was held in this year, also heaped. Now I use just City Post and Hermes. Also.
Berlin (dpa) – The goods traffic on the thousands of kilometers long route between Germany and China, for the railway is becoming increasingly important.
With more than 40 000 containers have moved the railway station, the largest volume of Goods through the longest railway in the world, the company said in Berlin. Previously, the “world reports”. In the previous year, there were 35 000 containers on the track.
railway Board member Ronald Pofalla announced that by the year 2020, the number of the Container should be increased to around 100 000. The rides on the 10 000 to 12 000 kilometres of long journeys usually lasted between twelve and 16 days, including multiple shipments of Container on the other gauges. Ensure that goods arrived on the Rail to your destination in half the time that the Transport takes by ship. The rail supply, for example, a BMW car plant in China.
The majority of Goods from and to China, according to the report, with container ships on the way. As an Alternative to the traditional sea routes, or also to Cargo transported by plane to the land is profitable, according to the assessment of the railway in the case of certain goods.
In March 2005, had sent the train according to the report, for the first Time, four test trains on the trip to China. In 2014, there were around 300, 2015 then, around 400 trains. Currently around Chongqing and Duisburg, the Zhengzhou and Hamburg, Wuhan and Duisburg/Hamburg, Changsha and Duisburg, or Shenyang and Leipzig are connected to.
In the legally obligated company target of 30 percent women has been reached. On the boards, hardly any female managers are to be found.
Federal Minister for family Affairs Manuela Schwesig
The proportion of female managers has risen, according to a report by the Federal Minister of family Affairs Manuela Schwesig. The share of women on Supervisory boards by law to the rate contracted firm had climbed in the current year, from 23.3 to 27.5 percent, according to the Newspapers of the Funke media group, citing Schwesigs report.
“The quota,” said the SPD politician, the analysis of your home, which is soon to be the Federal Cabinet. Many companies have reached the target percentage of 30 percent female managers to the Supervisory Board already. “The others will follow,” said Schwesig.
have The law for equal participation of women and men in leadership positions was in may of 2015, was entered into force. Since January, around 150 large businesses to reach for new appointments in the Supervisory Board, the proportion of women is 30 percent. This is not achieved, the chairs are vacant.
The rate applies to listed companies, where the Supervisory Board is each half of representatives of shareholders and workers occupied. For members of the management Board do not apply. There, the proportion of women was only just over five per cent, cited the Newspapers from the government report.
In the Supreme Federal authorities, however, met almost a third of the supervisors and management tasks of women. In 2011, this share was around 27 percent.
a total of 3 posts
congratulations to the parties,especially the greens and the SPD. While you are fighting for the Qoutenfrauen in the Supervisory boards, which may be an additional 6sstelliges Jahressälär, know parts of the [...]
congratulations to the parties,especially the greens and the SPD. While you are fighting for the Qoutenfrauen in the Supervisory boards, which may be an additional 6sstelliges Jahressälär, don’t know parts of the former SPD-voters, what to wear to their children, as to old/busted/small. And then wonder if people in the USA choose the Trump, or here on the AfD think. Kompiment to Mrs Wagenknecht, whose party is, unfortunately, because of the immigration policy is unelectable.
My reaction to the message is an “Aha”. That’s all. Also not less. To me, it is the same, whether the ratio man/woman is compensated for in a company or not. Whether a company is really successful, probably [...]
My reaction to the message is an “Aha”. That’s all. Also not less. To me, it is the same, whether the ratio man/woman is compensated for in a company or not. Whether a company is truly successful depends less of the sexes of the people in the Supervisory Board, but by their qualification.
Only when it can be clearly demonstrated that firms will be “better” if more women work in the Supervisory Board, I would like to applaud applause, and I’m for the quota. Then ask how this “better” can be measured. We remember: goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Accepted, Realistic, Terminated).
tires in the success of a country’s economy. Whether this intervention has positive or negative consequences, depends on the ambitions of the makers of these quotas.
tires in the success of a country’s economy. Whether this intervention has positive or negative consequences, depends on the ambitions of the makers of these quotas.
Berlin (AFP) wants to expand Deutsche Bahn its cooperation with the Chinese rail solid. This year, the Railways have transported already a record crowd of over 40,000 containers between Germany and China, by 2020, the number should rise to about 100,000, said Board member Ronald Pofalla in Berlin on Thursday. This would be in comparison to 2014, a threefold increase. In 2015, the railway transported, therefore, about 35,000 Container between Germany and China.
Wfor traveling from Germany to China on the train, there is probably a railway enthusiast with a lot of time. One of those buffer kisser or Trainspotter, from cumbersome border formalities, the elaborate Changing of the Waggons on the different gauges of the tracks and the views of the vast Expanses of Siberia or Mongolia, not to be deterred. Or is he a tough business computing man who sends his goods by Rail travel.
And to do that, more and more companies. The East-West transport of goods between Germany and the people’s Republic is booming. For the Deutsche Bahn (DB) is the TRANS-continental transport of goods on the rails of an ever more rewarding business, which will now be significantly expanded. “We expect the year-end of 2016, a record amount of Container transports between China and Germany”, says railway Board Ronald Pofalla, the “world”. “Over 40,000 containers a decent increase over the previous year,” says the 57-Year-old, who is in the DB group, among other things, General Plenipotentiary for international relations.
“This is a good Foundation to achieve by the year 2020, our big goal is to triple the number of containers to approximately 100,000 per year, compared to 2014, tripled,” said Pofalla. “China wants to invest in the next few years about 300 billion euros in its transport infrastructure. As a Partner, we can benefit from the growth story of the Chinese."
The path of the raisins out of the picks
rail freight transport, the large is actually the weak point of the Deutsche Bahn. A Billion write-down on the chronic weakening freight train DB Cargo had been pushed in the past year, the entire track group is in the loss zone; the majority of the large European state Railways have earned in the goods transport on the Rail with little or makes losses. The connection Germany-China is a success story.
source: infographic world
This is due to the fact that the far East traffic are measured in terms of the overall business of a niche and relatively manageable piece of have to pay. In addition, the Deutsche Bahn for the China business picks up as it tracks to do the small goods otherwise also, the raisins and runs only those services which are really worth it.
electronic items from Duisburg to Chongqing will be Transported. Parts for the automobile manufacturer from the Czech Republic and Leipzig to Shenyang. Components for the telecommunications industry of the Baltic States to China, or cosmetics to Kazakhstan. Were so, which were previously transported by ship or aircraft.
Other gauge, cold, new staff
and Now air freight is expensive and is only worthwhile in certain cases. The Transport by train is around 75 percent cheaper than the transport with planes, create it in less than ten hours from China to Europe. The large container ships that transport the majority of goods between the far East and Europe consuming the cheapest transport alternative, however, also the time. The East-West freight trains – door-to-door almost twice as fast as ocean freight. An average of 14 to 16 days are the trains on the 10,000 to 12,000-Kilometer-long distances on the road.
The land pays for products in a quick and more economical than the air cargo transported – like Action of the clothing industry and capital-intensive goods (automotive parts, electronics). The freight costs are up to 50 per cent, above the prices for the ocean freight.
in Addition, the rail transportation carries with it some risks: The connection leads, depending on the route by at least five countries. Therefore, for example, customs, problems may occur. The operation of the route between China, Russia and Western Europe, therefore, it is always a piece of far from the stable political situation.
in Addition, the track width, i.e. the distance between the inner edges of the rails, in Russia, unlike in China and Germany. Therefore, the containers have to be transhipped twice. And finally, locomotives and staff need to be regularly replaced. Finally, all of the Goods are not suitable to be in the Winter across Siberia to transport some cargo is too sensitive to the cold.
An exchange of goods with “zero point something” percent
In March 2005, had the track for the first time, four test trains sent, which should prove that the project “TRANS-Eurasian land bridge” can be successful. The first regular freight train to China started in 2008, three years later, was taken on the longest rail link in the world of the regular weekly container traffic.
2014 rolled around 300 trains, by 2015, about 400 trains with a capacity of 35,000 containers. Nevertheless, Bahn chief Rüdiger Grube with the far East was not connection long satisfied. In 2014, he growled that the Deutsche Bahn was involved in the annual exchange of goods with China, only with “zero point something” percent, and this must change.
in the Meantime, there are companies that Charter complete trains or single container transports. It will be driving a Northern Route through Siberia and Mongolia and Südtrasse by Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia. The trains rolling in both directions. There are currently Links between the city of Chongqing and Duisburg, the Zhengzhou and Hamburg, Wuhan and Duisburg/Hamburg, Changsha and Duisburg, Suzhou and Warsaw, as well as Shenyang and Leipzig.
The shipping companies have so far reacted calmly to the China-traffic of the railway. “There is a need for this type of transport, but our member companies to see this offer not as a rival or even as a threat,” said last, a spokesman for the Association of German shipowners (VDR). Probably, it is the piece of the alley, the calm, the shipowners pay. A train in the direction of the far East currently consists of about 50 containers. The largest vessels can carry about 19,000 standard containers.
railway wants to introduce buses without a driver
According to the engineers, there is no way around E-mobility, if it is the future of our transport infrastructure. The railway is now testing operating buses for the Autonomous.
Berlin (Reuters) – consumers do not benefit, according to a study in the full extent of the decline in purchase prices for natural gas. On the international markets, the price of gas in 2016, had fallen again, but the provider had only partially to their customers.
The findings of a study by the energy information service energy comment. The analysis of the data, the German press Agency existed, had given the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag in order. Every second apartment in Germany, is heated with thus, a gas Central heating.
according to The study, the procurement costs in the wholesale trade fell 2016 to 94 Euro. The provider gave 70 Euro to their customers. This is significantly more than two years ago – in 2014, the purchase prices were according to the study, to 104 euros, with the house only 20 Euro arrived but. Last year, the wholesale prices decreased by 34 Euro, 28 Euro, the provider gave most of it to the consumer. The information is based on a model household with a consumption of 20,000 kilowatt hours per year, the value-added tax is not taken into account.
The results showed, however, that gas import increased, the gas trader or supplier in the sum of your gross margins significantly, writes study author Steffen Bukold, energy comment. It could not be clarified which group of Actors the most. “In a well-functioning competition, the lower procurement cost, however the short or long term completely when the household customers become noticeable.”
Ponderous, resistant to change, rule-obsessed: In Germany, civil servants are often in this reputation. It can’t be so bad, show success stories, such as the former German Federal President Horst Köhler. And also the career of his predecessor as Secretary of state in the Ministry of Finance, Hans Tietmeyer, who died on Tuesday at the age of 85 years.
Of Westphalia, which was formed after the beginnings of the theology of the ordoliberal Economists, had worked in the Ministry of economic Affairs, before he became, in 1982, to the Secretary of state for Finance and the major Advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl. Without Tietmeyer cabbage should have been on the chancellorship probably wait longer, eventually the market a devout Catholic, is considered the man behind the so-called Lambsdorff paper that initiated the break-up of the social-liberal coalition and paving the way for sprouts only. Later Tietmeyer, an Exponent of the conservative-liberal Power in Germany, a terrorist attack only by luck escaped.
Shortly after the German reunification, he received his most important Post: Tietmeyer was the last President of a sovereign Bundesbank before the Euro came. He fought for tough stability rules in the common currency, and was otherwise a Tradition of the Bundesbank. As the German economy after the reunification of hot, he responded with rapid increases in interest rates, which could not even like a Familiar, such as Helmut Kohl. He wanted to set a sign against the coming of the Euro, or at least a Easy-go-lucky-the Euro? Some accused him of the.
Tietmeyer is one of the great exponents of the German Ordoliberalism, the hits abroad today, with a lot of misunderstanding. With his thoughts on Reform in Tietmeyer Gerhard schröder’s Agenda began in 2010, anticipated, and the same two decades. Helmut Kohl, however, with tough economic reforms in the end. He settled on the common currency, which should include the new, larger made Germany stronger in Europe.
Tietmeyer, the face was the hard Mark, and the idea of a Central Bank that guarantees regardless of policy, the stability of the currency. In 2008, he said the common European currency is successful, however, because the Euro had the hardness test. Today, the States help each other over the Euro crisis and the European Central Bank is buying up huge tranches of government bonds of the member countries. All wanted to know, the Bundesbank, and its top boss always prevented.
Nevertheless, Tietmeyers heir to. The Hartz reforms have shown that a flexible labour market, new Jobs and new growth can occur. And still today, the German Finance Minister, wacker is trying to prevent the worst “sins” in the Euro policy, and at the same time, the suffering member countries in their own reform obligations.
Tietmeyer knew: Popular not to do so. But in the long run, with that ordoliberal attitude, after all, the Basis of the German re-ascent after the war, often correctly.
complaints any More, because _? the Post better or worse ist_? Many postmen deliver proper work, the line babbles Ah, this attentive customer! Headache[inclusion of a Chapter on...
More complaints, because _? the Post better or worse ist_? Many postmen deliver proper work, the line babbles Ah, this attentive customer! Headache[inclusion of a Chapter on...
the cake split on the insatiable rivals.
the cake split on the insatiable rivals.
Non-serious deficiencies prior to the case. A couple of years, then must be re-nationalized.
Non-serious deficiencies prior to the case. A couple of years, then must be re-nationalized.
if a metro sexual high earners middle class worker can't be upset about the DHL-Minimum wage earners, because its amazon-arrives-order just-in-time on-site. Merry Christmas!
if a metro sexual high earners middle class worker can't be upset about the DHL-Minimum wage earners, because its amazon-arrives-order just-in-time on-site. Merry Christmas!
"...serious deficiencies in the authority, but." The "authority" - this says it all... this year, 3 of 6 DHL package did not arrive with me - the are 50%. [...]
“…serious deficiencies in the authority, but.” The “authority” – this says it all… this year, 3 of 6 DHL package did not arrive with me – the are 50%. Extra cards are not thrown in, or with any first name – customer may search for matching people in the neighborhood itself, etc., etc. In my circle of family and friends was held in this year, also heaped. Now I use just City Post and Hermes. Also.