Friday, September 30, 2016

Wall Street is chasing the German Bank –

Frankfurt/Main. 9.18 a.m., as the stock exchange traders on Friday on their screens, something hitherto Unthinkable: The share of German Bank falls for the first time in its history, under ten Euro.

The curves of the financial transactions at Terminals in the financial Agency Bloomberg, a turn suddenly red. Quickly professionals, it is clear that Deutsche Bank is undergoing a course of movement, behind the attack is on your existence. And thus a danger to the financial system as a whole.

hedge Fund, called locust-financial investors, have terminated contracts with the Bank – allegedly out of fear that the Bank could, in the absence of Capital, these transactions no longer meet. The delivered and others speculators a line to bet on a decline of the Bank and then to a subsequent rescue by the Federal government.

The Deutsche Bank is one of the systemically important institutions considered “too big to fail”. This means that in an emergency the policy in the Form of state aid would intervene – and thus the taxpayers.

To the perfidy of such a bet, it is that the real stability of a Bank in the perception of the markets behind the alleged instability verb to the Latter real. The first symptoms of such mass panic were already worth a visit: On the New York stock exchange, the price of Deutsche Bank shares fell on Thursday evening to 6.7 percent, on the Frankfurt stock exchange, the share price crashed to all-time low.

trust in the banking business, the beginning of everything, wrote Deutsche Bank chief John Cryan to its unsettled employees. “On the market, some forces on the move that want to weaken this confidence in us.” The finances of the Bank were stable. However, the more the Bank asserted this, the more they, apparently, running the risk of fueling the Erosion of their credibility. Like a butcher that tells ever, there is no rotten meat in his sausages.

The current Problem of the Bank is a requirement of the U.S. Department of justice: In a dispute to dubious mortgage deals before the financial crisis, it calls for 14 billion dollars (12.5 billion euros) from Deutsche Bank. Some see the crackdown of the U.S. Department of justice, a revenge for the harsh treatment the Europeans against U.S. companies like Google and Apple. The

Finance expert Max Otte said he could not “shake off the impression that America wants to be the last of Deutsche Bank’s get rid of that, also here, the key point of our economy-occupy wants”. He did not want to exclude the possibility “that the U.S. Department of justice calls for $ 14 billion from economic and tactical reasons”, writes the financial policy spokesman of the SPD parliamentary group, Lothar Binding. The fact is, that since the penal sum doubt in the market have been sown, whether or not the Bank could cope with. As the Bank for such purposes “only” 5.5 billion euros are accumulated and at low rates difficult for new capital to the markets can get, comes you the talk of the town. A self-splicing of poison: in the middle of the week plan, the Federal government had been reported in the media, even of a disaster for Deutsche Bank. Experts had warned then, customers could “separate preventive from the Bank.”

that is Exactly what happened. It should be on the one hand, customers have been no longer confident whether Deutsche Bank can meet the incoming forwards. In addition, news agencies reported, ten hedge funds have reduced their participation in the biggest German Bank, companies such as Millennium Partners, Capula Investment and Rokos Capital Management.

Well possible, that they sold the shares to later, cheaper re-enter. Deutsche Bank offered on Friday, everything in order to escape the rumors dynamics: Bank chief Cryan to counted data, which prove that Deutsche Bank “met all current capital requirements” that they, “in its balance sheet, prepared in no time as safe as today,” was that you had a “comfortable buffer” of 215 billion euros of liquidity reserves.

in The evening, reported the AFP news Agency, the U.S. Department of justice, have reduced the penalty against the Bank at $ 5.4 billion, the share price turned back into the Plus. Good news for the Bank. Whether the players in the market be no longer calm.

M. brown, M. Thieme, K. Kammkolz,K., Münstermann, B. Hartmann


The error of the German Bank – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Chairman of The management Board of Deutsche Bank, John Cryan, writes an appeal to hang on to the other employees, and must emphasize the “image”newspaper that the Bank was liquid and not enough money. He protested also that he had asked the Chancellor for help. How could the German Bank is so deep that you feel sorry for her?

Holger Steltzner author: Holger Steltzner, editor.

Because previous and current members of the management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Bank in error are eaten. Twenty years ago, the Deutsche Bank decided to strive to be among the leading investment banks in the world, no matter what the cost. For this purpose, they bought in London and New York for a lot of money Anglo-Saxon investment banks. The smart American, Swiss, or Indian-British bonuses-Banker acquisitions over the years, the rudder is also in Frankfurt. For a short time, the financial mercenaries believed themselves to be on the target, the German Bank had up to the banking crisis, the Elite in the high Finance business. But the price was high, not only because of the insane cost.

The German Bank Paid was considered as the largest hedge Fund in the world

the culture of combat in the German Bank with the loss of ethics and morality. A laugh, a saying by the former Board of management Chairman Josef Ackermann sounds today, there is no business that is worth ruining the own reputation. For fraud, Manipulation and money laundering penalties in the billions threaten. These were significantly lower than rumored, will recover the stock price.

In the hunt for the next Deal, Deutsche Bank grew to unimaginable risks, it was considered the largest hedge Fund in the world. In spite of shrinkage of the derivatives book of a Bank comprises today a volume of approximately 35 trillion euros. No one knows how big the dangers are that lurk there. Low they are anyway. Otherwise, not a New York hedge Fund, only Deutsche Bank had sold shares on appointment, then their positions, in order to tell then the financial agencies to be used, then the shares crashed-rate to a Low of less than ten euros. However, The counterparties of the derivatives transactions Deutsche Bank trust becoming less and less the insurance premiums are shooting up.

Is my money safe?

Meanwhile, even the normal are Private and corporate unsettled customers. The pressing question is: Is my money in the account still not sure? The honest answer

is: only up to an amount of 100,000 euros. Because according to the new rules of the European banking Union beyond credit could be shaved just in case, because not only Bondholders, but also large customers should be taken as creditors of the Bank in liability. Only if the capital is in the Form of money market funds, or bond and equity deposits in a special Fund, it is deprived of the access.

These rules of the EU has led to the promise of the heads of state after the financial crisis, redeem, according to which, allegedly, never again will a Bank tax could be saved money. However, in the case of the first application, as it is in the EU already become a Tradition – has circumvented the rule by Rome, made up of a group of Creditors of Monte dei Paschi “”. Of course, Chancellor Merkel wants to give for the Deutsche Bank, no state money, such as by Anglo-Saxon speculators. You can’t afford the foreign policy, because Berlin, which explains the rescue of the Italian Bank on hardness urge the malice of Rome. You can’t afford to do domestically, if the CDU wants to win the next election. No other Institute is a global network is stronger than the Deutsche Bank, the monetary Fund said they were the most dangerous Bank in the world. Therefore, the German Bank had to be rescued in case of doubt, however, from the state, why you may ask, why the right Lessons from the world financial crisis still have not been dragged.

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Now is the time to win time. But how to do that, if the trust is destroyed and the Bank is a part of the speculation game? The desire for a ban on short-selling, where speculators beating the stock price down is an indictment, because the Bank earned on such transactions. The same is true for the fear of a capital increase, which is in accordance with the large penalties to do it anyway, even if the prices are in the basement and the owners are plucked.

fortunately, the Bank has 215 billion euros of liquidity. But you will be able to convince investors, then again, if it is their error and return an understandable business model. It is not true that German companies are in need of a German investment Bank. This has proved to Bayer with the Acquisition of Monsanto, Deutsche Bank was not asked for. The bonuses bankers took the Bank like a Christmas goose, they destroyed more capital than the institution of the stock market value, and they saw how the new Supervisory rules dry out your business. The farewell from the investment banking needs is not more time but more determination.


Deutsche Bank achieved a significant reduction of U.S. criminal payment –

Stuttgart stock  exchange investors club

has been under-appreciated shares pearls

Peter Lynch as a Fund Manager of the Magellan Fund to a legend. He scored in the period 1977 to 1990, an average annual return of 29.2%. One of his secrets of success: Lynch sat in a simple and understandable business models, and preferably, then, if you appeared for most of

the other traders as boring. In the new edition of the investor magazine for three companies are presented, the such an under-appreciated shares could be beads.


Deutsche Bank: stock falls for the first time under 10 Euro

New Concerns about the Deutsche Bank have loaded on Friday, the mood at Frankfurt’s stock market.

In the first minutes of trading, the paper of the largest domestic money house, slipped for the first time in the history of the company, under 10 Euro. Recently, the share was up more than eight percent….

Background reports, some hedge funds in the United States have risks transactions with the Bank. The investors are known since a possible criminal is to be unsettled payment in the United States up to $ 14 billion and sent the price of the stock to decline.

Dax is in reverse

The Dax dropped 1.7 percent to 10.225 points. Thus, the stock market barometer continued the previous day’s loss. On a weekly view, a decline of almost four per cent, threatens him; the balance sheet for September looks a little better.

With the loss, the local benchmark index, the weak stock markets in the United States and Asia. Also there are loaded once again, Negative headlines for the largest

German financial institution, Certain hedge funds have partially reduces excess money holdings and positions, reported the news Agency Bloomberg previously relying on a your this internal document of the Bank. This had created new uncertainty among investors.

The MDax the medium-sized enterprises, lost 1.4 percent to 21.197 points and the technology shares Index TecDax 1.1% lost to 1765 meters. For the Euro-zone benchmark index Euro STOXX 50 it went up by 1.8 percent to 2937 points downhill.


Deutsche Bank share, for the first time under 10 Euro Gäubote – Mr. Berger newspaper

the economy



The difficulties for the Deutsche Bank not to hear. Now the stock is affected. Photo: Andreas Arnold

, Frankfurt/New York (dpa) – The bad news do not stop for the Deutsche Bank: On Friday the share price fell again sharply, once the nervousness leaves now seem to be also traces of day-to-day business behind.

Background reports, some hedge funds in the United States have risks transactions with the Bank and Money balances from the commercial area of the Institute will be deducted. Deutsche-Bank-Manager Barry Bausano language of normal fluctuations. It had been this week, To both outflows.

The Bank again emphasized its stability and pointed to the extensive liquidity of more than EUR 200 billion. “Our business partners are among the world’s most demanding investors,” said the Institute in a statement.

“We are convinced that the vast majority of our stable financial Position, the current overall economic environment, the legal disputes in the United States and the progress that we have made in the implementation of our strategy, very well understands.”

Deutsche Bank-the European Central Bank said shares at the start of trading on the Frankfurt stock exchange

temporarily to 9 percent to 9,898 Euro. Previously, they were slumped in late New York trading.

in the light of new speculation about a Capital shortfall and possible state aid, the shares have lost in the past two weeks, a quarter of its value. The Bank is currently in the stock market no 14 billion euros in value.

the support received by the German Bank of some important analysts. “We believe that the Bank’s liquidity situation is stable,” wrote Goldman-Sachs-expert Jernej Omahen in a first evaluation. He stressed at the same time, the Bank need now in urgent need of good news. Especially a settlement of the litigation would be immensely important. Also Analyst Jon Peace from the Swiss Bank Credit Suisse considers the recent development on the stock markets is exaggerated.

the trigger for the great nervousness of the past few days, the threat of the U.S. Department of justice, the Deutsche Bank is aufzubrummen for Offences of mortgage papers, a penalty of US $ 14 billion. Deutsche Bank stresses that the payment at the end would be much lower. Nevertheless, prevail in the financial markets currently Provide that the Institute can’t raise the money on its own. This week, it was speculated, therefore, that the Federal government is working on contingency plans for the Bank, which has been officially denied.


Green electricity: EEG levy is set to increase substantially –

More money for green energy: The promotion of electricity from wind power and solar to consumers in the next year is expected to dig deeper into their pockets. Experts expect an increase of the so-called Green levy on “just under 7 cents” per kilowatt-hour.

Currently, she is 6.35 cents. The exact amount of the levy to the price of Electricity for 2017 will be announced in mid-October.

levy coupled to the current market price

The “image”newspaper had initially reported that the levy could 1. January 2017 to a minimum of 7.1 cents per kilowatt-hour are increased. Citing government circles and the German Federal network Agency, it was said, even a Plus up to 7.3 cents. The additional burden for an average Three-person household amounts at annual rate of around 35 Euro. The economy Ministry did not comment on the Figures: “In speculation, we do not participate.”

The EEG levy is a component of the electricity price for end consumer and is a year to 15. October for the following year by the network operators on the Basis of forecasts. Since this year, the 15. October falls on a Saturday, could be brought forward the date by one day. The levy is calculated as the difference between current market price and the guaranteed purchase prices for green electricity. The lower the stock price, the higher the levy.

Green: costs are not passed on reductions to consumers

this year, consumers have to pay more, as the operators of

wind farms and solar have obtained plants. Also, the more green energy is slowed down Expansion. On the EEG account had accumulated almost three billion euros. This should be taken into account. Also in 2017 is an election year.

Green-expert Oliver Krischer said economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) had become “a victim of his own ideology fixed costs debate”. He had made the EEG levy to the extent of its energy transition policy: “He must not find at the end of his tenure in this legislature, now that the EEG levy is dependent on the Expansion of Renewable energies, but rather from the Renewable drop in the stock market price of electricity.”

be expanded While according to Krischer hardly Renewable energies should rise in the EEG levy. This is absurd. With the increase in the levy, Gabriel intended to buy, apparently, a thick cushion, in order to liberate, in the future, other industrial corporations of the levy at the expense of the consumer. The private consumers would benefit from the cost reductions through the use of Renewable energies: “that is Why we need a reduction in the price of electricity.”


The EEG levy is likely to rise more strongly than assumed – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The energy transition is again more expensive for the households.

The Green levy will increase to a media report, according to the turn of the year. The so-called EEG levy will 1. January 2017 to a minimum of 7.1 cents per kilowatt hour from currently 6,35 Cent increase, reported the “Bild”newspaper on Friday, citing government circles and the environment of the Federal network Agency. Even a Plus up to 7.3 cents will not be excluded. That would be an increase of almost 15 percent. Due to the further Expansion of Renewable energies.

the amount of The additional burden for an average Three-person household, therefore, at annual rate of around 35 Euro. This year the levy was increased to three per cent.

On the EEG levy will be paid the difference between the government-guaranteed, higher purchase prices of green electricity and the

market electricity Tariff. The price means: the lower the stock market, the higher the levy, and Vice versa. With this levy the electricity customers Finance the promotion of the expansion of renewable energies.

it is expected That with sharp increases in the levy, since the middle of the month clear. How the f. reported to A. Z. at the time, had forecast the specialists of “Agora Energiewende”, which also advise the Federal government on energy policy issues, a significant increase. At this time, the speech of 6.4 to 6.6 cents per kilowatt-hour. This would now exceed the new report.

More about

In connection with the contributions to the drop in electricity are calculated prices on the stock exchange. Behind it is a simple Mechanism: The producers of green electricity receive a fixed remuneration. The is applied through the sale of electricity on the exchange. The missing amount of electricity customers pay via the levy. The stock price drops, increases in the levy. This will be according to the network operator, the setting is always mid-October, the levy for the next year, in 2016.


Stock plunges on Wall Street by more than 6 percent, Deutsche Bank: fighting … –

Deutsche Bank


Worry – Deutsche Bank

The Deutsche Bank stock Chart to show in the blazing lack of trust suffocate in their operational financial soundness. On Thursday, the price of the Bank fell to Wall Street to 6,31%, after the information had become known, according to which some hedge funds have reduced their business with Germany’s largest money house.

The customers in the so-called derivatives-Clearing would have deducted some of the excess Money balances and positions, reported the news Agency Bloomberg on Thursday, citing a your this internal document of the Bank. The great majority of the more than 200 derivatives Clearing customers have, however, made no changes. Under the derivatives Clearing refers to the settlement of transactions in

complex financial products. The stability of the business partner is perceived as important. Investors had the decisions of the Deutsche-Bank-customer as a no-confidence interpreted vote.

According to the notification, the Frankfurter sent a Statement: “Our trade customers include the world’s most accomplished investors. We are confident that the vast majority of the stable financial position of the Bank [...] aware of.” The Chairman of the business with hedge funds in the German Bank, Barry Bausano, tried to dispel doubts in the channel CNBC. It had been in the past, only normal flows in and out of his division.

Deutsche Bank is currently enormous pressure: In the U.S. a record fine of 14 billion dollars (almost 12.5 billion Euro) in settlement negotiations in order to mortgage transactions from the days before the financial crisis. Investors fear that the Bank must increase its capital. The Federal government rejected recently even a report, it will work on a contingency plan for a financial group





Thursday, September 29, 2016

Osram – Chinese investors seem to want to buy Osram Sü


  • investors from China seem to be interested in Osram.
  • OSRAM’s lamp division heard since the end of July a Chinese consortium.
  • The former consolidated parent Siemens in a Takeover of a supporting role.
Christoph Giesen, Beijing

China attacks according to a further heart of the German industry: multiple companies from the people’s Republic are interested in a purchase of the Munich-based lighting group, Osram, such as the Handelsblatt first reported.

the potential investors to include, among other things, the company Go Scale Capital, a company that wanted to buy the LED division of Philips for $ 3.3 billion. The Deal failed, however, to the Veto of the American authorities, as Philips manufactures at its plant in San Jose, California with military-purpose LEDs.

The German high-tech SMEs and the Chinese

With Aixtron want to once again take on the Chinese, a German high-tech company. And this Time the story’s coincidences, full of strange. By Christoph Giesen more …

patents for investors

is considered to be another candidate for SZ-information from the semiconductor manufacturer San’an Optoelectronics of South China million city of Xiamen. The company has gained in the past year reputation, as a it company, Aixtron is cancelled at a stroke, 47 of the 50 machines ordered in the case of the Tec-Dax. The rate plummeted to 43 percent. In the meantime, a Takeover bid from China for the semiconductor suppliers as well.

It’s only been a few months, as sold by Osram itself to Chinese investors. For about 400 million euros, the business with conventional light bulbs went at the time, to a Chinese consortium. Osram therefore separated not only from its largest division, but also from the business with the end customers. About 1000 patents filed by Osram. The majority of the inventions, about 18 000, remained, however, in the company. Just make it interesting for


A key role is likely to fall in the coming weeks, the former parent company Siemens. The Munich-based company still holds a 17.5 percent share in Osram, however, the ratio of Osram CEO Olaf Berlien and Siemens Chairman Joe Kaeser is considered to be broken.

the highlight of the strife: In February of this year, the Siemens representative refused on the Osram annual General meeting Berlien discharge. Siemens was subject to. In Berlin, it is said, have you tried recently to convince Siemens chief Kaeser, its share of Osram to increase. A white knight against his will? Siemens did not want to comment.

China wants to dominate industries

it is Undisputed, however, that Since the Adoption of the Augsburg-based robot manufacturer Kuka, the Chinese budget manufacturer Midea device a few weeks ago, is aware of the Federal policy. The Problem with quotes from China: It is often difficult to accurately determine whether the state is in the Background direction. Against state-orchestrated Takeovers are not yet available. The foreign trade law is considered to be very permeable.

That Osram could now be a takeover target for Chinese buyers, surprising on closer inspection. The Chinese leadership has presented in the past year, your so-called “Made in China 2025″strategy. This Plan stipulates that the people’s Republic is to take in a number of industries, the industrial leadership.

Without acquisitions, as experts agree, the ambitious targets from Beijing but not to implement. Osram fits with its products and patents, which are mainly used in the automotive industry, well with the Chinese prey scheme, in addition, the Chinese government supports the semiconductor industry with billion.

Ex oriente lux

The traditional company sold its Lighting business to a consortium of three Chinese investors. By Christoph Giesen more…


Germany, for example, commented: the passenger car toll is: “The CSU could have turned out differently, but wanted to” – FOCUS Online

Thursday, 29.09.2016, 23:56
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The toll the dispute between Brussels and Berlin. Now European judges should decide whether the “infrastructure levy” is tilted as a result of discrimination of foreigners or can still come. The German press commented on the events.

Risky is the thing, especially for the toll-executor Alexander Dobrindt

Mittelbayerische Zeitung (Regensburg): If, however, the judge at the European court of justice about the fate of the CSU-favorite project must be located, then it is both a result of right, in its consequences, but also a risky step. Consequently, because of Berlin and Brussels could not agree on the negotiation about a Car toll. Risky thing, especially for the toll-executor Alexander Dobrindt. The upper Bayer was once sent to Horst Seehofer to the Berlin Cabinet, the highly controversial “infrastructure levy” to enforce. The judge beat him to the project, to the ears, would be not only the Minister, but also Seehofer and the entire CSU get reamed on this one. You get nothing on the series, neither a Refugee ceiling ,foreigner toll'.

“[Dobrindt] has provoked the now against Germany before the European court of justice brought a case against the downright”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Long ago, it is clear that a European law-compliant toll is not to, without the burden of German car drivers this a little more. Notes, as the German toll with the EU would be right to agree to, ignored Dobrindt. He has provoked the now against Germany before the European court of justice filed suit. Obviously, the CSU, the procedure is very convenient, because with a judgment is not expected until after the Bundestag election. Politically, the Christian social get away with a blue eye, the toll on. The with the toll-swatter from Brussels, the associated ridicule Dobrindt suffers from all rather than concentrated fees anger of local drivers, who see themselves deceived. And in the Federal budget, the toll revenue would not be missing for the time being.

“The CSU could, but did not”

country newspaper (Lüneburg): The CSU was different, but did not. In July 2013, the demand for a Car toll for “travelers made it on the German motorways” into the party programme, even in the coalition agreement and since then has been part of Christian social identity. Transport Minister Dobrindt for baptizing his child, pride in “infrastructure levy on all roads”. The whole thing made it better. Also not for the EU Commission. Because the could not prevent otherwise, as a disadvantage for EU-foreigners. That Dobrindt is glad the lawsuit has less to do with prospects of success, but rather that the nonsense finally stopped. And the CSU can say: we wanted to, but could not.

“The “Dobrindt toll” fails until after the election,”

The new day (willow): The ECJ, the law is in good hands. The verdict is clear: In this Form of discrimination is likely to be tipped at the end of the draft. But not the same. The “Dobrindt toll” fails only

after the Bundestag election. Previously, it is unlikely that a judgment from Luxembourg. The travel route is clear: First of all, good election results to the target, and then a retread toll-draft back on the road. Then the race begins again.

“Seehofer and Dobrindt have promised their constituents the opposite,”

Badische Zeitung (Freiburg): Seehofer and Dobrindt have promised their voters the opposite: foreigners should pay more, the German motorists will be compensated in the same amount. This Plan failed with the action of the EU Commission before the European court of justice. At least before the next Federal election will probably not be clarified, whether the toll with European law is compatible. On average, such procedures take longer than a year. The CSU, the embarrassment will be spared, that the judges in Luxembourg to cash in on the foreigners toll prior to the day of the election. But the impasse means a setback for the CSU.

“would Then be launched in the CSU with a foreigner toll and might actually have a national toll

Märkische or newspaper: The Christian social Minister of transport produced”wanted to enforce the toll, with a Trick – he makes out a case of two laws. And so I, as the relief of the German car drivers have to do with the Vehicle tax nothing to do with the toll. So kidding, the EU Commission is not, of course, the initiated first, a procedure against Germany, and is now before the European court of justice complains. The top EU court overturns this disadvantage of the foreigner may be subject to the toll anyway – however, without the discharge in the case of the Vehicle tax for German drivers. Then the CSU would be launched with a foreigner toll and might actually have a national toll produced.

“It is time for judgment”

Nürnberger Zeitung: The Commission has no choice: she needs the requirement of Non-discrimination of EU nationals to enforce in the member States. After the Federal government couldn’t move or wanted was a lawsuit inevitable. That this comes now, at last, brings, albeit slowly, and probably in years expected momentum in the tiresome discussion. It is time for a verdict.

“in The end, it should be Dobrindt almost doesn’t matter: Up to the judge and the toll collect has long been a new coalition agreement,”

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: the EU-Commission, Germany sued in this case, is good news, the CSU, Minister of even. Thus, clarity is created. Now, you can see it differently. For example, as an awkward, unnecessary matter, the Alexander Dobrindt of the EU, Germany would have had to spare. The-CSU-Minister is not to be envied, because he doesn’t do is the Problem In the coalition agreement, that no German motorists may be impacted by the toll. But a toll is charged all the same and at the same time, the German car drivers not in addition to, is simply impossible. In the end, it should be Dobrindt almost doesn’t matter: Up to the judge and the toll collect has long been a new coalition agreement.

Video: passenger-car toll toll for cars is “discriminatory”- EU Commission refers Germany

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Music streaming: Spotify to Soundcloud interested – daily mirror

This is music to the ears of the Berlin Start-up scene: The Swedish music streaming market leader Spotify wants to buy, according to a report in the newspaper, the competitors, Soundcloud, one of the best-known Berlin-based Start-ups. The two companies were in advanced takeover talks, although a Deal could still fail, wrote the “Financial Times”, citing well-informed circles.

The possible Spotify Deal is the hottest rumor around the music service Soundcloud, which is actually a Start-up. From time to time via an IPO in 2008, first in Stockholm, then in Berlin, launched the Internet-platform has been speculated. Now, for Berlin standards huge purchase price is to be in the conversation. Official it is not.

Soundcloud to $ 700 million

a rating of reports In the last financing round, the valuation was of Soundcloud, according to the media at 700 million dollars. The financial service “Bloomberg” reported in the summer, the behind Soundcloud, the investors looked to the company for a billion dollars to the sale. The Berlin would be in order on the best ways to be a “Unicorn” (the unicorn), as the financial world Start called ups, which are at least a billion dollars in value. But apparently, no buyers have been found so far. In June, 100 million dollars of investors took Soundcloud, among other things, from Twitter. In the case of Soundcloud, among other things, the U.S. venture capital investor Union Square Ventures, and Kleiner Perkins, as well as the British Index Ventures are engaged.

Spotify has more than 100 million users

Spotify was founded ten years ago, and 40 million of them paying subscribers, the number one of the music streaming services, with more than 100 million users. The Swedes, however, make no profit. Soundcloud with a user base of 175 million has recently

released the financial figures for the year 2014. At the time, the Online music service made 17 million euros in sales, an increase of 50 percent and also a loss of 39 million euros.

what is the business model sustainable profit is to be profitable, have not been able to explain the Berliner yet. The company was started as a platform for high-loaded music, but also Deals with the major music companies. At the beginning of the year, two important licensing agreements were concluded with Universal and Sony. The end of March, launched subscription offer “Soundcloud Go” brought the Hearing to a breakthrough in the case of the Paid subscriptions. the dpa


The music streaming needed, no records-Vinyl and CDs. The music flows (eng.: streaming) Online-receive only as a continuous data flow from the Internet to the mobile or stationary speakers. Also Videos, TV or games to stream. It must be stored no more data on the Computer. On month-to-month subscriptions (usually for € 9.99) allows the user to advertising services like Spotify, Soundcloud, Deezer, Napster, or Apple’s Music-free to use, fast Internet connections make it smooth. The subscription allows you access to 30 to 40 million Songs. According to IT Association Bitkom, 39 percent of German Internet users are using streaming music services. On 14.4% of the proceeds (€1.6 billion) accounted for the least on the German music market.


Toll for cars – the next failed major project – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

no one was Surprised in Berlin, as the EU Commission on Wednesday Germany is due to the toll for Cars in front of the European court of justice sued. Since the beginning of the year, Federal transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) requires that the Commission’s highest court the question of whether the toll with EU law or not, clear – and accused the Commission on several occasions, to delay the decision. Also on Thursday, he was self-aware. “The infrastructure levy is in conformity with European law, the European court of justice,” he said in Berlin. “Germany is now expecting a speedy trial, so that the Infrastructure charge may then be implemented technically.”

Hendrik Kafsack author: Hendrik Kafsack, economic correspondent in Brussels. Manfred schäfer author: Manfred Schäfers, Economics correspondent in Berlin.

went Politically, the CSU politician is a research with the Occurrence of not a large risk. Proceedings before the European court of justice (ECJ) usually last for two years. Even if the Commission had been elected at the beginning of the year to Luxembourg, would have been completed, the process is hardly up to the election in the fall of 2017. With the introduction of the method about a year before the date a decision is ruled out before the election, in fact. The result will thus have to deal only with the next government, what Dobrindt know, of course. You must then change the software of the law on the introduction of the toll for Cars to avoid fines.

The chances of the Federal government are not good

The chances that the Federal government gets in the procedural law, according to experts, is not good. The violation of the EU law is to obvious. The is that the Federal government wants to charge a toll for Cars. On the contrary, The EU

Commission has always stressed that it welcomes the collection of road user charges. The breach of EU law, the Commission considers that the local drivers are to get the toll fees in full by a reduced motor vehicle tax reimbursed. The drivers from other EU countries of deliberately worse. That was the intention, but violates the EU law that prohibits such discrimination. For this reason, the European Commission has taken action against the Slovenian motorway toll and the Austrian Vignette (“Pickerl”). Both countries have come around.

The European Commission had set from the outset, to agree with the German government on a compromise. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker had made Dobrindt yet in April of this year concrete proposals, but was joined by the Federal Minister of transport, to no response. Nevertheless, the authority held on Thursday after the opening of the procedure of your compromise course. “This is not the last step,” said a spokeswoman. The Commission would remain in close contact with the Federal government to find a solution. Perhaps there is, according to the Federal election in a different political environment, sufficient room for this, it was said in Brussels behind closed doors.

More options on the subject of

the Federal government, according to the Commission, with the EU-law compatible toll to introduce, is, in fact, since November 2014. At that time, a Delegation from Brussels, traveled to Berlin, to the Federal government to show prior to the adoption of the controversial law, several options. This was not the last, to increase the Commuter for trips to work and back or to reduce the taxes on petrol and Diesel. This would also relieve the burden on German motorists. The toll would be offset to the comma exactly as in the case of the adopted, but not yet implemented in German legislation.

is a steep-go template for the Opposition

this is Exactly why this way for Dobrindt hard to come by. The CSU in the election campaign for the last Federal election as well as later German Chancellor Angela Merkel promised that no German would have to pay after the introduction of a Car toll more than in the past. A relief of the Commuters, or the mineral oil tax would lead exactly to this: some motorists in Germany would be more relieved than you are charged by the toll – and the other less.

Berlin’s Opposition was the announcement from Brussels, one way or the other, a steep template, which they evaluated with relish. “This lawsuit is a swatter with announcement and cringe-inducing to the Federal government,” said the Co-Chairman of the Greens, Anton Hofreiter. Dobrindt and the CSU Chairman Horst Seehofer had made their populism on every legal mind. “For the Federal government, it is overdue, this toll finally withdraw in order to avoid even greater damage.” The transport policy of the Left group, Herbert Behrens, said: “the action by The EU Commission against the toll for Cars is about as surprising as the recent announcement of new delays at the capital’s BER airport.”


Soundcloud: Spotify wants to buy a competing Start-up – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Streaming services are popular. Now Spotify wants to buy a competitor.

The music streaming market leader Spotify apparently wants to buy its rival, Soundcloud, one of the best-known Berlin-based Start-ups. The two companies were in advanced takeover talks, although a Deal could still fail, wrote the “Financial Times”. A purchase price was unclear.

In the last funding round was the assessment of Soundcloud, according to reports in the media, with 700 million dollars. The financial service Bloomberg reported, also, in the summer, Soundcloud was considering to ask for a billion dollars to the sale. In June, Soundcloud is repeated in the most recent financial $ 100 million from investors syringe, among other things, from Twitter.

jewel of the Berlin Start-up scene

Soundcloud is considered to be a jewel of the Berlin Start-up scene, again and again, was speculating about an IPO. The company was initially a platform for highly charged music, was, in the meantime, but also Deals with major music companies, and launched at the end of March the subscription offer “Soundcloud Go”. How successful is it, has so far remained unclear. Soundcloud has, according to previous figures, a total of more than 175 million users.

More about

Spotify cracked recently the mark of 40 million paying subscription customers, and is still the clear number one in the market ahead of Apple Music with 17 million users. While Apple has in its Streaming Service, not a Free Version, Spotify together with the free variant, in accordance with previous data on a total of more than 100 million users.

Spotify launches in Japan

to go this Thursday Spotify also announced in the Online services difficult Japanese market at the Start. In Japan, the global heavy weights on a lot of local competition. Spotify is the first Streaming deal in Japan, which also has a Free Version.

While everywhere in the world, the Streaming goes through the ceiling, when the music directly from the network is played, the brackets themselves Japanese even more than elsewhere on the CD.

According to a recent survey of the music Association, IFPI, only eleven percent of the Japanese Internet accessible user to the Streaming. For comparison: In Germany, there were 32 per cent and in Sweden, 61 per cent. More than half of industry sales are still done with the CD. At the same time, Japan is also one of the largest and most lucrative music markets in the world.

theatrical trailer Frantz

Frantz; 2016. Director: François Ozon. Cast: Pierre Niney, Paula Beer, Ernst Stötzner. Start: 29. September 2016

28.09.2016, 15:50 PM | Feuilleton


Toll for cars – the next failed major project – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

no one was Surprised in Berlin, as the EU Commission on Wednesday Germany is due to the toll for Cars in front of the European court of justice sued. Since the beginning of the year, Federal transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) requires that the Commission’s highest court the question of whether the toll with EU law or not, clear – and accused the Commission on several occasions, to delay the decision. Also on Thursday, he was self-aware. “The infrastructure levy is in conformity with European law, the European court of justice,” he said in Berlin. “Germany is now expecting a speedy trial, so that the Infrastructure charge may then be implemented technically.”

Hendrik Kafsack author: Hendrik Kafsack, economic correspondent in Brussels. Manfred schäfer author: Manfred Schäfers, Economics correspondent in Berlin.

went Politically, the CSU politician is a research with the Occurrence of not a large risk. Proceedings before the European court of justice (ECJ) usually last for two years. Even if the Commission had been elected at the beginning of the year to Luxembourg, would have been completed, the process is hardly up to the election in the fall of 2017. With the introduction of the method about a year before the date a decision is ruled out before the election, in fact. The result will thus have to deal only with the next government, what Dobrindt know, of course. You must then change the software of the law on the introduction of the toll for Cars to avoid fines.

The chances of the Federal government are not good

The chances that the Federal government gets in the procedural law, according to experts, is not good. The violation of the EU law is to obvious. The is that the Federal government wants to charge a toll for Cars. On the contrary, The

EU Commission has always stressed that it welcomes the collection of road user charges. The breach of EU law, the Commission considers that the local drivers are to get the toll fees in full by a reduced motor vehicle tax reimbursed. The drivers from other EU countries of deliberately worse. That was the intention, but violates the EU law that prohibits such discrimination. For this reason, the European Commission has taken action against the Slovenian motorway toll and the Austrian Vignette (“Pickerl”). Both countries have come around.

The European Commission had set from the outset, to agree with the German government on a compromise. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker had made Dobrindt yet in April of this year concrete proposals, but was joined by the Federal Minister of transport, to no response. Nevertheless, the authority held on Thursday after the opening of the procedure of your compromise course. “This is not the last step,” said a spokeswoman. The Commission would remain in close contact with the Federal government to find a solution. Perhaps there is, according to the Federal election in a different political environment, sufficient room for this, it was said in Brussels behind closed doors.

More options on the subject of

the Federal government, according to the Commission, with the EU-law compatible toll to introduce, is, in fact, since November 2014. At that time, a Delegation from Brussels, traveled to Berlin, to the Federal government to show prior to the adoption of the controversial law, several options. This was not the last, to increase the Commuter for trips to work and back or to reduce the taxes on petrol and Diesel. This would also relieve the burden on German motorists. The toll would be offset to the comma exactly as in the case of the adopted, but not yet implemented in German legislation.

is a steep-go template for the Opposition

this is Exactly why this way for Dobrindt hard to come by. The CSU in the election campaign for the last Federal election as well as later German Chancellor Angela Merkel promised that no German would have to pay after the introduction of a Car toll more than in the past. A relief of the Commuters, or the mineral oil tax would lead exactly to this: some motorists in Germany would be more relieved than you are charged by the toll – and the other less.

Berlin’s Opposition was the announcement from Brussels, one way or the other, a steep template, which they evaluated with relish. “This lawsuit is a swatter with announcement and cringe-inducing to the Federal government,” said the Co-Chairman of the Greens, Anton Hofreiter. Dobrindt and the CSU Chairman Horst Seehofer had made their populism on every legal mind. “For the Federal government, it is overdue, this toll finally withdraw in order to avoid even greater damage.” The transport policy of the Left group, Herbert Behrens, said: “the action by The EU Commission against the toll for Cars is about as surprising as the recent announcement of new delays at the capital’s BER airport.”


Autumn upturn pushes unemployment in September – THE WORLD

Nürnberg – The strong autumn upturn the number of unemployed in September to a record low. With 2,608 million unemployed as little men and women were looking for a job, most recently in March 1991, informed the Federal employment Agency (BA).

The 77 000 unemployed less than in August, and 100 000 less than in the previous year. The unemployment rate fell 0.2 points to 5.9 percent.

BA chief Executive Frank-Jürgen Weise acknowledged that the decline in unemployment has been slightly lower than the average of the last three years. An indication that the trend is turning, but the surprising decline of the social insurance contributions employees in July. On a seasonally adjusted basis, the number of regular jobs fell for the first time in a Long time and, although 18 000 to 31,24 million.

fashion is rather based on the fact that, in spite of the growing number of unemployed refugees, the positive Trend on the labour market will continue. Presumably, the slight decrease in the number of people was due to the regular Job on the late summer holiday in lower Saxony. As a result, it came only later to settings. “I do not believe that the long-lasting is broken good Trend,” said way.

In the Rest of the parts he is going to decrease the optimistic assessment of the in-house Institute for labour market and occupational research (IAB), according to which the number of unemployed in the coming year, an average of 70 000 to 2.62 million. The scientists justify their optimism with the economic situation is good, the large labour force necessary for the care of refugees and the rising number of older Employees, which go in 2016 and 2017 in retirement.

Satisfied, the Federal Minister of labour Andrea Nahles (SPD) said on Thursday. “All in all, the German labour market remains in good shape,” she said in a statement. The effects of the escape of migration would, however, in the labour market statistics have become increasingly apparent.

in fact,

increased the number of Job-seeker refugees last updated: September 367 000 refugees as a work were registered as looking for, 157 000 of them as unemployed. This means that you could be taught on the job. The remaining 210 000 completed language-mostly – and integration courses, or live training courses on the work in Germany is prepared, said BA Board member Raimund Becker.

At the same time, the number of refugees who find work in Germany is growing. According to the latest numbers from the Federal employment Agency in July, 105 000 people from the eight most important non-European asylum countries of origin, had found a regular job; in July 2015, it had been only 79 000, reported the BA.

As recognized or tolerated refugees are cared for according to the connection of their asylum procedure from the job centers, and financially supported, rises to the BA-Numbers currently at the same time, the number of Hartz IV recipients from the asylum countries of origin. It has doubled in June, with 469 000, in comparison to June 2015. The number is according to BA figures, significantly above that of the unemployed refugees, because all family members are counted.

the rising number of refugees, has not, as yet, more in the unemployment statistics low, according to BA-representation of the large number of integration course participants among the asylum seekers. You would not be classified looked after by the job centers but first of all, as unemployed. To add to that count, you and other participants vocational training measures would be the number of unemployed in September was significantly higher – namely, in the case of 3,523 million. Experts speak of the “under-employment”.

communications from the BA


Commerzbank wants to delete thousands of jobs – THE WORLD

FFrankfurt/Main – The new Commerzbank chief Executive Martin Zielke wants to lead the Institute with a harsh austerity and the crisis. By the end of 2020

want to derteilverstaatlichte Dax-stress Konzern9600 and at the same time around 2300 new jobs in growth fields create. The final decisions will meet the Board of Directors, after consultation with the Supervisory Board this Friday.

Whether there will be layoffs, has left the Institute. The Bank expects that the austerity programme will cost over the years, approximately 1.1 billion euros for severance payments. To Finance this, you have to waive the shareholders – contrary to previous plans – for the time being, on a dividend.

much of the “strategy Commerzbank 4.0″ was already in the past few days, leaked. The stock market responded soberly: Commerzbank shares issued to the communication on the new strategy of their previous gains and turned Negative.

With the tag since may, President of the management Board chief Zielke is braced against your profit loss. The Institute as the competition with the consequences of the ongoing interest is fighting lows and considerably more stringent requirements of the overseer. In the first half of the year, the Surplus fell compared with the same period last year by more than 40 percent to 372 million euros. In the past three years, the Bank had deleted Zielkes predecessor, Martin Blessing about 5000.

in the Future wants to focus Commerzbank on two business areas: private customers and corporate customers. The segments mittelstandsbank and investment banking are combined and the volatile trading evaporated business. In addition, smaller companies will look after customers in the future, from the private customer area. Thus, the Management of the risks will reduce.

Also, investments are planned. So the Bank wants to automate your tasks solid. Around 80 percent of the processes in the future should be run digital. The Management promises “significant efficiency gains”. To your compared to the industry’s extensive branch network the Institute intends to hold, in accordance with previous statements.

In the Wake of the new shrinkage rate is required to make the Bank in the balance sheet for the third quarter write-downs of around 700 million euros. Therefore, they expected in the interim balance sheet loss. For

the full year, the Commerzbank expects, nevertheless, with a slight Surplus.

in the face of pressure by the low interest rates, the Bank does not expect any big jumps in revenue. The income will land in 2020 to 9.8 billion to € 10.3 billion, in 2015, there were nearly 9.8 billion. Therefore, the Bank continues to improve the profitability of the red pencil. Through the savings program, the annual cost of the least 7.1 billion, is expected to decrease to 6.5 billion euros. Thus, the ratio of the cost to revenue could fall below 66 percent.

For the case of rising interest rates, Commerzbank provides income of more than eleven billion euros. Then, the cost / income ratio could fall below 60 percent. Many analysts had criticized in recent years, the Bank had to spend more money than most of the international competitors for income.

By the conversion to strengthen the Bank’s capital cushion. After a decline in the hard core capital ratio in the second quarter to 11.5% this is an important buffer to rise against wrong were already in the third quarter. The end of the year, the Bank expects a rate of nearly 12 percent. By 2020, the value of the risk positions of the Bank in relation to shareholders ‘ equity is expected to rise to more than 13 percent.

The Commerzbank was advised after the risky Takeover of Dresdner Bank, just before the peak of the financial crisis in 2008 into a Skid. With more than 18 billion euros in tax money the state saved the Institute, until today the Federal government holds 15 percent of the Bank. The consequences of the crisis, the company recovered only slowly. In 2015, Commerzbank wrote a billion in profit and the long-time Chairman of the Board Blessing was able to say goodbye to this spring, with the first dividend since 2007. But even then wiggled the project, to repeat the billion profit in 2016, in the summer, the new boss of the group, Zielke conceded this goal.

information about the annual General meeting in 2016

Commerzbank dividend

share price Commerzbank

Commerzbank’s new chief Executive, Zielke

Commerzbank Board of managing Directors

annual and interim reports of Commerzbank

Commerzbank to Q2/2016

Commerzbank’s new strategy 29.9.2016


Opec – Opec countries to agree on funding limit Sü

Directly from the dpa-news channel

Algiers/New York (Reuters) – consumers have to adjust to rising gasoline and Oil prices: The organization of the petroleum exporting countries (Opec) has agreed after a long struggle, on a ceiling in Oil production.

The informal Meeting in the Algerian capital, Algiers was to become an extraordinary session, said Qatar’s energy Minister Mohammed al-Sada, after more than six hours of deliberations late Wednesday evening. Thus, the cartel agreed on a restriction of the daily production volume at 32.5 to 33 million barrels (each 159 litres).

The decision means a reduction in the production of almost 750,000 barrels a day compared with August of this year. In addition to the total amount of the Opec have agreed to set up a body to to determine until the next official meeting of the organization in November in Vienna, the production quotas for each member state, said al-Sada.

Oil prices rose due to first reports about an agreement early in the evening. In the futures market, the Barrel of North sea places to put Brent for delivery in November to 6.50 per cent on 48,96 dollars. The price for a barrel of the US variety of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) rose by 6.13 per cent to amounted to 47.41 dollars.

Algeria’s energy Minister Noureddine Boutarfa was not made before the Meeting, significantly, that a price of below 50 dollars per Barrel of Oil (159 litres) is

portable and the market and security of supply in the medium and long term are harmful.

Since the middle of 2014, Oil prices on the raw material-world market are in a long-term Deep. In the meantime, they have recovered somewhat. Overall, the low prices, which consumers in the case of gasoline or heating oil benefit to create a number of producing countries and mining companies but more severely. A limitation of the amount extracted to shorten the supply and increase prices.

discrepancies between the major oil-producing countries Saudi Arabia and Iran had been an agreement to a limitation of the production quantities. Non-Opec member Russia, also an important oil Producer in the market, was ready to hold talks with the Opec countries. “There should be an offer, a Meeting between members and non-members, we accept it,” said Russia’s energy Minister Alexander Nowak of the Agency Interfax according to. At the informal Meeting in Algiers, Russia had not participated, however.

The member States of the Opec supply worldwide, approximately one-third of the crude oil and possess about three-quarters of the known reserves.


DGAP-Ad hoc: Commerzbank

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