Frankfurt/Main. 9.18 a.m., as the stock exchange traders on Friday on their screens, something hitherto Unthinkable: The share of German Bank falls for the first time in its history, under ten Euro.
The curves of the financial transactions at Terminals in the financial Agency Bloomberg, a turn suddenly red. Quickly professionals, it is clear that Deutsche Bank is undergoing a course of movement, behind the attack is on your existence. And thus a danger to the financial system as a whole.
hedge Fund, called locust-financial investors, have terminated contracts with the Bank – allegedly out of fear that the Bank could, in the absence of Capital, these transactions no longer meet. The delivered and others speculators a line to bet on a decline of the Bank and then to a subsequent rescue by the Federal government.
The Deutsche Bank is one of the systemically important institutions considered “too big to fail”. This means that in an emergency the policy in the Form of state aid would intervene – and thus the taxpayers.
To the perfidy of such a bet, it is that the real stability of a Bank in the perception of the markets behind the alleged instability verb to the Latter real. The first symptoms of such mass panic were already worth a visit: On the New York stock exchange, the price of Deutsche Bank shares fell on Thursday evening to 6.7 percent, on the Frankfurt stock exchange, the share price crashed to all-time low.
trust in the banking business, the beginning of everything, wrote Deutsche Bank chief John Cryan to its unsettled employees. “On the market, some forces on the move that want to weaken this confidence in us.” The finances of the Bank were stable. However, the more the Bank asserted this, the more they, apparently, running the risk of fueling the Erosion of their credibility. Like a butcher that tells ever, there is no rotten meat in his sausages.
The current Problem of the Bank is a requirement of the U.S. Department of justice: In a dispute to dubious mortgage deals before the financial crisis, it calls for 14 billion dollars (12.5 billion euros) from Deutsche Bank. Some see the crackdown of the U.S. Department of justice, a revenge for the harsh treatment the Europeans against U.S. companies like Google and Apple. The
that is Exactly what happened. It should be on the one hand, customers have been no longer confident whether Deutsche Bank can meet the incoming forwards. In addition, news agencies reported, ten hedge funds have reduced their participation in the biggest German Bank, companies such as Millennium Partners, Capula Investment and Rokos Capital Management.
Well possible, that they sold the shares to later, cheaper re-enter. Deutsche Bank offered on Friday, everything in order to escape the rumors dynamics: Bank chief Cryan to counted data, which prove that Deutsche Bank “met all current capital requirements” that they, “in its balance sheet, prepared in no time as safe as today,” was that you had a “comfortable buffer” of 215 billion euros of liquidity reserves.
in The evening, reported the AFP news Agency, the U.S. Department of justice, have reduced the penalty against the Bank at $ 5.4 billion, the share price turned back into the Plus. Good news for the Bank. Whether the players in the market be no longer calm.