Monday, May 16, 2016

In the United States: instead of frozen patties: McDonald’s is testing fresh … – ABC Online

Tuesday, 05.17.2016, 12:19
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The fast-food chain McDonald’s testing the production of burgers with fresh ground meat instead of frozen patties. This was announced by the company on Monday on request. One promise from the test run insights on feasibility, customer response and cost of fresh preparation of burgers.

The test run may be an indication of a further change in the company’s strategy of McDonald’s, the among other healthier ingredients to products provides. Under Steve Easterbrook, who is head of the company since 2015, the company

Test run in 14 restaurants the US had recently successfully fought with renewed strategy against declining sales figures.

The field trial is limited to 14 restaurants in the city of Dallas in the US state of Texas. For similar plans in Europe, McDonald did not comment “s

Usually, processed ground beef in restaurants of the fast-food chain, which is formed into patties and then flash frozen

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