Approximately one in seven children in Germany is dependent on Hartz IV benefits. This emerges from a data analysis of the left-MPs Sabine Zimmermann forth, from citing the news agency dpa.
Thus, last year were affected on average 1.54 million under 15 year olds. These are reported to be around 30,000 more than in the previous year. Data are provided by the Federal Employment Agency.Depending on the region, there are major differences here. Thus, in Bremen and Berlin with 31.5 percent, almost every third child under 15 years of Hartz IV benefits dependent (end of 2015), as is apparent from the information provided. In Saxony-Anhalt there are accordingly 21.8 percent, in Hamburg 20.4 percent. Percentage Least Affected there in Bavaria with 6.5 percent.
A total of 20.3 percent of the under-15s are Hartz IV depends in East Germany, in Western Germany 13 percent. The most significant increase over the previous year spend it with 2.1 percentage points in Bremen, the most significant downturn of minus 0.7 percentage points in Brandenburg and Saxony.Just look at it go when it comes to child poverty
A detailed analysis on child poverty in Germany had the Economic and Social Research Institute (WSI) of the union-friendly Hans Böckler Foundation in January this year published. Accordingly, 19 percent or 2.47 million of all girls and boys in Germany live in families with so little money that they are considered poor or at risk of poverty
More about poverty in Germany.

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