Sunday, May 22, 2016

Soon it will be charged: Why Windows 10 need – or not – ABC Online

Sunday, 05.22.2016, 07:14
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In a few months Windows 10 costs – and will cost you money. Therefore, currently many wondering whether you should still pick up the update quickly. We have collected six reasons for and three against it

Windows 10, there is no more free time. Up to July 29, users of Windows 7 and 8 can change for free. That time is short, it leaves no doubt Microsoft to. Many users wonder about calls for updating – occasionally assumes the almost comical traits

About the case of a US-weather girl, which a large update Note flashes in the middle of the forecast in the weather map.. But apparently rejoice not all users about the gift of operating system that Microsoft has introduced, 2015. After almost a year it goes according to latest figures from StatCounter approximately every fourth PC in Germany – new purchases included. In more than half of all computers and the version 7 or 8 installed. For them, the countdown is on to a free upgrade. What are the reasons for Windows 10 – and which on the other hand


1?. Modern software:

“Windows 10 is prior art,” says Christian Gollner of the Consumer Rheinland-Pfalz. The operating system brings many new functions – from digital assistant Cortana to browser Edge. “The operation has been improved in the future Windows 10 is more and more functions get,” adds Jan Schüssler by the trade magazine “c’t”. He also praises the much simpler connection of new hardware.

. 2 More safety:

Not only the foundation of Windows 10 is safer. “The system is always kept up to date,” says Markus Nitzschke Microsoft. While older versions get more after a few years no function and security updates, the new edition is to be constantly updated. The next major version jump is scheduled for the summer.

. 3 More power for players:

“With Windows 10, there is the latest version of DirectX,” says Jan Schüssler. This driver package is mainly used for complex graphics in games, but is also important for sound and game devices such as joysticks or gamepads.

4. More power for older computers: a need for speed

So Microsoft presents it after installing older computer to boot up faster and in everyday life.. Measurements of “c’t” not confirm this, says Jan Schüssler. Slow it will also not. And in the basic installation, the new Windows consumed slightly less memory than previous point 8 below.

. 5 There is something for nothing:

With the upgrade for owners of Windows 7 and 8, there will free a new operating system. After July 29, it costs money – currently around 135 euros for downloading the home version

. 6. The change is quite simple: can not do

Much wrong one. According to Microsoft, the update to emerging problems or incompatible hardware is not running. A wizard guides users through the process. Important: Before updating definitely all important data secure. The best on the Windows

Control Panel or a suitable back-up program equal to create a complete system image. If Windows 10 does not like, you have 30 days the opportunity to make the installation undo


. 1 Privacy:

“Windows 10 collects much more data about the user than Windows 7,” says consumer advocate Gollner. Many data collected will be used for functions such as Cortana or product improvements. However, advertising profiles of users are created. The problem: By default everything is collected first. “Those who do not want to, have to disagree.” And to be active in the privacy settings: There is a lot of data collectors can leave. Depending on what is cut off, but also some Windows features stop working.

. 2 Compatibility:

Some older scanners, printers, sound cards, or special programs no longer run after the update may warns January Schüssler. This should be clarified in advance. “Otherwise, it may be that you have to buy new hardware,” explains Christian Gollner. Rule of thumb: What was sold with Windows 7, runs after the update

. 3. About Grippy update policy:

The way how Windows was offered 10 users of the older systems that do not appeal to everyone. Frequent pop-ups and hidden downloads in the background are the ones making trouble. Also that the new Windows forces the user to update and they can no longer be a choice, not everyone likes. “There are people who prefer to keep control the” says Jan Schüssler

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