(new: Commissioner / agriculture ministers Meyer, 9th paragraph.)
BERLIN (AFX) – The German dairy farmers, because of the dramatic hope price crisis on government support in the millions. In front of a “milk summit” at the Federal Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) on a bailout became apparent, so that enterprises can bridge funding shortages due to falling for months revenues better. About basic rearrangements, such as the high amount of milk can be controlled better on the world market as the cause of the price lows, new dispute.
Schmidt, however, inflamed set for the meeting in Berlin “fast direct aids” in view. “We are a number of companies through guarantees, loans and tax relief support,” he told the magazine “Focus”. Speaking was an aid package of at least 100 million euros. Schmidt wants to achieve, to spread the risks of the dairy market fair which would lie primarily with the farmers also.
“summit” top representatives of farmers, the dairies and the retail trade are invited to the Ministry. The milk prices for farmers are finally fallen partly below 20 cents per liter, to cover the costs are at least 35 cents as necessary.
Bauer President Joachim Rukwied reiterated the call for “concrete, immediately effective support”. Are needed, in liquidity and guarantee program and tax breaks not only for dairy farmers, but for all farms, he told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Monday). Pig farmers also felt for some time a price crisis
The “Bild” newspaper also said Rukwied:. “. We need new binding agreements between farmers, dairies and the trade” Parts of the quantities of milk would have to be hedged price for farmers.
A week brought the discounter Lidl special tax on milk rejected the Union. “This is mainly the trade
In the first place, but must act the operators. “Overproduction can return only even the industry.” Important is also the consumer’s behavior: “The decision on how many dairy farmers are producing according to this existential crisis still meets at the end of it.”
The Grocery came towards recriminations. “Trade alone is not able to provide for payout rates that are adequate for dairy farmers,” said an association spokesman dpa. It reveals that the German dairy industry “by now far too strong on the world market and its turbulence dependent” is. Consumers could choose different price segments from a wide dairy deal.
Green Party leader Anton Hofreiter suggested courtyards which lowered their milk production for at least a year, would receive “staggered emergency aid”. Lower Saxony’s Agriculture Minister Christian Meyer (Green) said the “Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung” (Monday): “We have to come to an effective reduction in the amount of milk, which is the only way out of the crisis – and under EU law also possible.” EU Farm Commissioner Phil Hogan presented in the “Tagesspiegel” (Monday) an expansion of support purchases of dairy products in Aussicht./sam/jap/DP/he

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