Friday, May 27, 2016

Java litigation: Oracle loses to Google – Published: 27/05/2016 08:25

Java lawsuit
Google has gained in many years of Java lawsuit against Oracle. The jury recognized no copyright infringement by Google. Oracle wants to appeal.

Google has been able to avert a penalty of several billion US dollars by the company has won the lawsuit against Oracle. After three days of consulting the jury of the Federal Court arrived in San Francisco to the conclusion that Google have the programming interfaces (APIs) for Java language within Android used as “fair use”. The jury recognized no copyright infringement by Google.

According to Oracle to use the Java APIs contrary in Google Android infringe the copyright of the company. This view is Oracle continues and has announced its intention to file an appeal. Google sees the decision not only a “profit for the Android ecosystem,” . Of this also benefits the community of Java programmers and software developers who use open and free programming complements Google said in a statement.

dispute has been running for six years

The dispute between the two companies began almost six years ago, when Oracle filed suit against Google. The company had accused Google of infringing their rights to the Java APIs. Oracle had acquired the rights to Java with the acquisition of

the computer and software manufacturer Sun Microsystems. The process took several instances and went up to the highest federal court in the United States. Since then clarified that Google has violated any patents, but the controversial Java APIs are subject to copyright.

Oracle wanted erstreiten Google an amount of compensation of up to nine billion dollars. Google has the controversial Java APIs previously used in all versions of its operating system. Only with the upcoming Android N will be replaced by large sections of the free OpenJDK Java implementation that is provided by the company under the GPL. With this step, Google wants to prevent possible further claims for damages. (Ip)

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