Friday, May 27, 2016

Volkswagen: carmaker checked build a giant battery factory – ABC Online

Friday, 05.27.2016, 10:42
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Volkswagen checks According to a newspaper report to producing the construction of a giant battery factory by more electric cars. The construction of the plant would cost several billion euros, reported the newspaper “Handelsblatt” on Friday, citing group circles.

With the work would be the carmaker independent of the Asian manufacturers Panasonic, LG and Samsung, which dominate the market for batteries.

project meets with approval

the construction of a dedicated battery factory locates according to “Handelsblatt” in the ranks of VW increasingly trailers. Council boss Bernd Osterloh had campaigned for such an investment in the past and also the state of Lower Saxony as a major shareholder is in principle for -. Especially when the factory near Wolfsburg would be built

waxes also in management, approval for its

own battery production, further reported the “Handelsblatt”. Thus, not only of their own needs could cover. The company thus get also the opportunity to be in front in this technology here. His own claim to be the most innovative car manufacturers, the VW Group could remain so loyal, the newspaper quoted a manager.

New Group strategy to sales of electric cars to boost

The guide to VW CEO Matthias Müller is currently preparing a new strategy, which provides, inter alia, the increase in sales of electric cars within the next decade to one million. Even before the Annual General Meeting on June 22, the Supervisory Board is to advise on the strategy. It should be a real new beginning after the exhaust scandal.

“We want a big hit, with whom we can sit at the forefront of the industry,” one participant told the “Handelsblatt”. The focus therefore are new mobility services and especially new drives

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much longer

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