Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Competitiveness: Why is it difficult for Germany – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Germany less attractive as a business location. A recent study estimated Germany no longer among the top ten most competitive economies in the world. Contributes to this especially the complicated tax policy, where Germany ranks only 52nd place in the ranking. Even France, where traditionally high taxes are due, fares better.

Anna Steiner author: Anna Steiner, editor of the economy.

For the study, the IMD Business School in Lausanne, Switzerland defined four categories of five factors, which in turn were determined by 340 criteria. While the German economy has stagnated since 2014, the Federal Republic of other States must in terms of government efficiency and infrastructure beaten and slips one place.

For the stagnant economic performance makes the WCC primarily a decline in international trade and a weaker national economic responsibility. Regarding international investments will Germany can equal make several places well.

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In the area of ​​efficiency international trade especially the tax policy has a negative effect on the overall ranking. Here Germany comes down to the 52nd place – and improved compared to last year even three places. The work of the institutions is considered unsatisfactory.

“The greatest danger for Germany is complacency”

In addition, the risk of political instability according to the study has grown in Germany. Given the growing strength AfD in the last federal election and the poll numbers in recent weeks, this assessment is understandable. According to recent surveys, the current grand coalition no longer would get the majority of votes. The coalition is likely to prove more difficult because of the weakness of the major parties and the strength in the right half of the party spectrum.

Even the so-called Gini coefficient has increased slightly from 0.28 to 0.31. This indicates how large the income inequality in a country is (the higher the coefficient, the greater the inequality).

The infrastructure in Germany is rated poor Since 2013 every year.

Besides the basic infrastructure also includes the technological development and scientific potential. But even here there are positive areas: For example, Germany is leading in the number of students in secondary schools

In general, the surveyed executives appreciate the Federal Republic for its eligible employees, the high educational level, the reliable infrastructure and the legal. conditions. negative was significant the little open and positive attitude, the competence of the Government and the little business-friendly environment. IMD director Arturo Bris says: “The greatest danger for Germany is complacency. If it stores the, it comes back into the top ten. “

The good rating in productivity owes Germany especially the middle class. When the number of small and medium enterprises, it is unique among sixty countries considered the top position. The number of trainees, as well as the motivation and productivity of workers suggest a positive impact. To be better here, would service professions are better paid and credibility of managers be improved. This affects currently negative effect on the ranking. Given the diesel scandal at Volkswagen, which made international headlines, and the ongoing problems in the executive office of Deutsche Bank, which is not surprising.

Other countries get massively

In Europe generally applies in particular the public sector as a driver of competitiveness. This is recovering slowly from the financial crisis, so IMD Director Bris. However, unlike Germany, some other European countries are in the fast lane. So the Netherlands could make seven places good, Ireland and Sweden nine still won to four places.

Not only the competition from Western Europe is becoming harder for Germany. Even states from Eastern Europe are pushing increasingly into the sixty strongest economic nations ranking. “The performance of the economies of Eastern Europe is very impressive and very satisfying,” said IMD director Bris. However, he also recalls: “Current economic growth is no guarantee of a growing competitiveness in the future.” Only taking into account other factors could the long-term success be guaranteed



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