Thursday, May 19, 2016

Despite the diesel crisis: breakthrough in the struggle for VW-house fare: 120 000 … – ABC Online

Friday, 05.20.2016, 02:20
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Employers and union at VW have achieved in nocturnal meetings a compromise for the new pay scale. Details of the agreement are to be announced later Friday. In addition to an increase of income is also about the partial retirement

In the end it was despite diesel crisis without delays. Representatives of trade unions and employers in VW have achieved a degree for the 120 000 people in the building plan. IG Metall and the company agreed in the early hours of Friday in Hannover in their third round of talks. The learned the German Press Agency morning from negotiating circles.

The VW-house wage is Germany’s largest companies fare. Details of the new agreement to be announced later Friday. They are eagerly awaited, especially since the group infected because of diesel scandal in its greatest crisis and must save adamantly.

Presumably 4.8 percent more money

Insiders expect from that a takeover of the recent successful pilot agreement of the metal and electrical industry is likely to be part of the solution in the VW-house fare. This compromise in the area of ​​tariff provides for a total of 21 months duration initially a one-time payment of 150 euros and then two steps more money before: 2.8 percent from July 2016 and a further 2 percent from April 2017

In the past. years had always assumed the settlements from the area of ​​his house collective Europe’s largest carmaker. Then some hinted even at the now finished in the night house-price negotiations. Content of the financial statements were in the morning but at first not to know.

Every fifth employee affected

IG Metall recently had at VW Amenities enforced such as extra subsidies for pension or lump sum payments, which the

solution package of the surface tariff went out. Whether they succeeded this time again in times of billion-dollar diesel crisis is uncertain. Moreover, it was at VW unlike the comprehensive tariff also a question of regulating the partial retirement again. They expire at the end of this year.

The VW-house tariff applies in its six western German VW plants Emden, Hannover, Wolfsburg, Salzgitter, Braunschweig and Kassel as well as in the finance subsidiary of Braunschweig. 120 000 people representing every fifth point in the group

Important PR success for both sides

A degree in line with the compromise in the area of ​​tariff would be a win-win. The union and the VW works could sell the agreement as a further sign that the employees do not have to pay with their own losses, the impact of the crisis. That would be a renewed success, because before Pentecost the agreement had succeeded that exempt employees receive a profit-sharing itself for the loss of 2015 in VW.

It flow 3950 euros, although the staff really were not entitled to bonuses because of the multi-billion dollar shortfall in the balance sheet. An agreement with the Board made yet possible exception. a third still had flowed more For the Record 2014: 5900 Euro

However, the employer could evaluate a degree of surface level than their advantage.. For the long period of almost two years bring VW planning security. The house wage personnel costs per capita would thus accurately calculable until 2018 in

The IG Metall had gone with two goals in the VW house bargaining. 5 percent more money in term of twelve months and an extension of the partial retirement agreement , Employers had remained in the second round in early May still without an offer

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