The man can keep secrets. “I want the Bude not on its head,” Werner Baumann told the journalists of the Cologne tabloid “Express” in April. The shack, which is the Bayer AG. The aspirin-producer is Germany’s largest drugmaker, nearly 117,000 people worldwide work for the Leverkusen-based company, since the takeover of Schering also several thousand in Berlin. In April Baumann was Chief Strategy Officer, since 1 May is the 53-year-old at the top of the Dax Group. And now draws on new strings: Baumann will lift the largest acquisition that has ever dared a German company. $ 62 billion, the equivalent of 55 billion euros, Bayer plans to spend for the US seed company Monsanto and together with the Americans the world’s largest manufacturer of agrochemicals, so for seeds and pesticides, ascend. “This is the next right step for the company,” Baumann said Monday.
” We are impressed for a long time by Monsanto, “reports the Bayer CEO. Obviously he has planned the coup has long been. Because his predecessor in the management team, Marijn Dekkers had, over plans for Monsanto even considered but rejected. No sooner has the Dutchman away, there Baumann, avid motorist and proud owner of the first Golf GTI model gas. Only the newly crowned CEO announced his basic interest in Monsanto, on Monday he called Details. $ 122 offer Leverkusen for Monsanto shares. That’s a premium of 37 percent compared with the closing price on May 9, the day before the Americans Bayer made the takeover bid. to be paid the deal using a capital and new debt.
The Bayer stock lubricates
The stock market reacted in horror. About five percent lost the shares of the former stock exchange favorite alone on Monday and slipped below the mark of 85 euros. Since March last year, were as Bayer stockholders still 146 euros for their share certificates, the investors have to write off 40 percent. Aktionaersschuetzer feared worse. “Should the takeover prove flop, which is the next annual press the profit trend,” said Jürgen Kurz, spokesman for the German association for security possession (DSW), the Tagesspiegel. Short not believe that Bayer would be existentially threatened in a failure. “Should be wrong the deal, but be shareholders for years to suffer,” he warns. After all, Bayer has now net debt of 16.5 billion euros, the Monsanto deal drives this still in the air. contrast, Monsanto shares were up.
Monsanto has the takeover battle started
Whether the Americans will accept the offer is still open. Monsanto sees himself more as a fighter, not as hunted. With its unsuccessful attempt to take over the Swiss company Syngenta, the Americans unleashed a 2015 takeover battle. Syngenta now goes to the Chinese state
Bayer is strong in pesticides, and especially in Asia and Europe on the go, Monsanto is the world leader in seed, suppliers of GM maize and -soja and strong in America. With the deal, Bayer will in the promising business of agrochemicals and plant protection world number one says Thomas Schiessle by the analysts at Equits. According to Professor Schalast of the Frankfurt School of Finance, the entire industry is in upheaval. Since one must play. “Ever is impressive what a German company dares. This was known previously only of Americans and Chinese. ” The situation is similar Trader Carsten Sommerfeldt Tradegate. “Strategically, the acquisition makes sense”, Markus Mann, fund manager says at Union Investment, “but not at any price.” The purchase price was at the limit and should not continue to increase.
Monsanto is hated
environmentalists Monsanto contrast to the decline. “Monsanto has its best times behind itself,” said Heike Moldenhauer, genetic engineering expert of the Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND). The acquisition was a “case of anticipatory Leichenfledderei”.
fact, the business of the Americans no longer run as smoothly as before. In the EU Member States argue about whether the herbicide glyphosate, which Monsanto sells under the brand name “Roundup”, may be used in Europe. Even otherwise there is plenty of criticism of Monsanto. With its strict licensing policy forces the company farmers, every year to buy new seeds from Monsanto and matching pesticides. Among environmentalists US Genetic Engineering Group is the most hated companies around the world. “In times when the name Monsanto is ruthless agribusiness and increasing use of chemicals in the field worldwide, one can only wonder that Bayer wants to face such at the center of debate a Ernährungswende”, the Green politician Renate Künast told the Tagesspiegel , “I wonder if Bayer – similar to the energy companies – recognize the signs of the times too late.”

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