Saturday, May 28, 2016

Shares, options and severance pay: Bayer Deal brings Monsanto chiefs million – NEWS



 Friday, May 27, 2016


 Insufficient !, BelTA learned from the management of the agricultural company Monsanto in response to the takeover bid from Bayer. Whether the Germans want to pay more is uncertain. But already the deal offered would make Monsanto bosses rich.



The management of the US agrochemical giant Monsanto waving a windfall in a takeover by Bayer. Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant could say goodbye with a compensation package of more than 123 million, the Group should adopt the Bayer offer over 62 billion dollars. This would grant his Monsanto shares sale and exercise his stock options. This results in a Reuters analysis of various stock exchange releases Monsanto.

According bring alone canvassed Bayers to the US group Grant $ 73.5 million in profits a. Mostly, this results from the massive increase in value of the stock options. In addition, the increased value of its Monsanto shares would help. In addition, Grant would get paid more quickly in the event of a takeover bonus


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If he loses – as in acquisitions by other companies usual – his job as CEO, he could expect a severance than 14.5 million dollars. Responsible for the daily operations of Monsanto Executive Board Bregemann has a total package of 36.5 million dollars in prospect. Three other top managers could get a total of 56 million dollars.

Whether it comes to a conclusion of mega deals, however, is uncertain. Monsanto has Bayers offer rejected “financially inadequate” as, however, been open for further negotiations.



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