shoplifting makes each year for a billion loss in trade. With the use of detectives, the problem should be tackled. A Berlin department store spy gives an insight into the criminal business.
With baseball cap, hooded sweatshirt, black jeans and sports shoes Oliver Müller (name changed) goes on patrol. His plan: Avoid average look and not be noticed. His territory: A large department store somewhere in West Berlin. Müller’s store detective. For hours he wanders through the multi-storey buildings, chasing thieving customers. He has a scheme not: “At any age is stolen – whether children or pensioners.”
The trading escape by shoplifters annually more than 2.1 billion euros
shoplifting created the German trade a loss of more than 2.1 billion euros per year – with a turnover of 472 billion euros last well. “This is a total, quite hurts the” complains Stefan Hertel from trade association Germany (HDE). Particularly because only a very small proportion of the actions will be revealed.
Nationwide, the number of reported shoplifting has been declining for ten years. The Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) in Wiesbaden registered ten years ago, more than 500,000 cases per year, according to latest figures (2014) there were just under 346,000.
More than 98 percent of the thefts go undetected
experts from the trade research Institute in Cologne EHI expect that more than 98 percent of shoplifting remain undetected. Nationwide there come every year to about 26 million offenses, estimates EHI expert Frank Horst. “Small and relatively expensive goods are most often stolen. Perfume, razor blades, cosmetics or electronics products are highly susceptible to theft, “says Horst.
also knows Detective Muller. In the game of the mid-forties is therefore preferably in the cosmetics department. Especially apart there have offenders in bottles, lipsticks or creams of luxury brands. “The one can easily hide,” says Müller and shows the way: In his hand he holds his smartphone and engages a perfume from the shelves. The small bottle he keeps behind the cell phone in your fingers and can both disappear into his pocket
In the video:. Lidl detective chasing four thieves through the forest and is attacked
foil facilitates the thieves their craft
While the perfume is provided with a security tag that would trigger the alarm at the output. “But who reacts even if it beeps?” Asks the detective. Moreover shoplifters would simply tear the packaging to the electronic article surveillance. “Often the perpetrator did you also a side cutter, for example, on clothes backing to remove,” explains the expert.
In fashion are lined with aluminum foil handbags, in which goods may be smuggled to safety out of business -. Prevents the material that the alarm is triggered
In his Streif transition Müller a woman identified. “She wears an old bag of a drugstore chain that around here has no branch.” Suspicious. And: “I always look only to the eye,” explains the expert. “Look it up and can roam again their eyes through the store, we have relatively safe one result.”
Organised gangs evacuate whole shelves empty
For large department stores are detectives an important instrument to curb shoplifting. Nationwide there are likely to be but just three percent of all transactions to estimate the EHI experts Horst employing detectives. “The costs are
The average value of stolen goods in single and opportunity offenders is by EHI calculations at about 80 euros. Significantly higher the number, strike when gangs organized – a growing problem for retailers. Goods in value of 1500 up to EUR 2,000 whereas the average per Diebeszug. “For five or six years, we observe an increase of ribbon moderate shoplifting,” said HDE spokesman Hertel. “One directs the Seller, two storm in the business, clearing shelves empty and run out again.” So an action can often take only a few moments.
HDE calls more consistent punishment for shoplifters
A development that also prepares the police worried. “These are not shoplifting committed out of whim. Behind this is organized stealing in order to make money, “says Oliver Malchow, the federal chairman of the police union (GdP). For about a quarter of the estimated damages of 2.1 billion euros by shoplifting gangs are responsible.
Also therefore calls for years of HDE more consistent punishment of shoplifters. For this purpose it was necessary, the so-called low-value limit, which is not defined in the Criminal Code in detail, set to 25 euros in the law, says spokesman Hertel. Only in this way would ensure that judges do not start from a petty offense even with larger thefts. Often dealers were shoplifting on no longer, because the proceeding terminated. Here repeat offenders and gangs could only be combated if dealer show definitely says GdP chief Malchow.
“Potential thieves I cringe since by observing”
Oliver Müller, the detective the Berlin department store, the suspicious woman has now left out of sight. “The stealing anything,” he says, “because I’m sure.” For about 20 years he has been a store detective go, he probably gets about 6,000 thieves. “Every day about a” Müller says with pride. he had caught in the act, even celebrities. Today he makes Feierabend to have passed without a thief.
into: Successful day was still: “Potential thieves I cringe since by observing.”
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