A model of Hualong-one reactor which is to be an export hit.
China builds the official news agency Xinhua, according to the first nuclear power plant in the Sudan. A framework agreement for this was signed on Monday, Xinhua reported. Which type of reactor is to be used in the African country, was not disclosed.
China is exploring its own development Hualong 1 for sale to other countries. About the volume of the contract initially was not known. However, it should be the first step towards further cooperation between the two countries. China has already signed with many countries contracts to build nuclear power plants, including Romania, Saudi Arabia, Argentina and Kenya.
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experts believe the aggressive expansion for concern. “It is dangerous to build too many reactors in a short time,” said Antony Froggatt from London-based think tank Chatham House the “world”. This increases the risk of oversights. And Jost Wübbeke the Mercator Institute for China Studies (Merics) in Berlin said: “If the default setting, as much as possible, as quickly as possible, then there is every chance that careless mistakes are made.”
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