money from the state from the cradle to the grave? On the one hand it sounds unconditional basic income as a curious and rather unrealistic idea. On the other hand, seem more and more people are busy with it – and not only that, they are even of the opinion that this could be a sensible thing
In Switzerland, there is a separate popular initiative, agree on 5 June. the Confederates on whether they want to introduce a basic income or not. The survey indicate quite clearly indicate that a large majority against will pronounce – approval ratings of up to 30 percent, however, apply even as possible. Would the citizens interviewed other, much larger European countries, a referendum could possibly even bring a very different result -. A vast consent for basic income
This suggests a representative survey by the polling institute Dalia Research, about the “mirror online “reports. The pollsters interviewed citizens in all 28 EU member countries and determined. 64 percent of respondents would definitely or probably vote for an unconditional basic income, 24 per cent would be certain or likely against and twelve percent would not choose to go
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Interestingly and surprisingly the possibility that more than half of respondents in all major EU countries a basic income would be. In France, the agreement is according to the survey 58 per cent, in the UK, Germany, Poland and Italy more than 60 percent, in Spain even more than 70 percent.
In Switzerland, the basic income initiative includes a constitutional amendment, a law should be laid down, in particular “the financing and the amount of basic income”. At least CHF 2,500 (2268 euros) per adult and 625 francs (567 euros) per child, it would have to already be said Daniel Häni, spokesman for the Basic Income Initiative. In turn, to other state social services are abolished, so the pension, social assistance and unemployment benefits.
New the idea of a livelihood for everyone by Uncle Sam is not. And it is also not the sole domain of the left. Even the “father of liberalism”, the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704), said that all people have a legal right to complete freedom and equality. Thomas Paine (1737-1809), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, argued that
American citizens receive annual compensation for the land that was initially natural and was common to all.
In Germany the billionaire Götz Werner touts as one of the most prominent proponents
since the year 2005 for an unconditional basic income. “The economy has the mission to rid of the working people”, the founder of the drugstore chain dm.
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