Friday, May 20, 2016

Pretended safety tests: NPP Philippsburg allowed back on the grid – NEWS



 Friday, May 20, 2016


 For previously unknown cause three employees fooled safety tests in Philippsburg Nuclear Power Plant before only. In response exacerbated operators EnBW its security rules – and must now go up again the NPP.



The nuclear power plant Philippsburg must be reconnected to the network. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment announced that it had reviewed the handling of the operator EnBW with the fake security tests. The investigation was satisfactory running, a restart of the nuclear power plant stands nothing in the way. Currently, Block 2 of the Philippsburg nuclear power plant, however, is not the power, because it is in the regular revision.

prerequisite for restarting was, according to the Ministry of Environment an edition of Nuclear Regulatory Authority. She had of EnBW a mechanism requires, after skipping safety tests “is practically impossible or is noticed very quickly”. Baden-Württemberg’s Environmental and Energy Minister Franz Saucer said he was pleased that EnBW have the arrangement implemented as quickly.

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The significant

change in the security provisions is therefore, that in the future, at least two Competent undertake verifications and confirmed on a log. In addition, the protocols supporting evidence for the audit carried out must be included.

EnBW had initially notified in April that an employee of an external service had the inspection of measuring devices of radiation protection faked. Later two other employees could participation be detected. They were responsible for the verification of radiological measuring devices.

Why employees have the security tests faked, it is still unclear to date. According to statements by EnBW CEO Jörg Michels have canceled an interview with the company. A working group is to investigate the background.



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