Sunday, May 29, 2016

IMF report: Greeks owe the state almost 87 billion euros in taxes – ABC Online

Sunday, 05.29.2016, 13:05
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The charges are increased, but the coffers remain empty. Greek citizens owe to the state according to a report around 87 billion euros in taxes

This reported the Athens newspaper “Kathimerini”, citing calculations by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to the Greek debt crisis.

the amount of tax liability is a European record. From 100 euros tax walkout the Greeks paid accordingly only 45 euros – a value which further declining steadily since the beginning of the crisis in 2010, although many taxes were increased

vicious circle of tax debt


87 billion euros correspond to about half of the current Greek economic output. The IMF wants to substantiate the numbers its position that Greece could not come back on its feet without a haircut, wrote “Kathimerini”.

The vicious circle of tax liability is thus far not only

in tax reasons. To be Greek tax authorities in recovering remains inefficient. Many people would have no more money to pay their tax liabilities

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