Berlin – For a stabilization of the dramatic fall in milk prices the farmers’ association dairies and trade provides greater obligation
“We have to come up with two partners to new forms of cooperation,” said Secretary General Bernhard Krüsken the German press agency before the “milk summit” at the Federal Ministry of agriculture in Berlin. “We need to dairies more responsibility for Volume control.”
You would give producers better feedback, which amounts are at what price to market. From the food trade of the farmers’ association expects a clear signal: “. The sell off of milk must stop”
In the crisis meeting Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) wants with representatives of farmers, dairies and commercial advice. he has promised already millions help to bridge financial bottlenecks with the businesses. “Our common goal must be to save the German peasants”, Schmidt reiterated in the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Monday). From trading there are positive signals that need to be now translated into concrete commitments. Basically applies: “We need less milk for better prices.” This is the task of operators, but the state support this with conditions that permit such agreements to the production volume
the milk prices for farmers are finally fallen partly below 20 cents per liter. For covering the costs at least 35 cents deemed necessary. Cause of for months ongoing price decline are large quantities of milk in the markets.
Lower Saxony Agriculture Minister Christian Meyer criticized that provided subsidies only prolonged the crisis. “Our dairy farmers do not need alms or liquidity assistance as planned – certainly not too thinly”, the Green Party of the German press agency said. “Much more useful are effective market mechanisms using a flexible supply control.” It is incomprehensible that the agriculture ministers of the countries were not invited to the summit.
The Federation of dairy farmers accused the Federal government for late action and plans on Monday (10.00) a protest at the Brandenburg gate. Necessary are ways to reduce the amount of milk on their own responsibility. This should be supported by state bonuses.
participants of the “milk summit” are, according to government circles next to the Farmers’ Union of Raiffeisen Association, the Dairy Industry Association, the largest German dairy “Deutsches Milchkontor”, the trade association of Germany, the Federal Association of the food retail trade, the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank and the Association of Bavarian Private Dairies.
dairy industry backgrounds of milk prices
Official milk price statistics
farmers’ Association to price cuts for milk
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