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On the Internet, many commentators put off her good manners. But social networks are no lawless areas. The Stiftung Warentest has compiled how expensive baiting can be in the network.
The most expensive cost its author a comment 5,000 euros. The reported Stiftung Warentest. In the commentary, the author gave the Jews in World War II, a complicity in the Holocaust. Similarly, expensive is a commentary on the gas chambers with 4,800 Euro. Stresses Stiftung Warentest: “The victims of Internet hatred are not the helpless and need not take any complicated way more on themselves.”
In most provinces, sufferers can now simply reimburse ads online to the police. Also another message have the tester: “.. Do not be discouraged by hate comments and deter you to take part in debates an enlightened and progressive society needs rational and objective discussion”

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