Saturday, May 28, 2016

Dumping prices for milk: Union rejects milk control from – NEWS



 Saturday, May 28, 2016


 As can be helped to distressed dairy farmers? Ahead of the summit, the parties milk run ever warm. The trade sees the government and taxpayers in the duty. But the Union plays the ball back.



The Union faction rejects this week brought the discounter Lidl special tax on milk from because of the dramatic price decay. “This is mainly the trade steals from his responsibility. Because his ruinous price war with food is part of the problem”, Group Vice Gitta Connemann told Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

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Also, cooperatives and trade should assume their responsibilities, urged the CDU politician of “milk summit” on Monday when Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU). The Black-group to which inter alia the discounter Lidl belongs, had brought a special tax into play. “If the state wants to regulate something, then the state should regulate it. Through a special tax, all equally true,” company CEO Klaus Gehrig told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”.

Connemann made it clear that the policy distressed farmers will help. In the first place, but must act the operator: “overproduction can return only even the industry.” They

warned of a “glorification of the milk quota”, which had been abolished in the past year in the EU. “. State amount regulation is doomed to fail”

is also important the consumer’s behavior: “The decision on how many German dairy farmers are producing according to this existential crisis still meets at the end of it.” An orientation only at junk prices have a price. The leader of the Greens in the Bundestag, Anton Hofreiter, requires fundamental changes in agricultural policy in order to defuse the crisis dairy farmers. Emergency aid for the affected farmers are essential, he stressed, together with the open agricultural expert Friedrich Ostendorff in a letter to Schmidt, from the cited the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. “You must get out of the ruinous expansion spiral. No one is happy about Milk bargain if therefore make the yards close.”



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